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Publicações por Paulo José Costa


Proposal of a new servo-motor optimized for educational robotic applications

Silva, J; Costa, P; Gonçalves, J;

Human-Centric Robotics- Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2017

This paper describes the development of SMORA (Servo Motor Optimised for Robotic Applications), which consists of custom hardware and firmware that includes a microcontroller and a series of sensors, allowing for the motor current, temperature and voltage to be measured in real-time as well as precise position feedback thanks to the integrated hall-effect magnetic position encoder. It also incorporates an accelerometer and a gyroscope to measure the servo body relative position and rotation. © 2018 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.


Fully-Automated Strength, Agility and Endurance Tests Assessment: An Integrated Low Cost Approach Based on an Instrumented Chair

Goncalves, J; Batista, J; Costa, P;


In this paper it is described the prototyping of an instrumented chair that allows to fully-automate the "Timed Up and Go", the "30-Second Chair Stand" and the "Hand-Force "tests assessment. The presented functional chair prototype is a low cost approach that uses inexpensive sensors and the Arduino platform as the data acquisition board, with its software developed in LabVIEW. The "Timed up and go test" consists in measuring the time spent in the task execution of standing up from a chair, walk three meters with a maximum speed without running, turn a cone and going back to the initial position. The "30-Second Chair Stand" test consists in counting the number of completed chair stands in 30 seconds. It are agility, strength and endurance tests easy to setup and execute although they lack of repeatability, whenever the measures are taken manually, due to the rough errors that are introduced. The "Hand-Force" test consists in measuring the hand strength, the relevant data are the peak and average values of several tests. The referred data is important in order to evaluate hand rehabilitation treatment results.


Development of a Dynamic Path for a Toxic Substances Mapping Mobile Robot in Industry Environment

Piardi, L; Lima, J; Costa, P; Brito, T;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Some industries have critical areas (dangerous or hazardous) where the presence of a human must be reduced or avoided. In some cases, there are areas where humans should be replaced by robots. The present work uses a robot with differential drive to scan an environment with known and unknown obstacles, defined in 3D simulation. It is important that the robot be able to make the right decisions about its way without the need of an operator. A solution to this challenge will be presented in this paper. The control application and its communication module with a simulator or a real robot are proposed. The robot can perform the scan, passing through all the waypoints arranged in a grid. The results are presented, showcasing the robot’s capacity to perform a viable trajectory without human intervention. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018.


Ultra-wideband time of flight based localization system and odometry fusion for a scanning 3 DoF magnetic field autonomous robot

Lima, J; Costa, P;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Solving the robot localization problem is one of the most necessary requirements for autonomous robots. Several methodologies can be used to determine its location as accurately as possible. What makes this difficult is the existence of uncertainty in the sensing of the robot. The uncertain information needs to be combined in an optimal way. This paper stresses a Kalman filter to combine information from the odometry and Ultra Wide Band Time of Flight distance modules, which lacks the orientation. The proposed system validated in a real developed platform performs the fusion task which outputs position and orientation of the robot. It is used to localize the robot and make a 3 DoF scanning of magnetic field in a room. Other examples can be pointed out with the same localization techniques in service and industrial autonomous robots. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018.


Stereo-based real-time 6-DoF work tool tracking for robot programing by demonstration

Ferreira, M; Costa, P; Rocha, L; Paulo Moreira, AP;


This contribution presents a new system for fast and intuitive industrial robot reprogramming. It is based on a luminous marker built with high-intensity LEDs, which are captured by a set of industrial cameras. Using stereoscopy, the marker supplies 6-DoF human wrist tracking with both position and orientation data. This marker can be efficiently attached to any working tool which then provides a way to capture human skills without further intrusion in the tasks. The acquisition technique makes the tracking very robust against lighting conditions so no environment preparation is needed. The robot is automatically programmed from the demonstrated task which delivers complete abstraction of programming concepts. The system is able to perform in real time, and is low-cost starting with a single pair of industrial cameras though more can be used for improved effectiveness and accuracy. The real-time feature means that the robot is ready to perform as soon as the demonstration is over which carries no overhead of reprogramming times. Also, there is no interference with the task itself since the marker is attached to the work tool and the tracking is contactless; the human operator can then perform naturally. The test bed is a real industrial environment: a spray painting application. A prototype has been developed and installed, and is currently in operation. The tests show that the proposed system enables transferring to the machine the human ability of manipulating a spray gun.


Object Tracking in a Moving Reference Frame

Relvas, P; Costa, PJ; Moreira, AP;

ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference - Volume 1, Seville, Spain, November 22-24, 2017

Object tracking in a moving frame is becoming a common requirement in a lot of mobile robotic applications, such as search and rescue, monitoring and surveillance, and even in some scientific applications, such as robotic soccer. In all these applications, the robots must be capable of estimating the target position and, sometimes, velocity on their own. Depending on the application and on the current scene situation, the estimates must be more or less accurate, depending on the robot intention to interact with the target, whether to catch it, follow it, etc. The problem is that a robot moves along the working area, having some uncertainty in its pose estimation. This paper proposes an approach based on a Kalman Filter to estimate the object position and velocity, regardless the robot pose. As a testbed, a Middle-Size League soccer robot tracking a moving ball example will be used. This approach allows the agent to follow and interact with a moving object, even if its localization is not available. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018.

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