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Federated Online Learning for Heavy Hitter Detection

Silva, PR; Vinagre, J; Gama, J;

ECAI 2024 - 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 19-24 October 2024, Santiago de Compostela, Spain - Including 13th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2024)

Effective anomaly detection in telecommunication networks is essential for securing digital transactions and supporting the sustainability of our global information ecosystem. However, the volume of data in such high-speed distributed environments imposes strict latency and scalability requirements on anomaly detection systems. This study focuses on distributed heavy hitter detection in telephone networks – a critical component of network traffic analysis and fraud detection. We propose a federated version of the Lossy Counting algorithm and compare it to its centralized version. Our experimental results reveal that the federated approach can detect considerably more unique heavy hitters than the centralized method while enhancing privacy. Furthermore, Federated Lossy Counting does not need a large amount of centralized processing power since it can leverage the networked infrastructure with minimal impact on bandwidth and computing power.


Tutorial–Authoring a Personal GPT for Your Research and Practice: How We Created the QUAL-E Immersive Learning Thematic Analysis Helper

Morgado, L; Beck, D;

Practitioner Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN2024)

Thematic analysis in qualitative research is a time-consuming and systematic task, typically done using teams. Team members must ground their activities on common understandings of the major concepts underlying the thematic analysis, and define criteria for its development. However, conceptual misunderstandings, equivocations, and lack of adherence to criteria are challenges to the quality and speed of this process. Given the distributed and uncertain nature of this process, we wondered if the tasks in thematic analysis could be supported by readily available artificial intelligence chatbots. Our early efforts point to potential benefits: not just saving time in the coding process but better adherence to criteria and grounding, by increasing triangulation between humans and artificial intelligence. This tutorial will provide a description and demonstration of the process we followed, as two academic researchers, to develop a custom ChatGPT to assist with qualitative coding in the thematic data analysis process of immersive learning accounts in a survey of the academic literature: QUAL-E Immersive Learning Thematic Analysis Helper. In the hands-on time, participants will try out QUAL-E and develop their ideas for their own qualitative coding ChatGPT. Participants that have the paid ChatGPT Plus subscription can create a draft of their assistants. The organizers will provide course materials and slide deck that participants will be able to utilize to continue development of their custom GPT. The paid subscription to ChatGPT Plus is not required to participate in this workshop, just for trying out personal GPTs during it.


Bare PAKE: Universally Composable Key Exchange from Just Passwords

Barbosa, M; Gellert, K; Hesse, J; Jarecki, S;


In the past three decades, an impressive body of knowledge has been built around secure and private password authentication. In particular, secure password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols require only minimal overhead over a classical Diffie-Hellman key exchange. PAKEs are also known to fulfill strong composable security guarantees that capture many password-specific concerns such as password correlations or password mistyping, to name only a few. However, to enjoy both round-optimality and strong security, applications of PAKE protocols must provide unique session and participant identifiers. If such identifiers are not readily available, they must be agreed upon at the cost of additional communication flows, a fact which has been met with incomprehension among practitioners, and which hindered the adoption of provably secure password authentication in practice. In this work, we resolve this issue by proposing a new paradigm for truly password-only yet securely composable PAKE, called bare PAKE. We formally prove that two prominent PAKE protocols, namely CPace and EKE, can be cast as bare PAKEs and hence do not require pre-agreement of anything else than a password. Our bare PAKE modeling further allows to investigate a novel reusability property of PAKEs, i.e., whether n(2) pairwise keys can be exchanged from only n messages, just as the Diffie-Hellman non-interactive key exchange can do in a public-key setting. As a side contribution, this add-on property of bare PAKEs leads us to observe that some previous PAKE constructions relied on unnecessarily strong, reusable building blocks. By showing that non-reusable tools suffice for standard PAKE, we open a new path towards round-optimal post-quantum secure password-authenticated key exchange.


Use of a Paclitaxel Drug-Eluting Stent for the Treatment of Hemodialysis Access Outflow Stenosis

Pinelo, A; Almeida, P; Loureiro, L; Rego, D; Teixeira, S; Mendes, D; Teles, P; Sousa, C; de Matos, N;


Purpose: To evaluate the outcomes and durability of drug -eluting stents (DESs) for the treatment of hemodialysis access outflow stenosis. Material and Methods: A single -center retrospective analysis was conducted of all patients with hemodialysis vascular access outflow stenosis treated with a paclitaxel-coated DES (Eluvia; Boston Scientific, Marlborough, Massachusetts) between January 2020 and July 2022. A total of 34 DESs were implanted to treat outflow stenosis in 32 patients. Primary target lesion patency after stent deployment was the main outcome. Comparison between the time interval free from target lesion reintervention (TLR) after previous plain balloon angioplasty (PBA) and that after stent deployment for the same target lesion was considered a secondary outcome. Results: The primary patency at 6, 12, and 18 months was 63.1%, 47.6%, and 41.7%, respectively. The secondary patency rate was 100% at 18 months. The median time interval free from TLR increased from 4.1 to 11.9 months (P < .001). No adverse events were observed during the median follow-up period of 387 days. Conclusions: The patency rates after use of DES for hemodialysis access outflow stenosis were comparable with results for drug -coated balloons and stent grafts, addressing recoil and minimizing the risk of jailing by a covered stent.


Grid-Forming Photovoltaic Generators Operating During Power System Transients

Roldán-Pérez, J; Prodanovic, M; Rodrigues, J; Moreira, C;


Grid-forming (GF) converters based on renewable energy sources are a fundamental piece of future power systems. In particular, the design specifications of GF converters in photovoltaic (PV) applications are difficult to meet because PV inverters lack energy storage. The operation of GF-PV inverters under normal conditions has already been addressed in the existing literature. However, the operation in case of large disturbances, such as faults, has rarely been explored. In this paper, a GF controller for a two-stage PV inverter that is robust against faults is presented. This control system includes several improvements compared to the traditional GF controller. Power feedforwards and saturations are applied to improve the transient performance. Also, a method to keep the virtual swing equation synchronised when the current saturates is presented. Remarkably, there is no need to change the controller structure during faults. Simulations of a PV inverter connected to a simple power system based on a diesel generator and loads are conducted. The results show that the proposed countermeasures improve the performance of GF-PV inverters in case of faults. In addition, it is shown that keeping the phase of the virtual swing equation and the grid voltage space vector synchronised is important to avoid the collapse of the dc-link voltage. Suggestions for further research are presented in the last part of the work.


Work-in-progress—Introduction to Virtual Reality Headset: Experiments with Secondary and Higher Education students

Almeida, D; Castelhano, M; Morgado, L; Pedrosa, D;

Academic Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN2024)

This work-in-progress aims to analyze perspectives of secondary and higher education students regarding the feasibility of integrating immersive Virtual Reality (VR) into the classroom. The harvesting of students' opinions was conducted through oral and written questionnaires after a Virtual Reality Environment activity held during two sessions of an event and other in an undergraduate class. The answers enable the understanding of challenges they faced during the activity, identifying elements that contributed to participants' immersion, assessment of perceived realism, and individuals' opinions on the integration of VR in the classroom. Conclusions regarding the applicability of VR from the perspective of secondary and higher education students can be drawn.

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