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Program Synthesis using Inductive Logic Programming for the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus

Rocha, FM; Dutra, I; Costa, VS;




C'est très CHIC: A compact password-authenticated key exchange from lattice-based KEM

Arriaga, A; Barbosa, M; Jarecki, S; Skrobot, M;

IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.

Driven by the NIST’s post-quantum standardization efforts and the selection of Kyber as a lattice-based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM), several Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocols have been recently proposed that leverage a KEM to create an efficient, easy-to-implement and secure PAKE. In two recent works, Beguinet et al. (ACNS 2023) and Pan and Zeng (ASIACRYPT 2023) proposed generic compilers that transform KEM into PAKE, relying on an Ideal Cipher (IC) defined over a group. However, although IC on a group is often used in cryptographic protocols, special care must be taken to instantiate such objects in practice, especially when a low-entropy key is used. To address this concern, Dos Santos et al. (EUROCRYPT 2023) proposed a relaxation of the IC model under the Universal Composability (UC) framework called Half-Ideal Cipher (HIC). They demonstrate how to construct a UC-secure PAKE protocol, EKE-KEM, from a KEM and a modified 2-round Feistel construction called m2F. Remarkably, the m2F sidesteps the use of an IC over a group, and instead employs an IC defined over a fixed-length bitstring domain, which is easier to instantiate. In this paper, we introduce a novel PAKE protocol called CHIC that improves the communication and computation efficiency of EKE-KEM, by avoiding the HIC abstraction. Instead, we split the KEM public key in two parts and use the m2F directly, without further randomization. We provide a detailed proof of the security of CHIC and establish precise security requirements for the underlying KEM, including one-wayness and anonymity of ciphertexts, and uniformity of public keys. Our findings extend to general KEM-based EKE-style protocols and show that a passively secure KEM is not sufficient. In this respect, our results align with those of Pan and Zeng (ASIACRYPT 2023), but contradict the analyses of KEM-to-PAKE compilers by Beguinet et al. (ACNS 2023) and Dos Santos et al. (EUROCRYPT 2023). Finally, we provide an implementation of CHIC, highlighting its minimal overhead compared to the underlying KEM – Kyber. An interesting aspect of the implementation is that we reuse the rejection sampling procedure in Kyber reference code to address the challenge of hashing onto the public key space. As of now, to the best of our knowledge, CHIC stands as the most efficient PAKE protocol from black-box KEM that offers rigorously proven UC security. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2025.


Exploring the dynamics of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in paraxial fluids of light

Ferreira, TD; Garwola, J; Silva, NA;


Paraxial fluids of light have recently emerged as promising analog physical simulators of quantum fluids using laser propagation inside nonlinear optical media. In particular, recent works have explored the versatility of such systems for the observation of two-dimensional quantum-like turbulence regimes, dominated by quantized vortex formation and interaction that results in distinctive kinetic energy power laws and inverse energy cascades. In this manuscript, we explore a regime analog to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability to examine in further detail the qualitative dynamics involved in the transition from smooth laminar flow to turbulence at the interface of two fluids with distinct velocities. Both numerical and experimental results reveal the formation of a vortex sheet as expected, with a quantized number of vortices determined by initial conditions. Using an effective length transformation scale we get a deeper insight into the vortex formation phase, observing the appearance of characteristic power laws in the incompressible kinetic energy spectrum that are related to the single vortex structures. The results enclosed demonstrate the versatility of paraxial fluids of light and may set the stage for the future observation of distinct classes of phenomena recently predicted to occur in these systems, such as radiant instability and superradiance.


Efficient Runtime Firmware Update Mechanism for LoRaWAN Class A Devices

Neves, BP; Valente, A; Santos, VDN;


This paper presents an efficient and secure method for updating firmware in IoT devices using LoRaWAN network resources and communication protocols. The proposed method involves dividing the firmware into fragments, storing them in the application server's database, and transmitting them to remote IoT devices via downlink messages, without necessitating any changes to the device's class. This approach can be replicated across any IoT LoRaWAN device, offering a robust and scalable solution for large-scale firmware updates while ensuring data security and integrity. The proposed method significantly reduces the downtime of IoT devices and enhances the energy efficiency of the update process. The method was validated by updating a block in the program memory, associated to a specific functionality of the IoT end device. The associated Intel Hex file was segmented into 17 LoRaWAN downlink frames with an average size of 46 bytes. Upon receiving the complete firmware update, the microcontroller employs self-programming techniques that restrict the update process to specific rows of the program memory, avoiding interruptions or reboots. The update process was successfully completed in 51.33 ms, resulting in a downtime of 16.88 ms. This method demonstrates improved energy efficiency compared to existing solutions while preserving the communication network's capacity, making it an adequate solution for remote devices in LoRaWAN networks.


Regular Typed Unification

Barbosa, J; Florido, M; Costa, VS;




Assessment of Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating among Higher Education Students: A Systematic Review

Rezende, F; Oliveira, BMPM; Poínhos, R;


Background: The role of mindful eating (ME) and intuitive eating (IE) in improving eating behavior, diet quality, and health is an area of increasing interest. Objective: The objective of this review was to identify the instruments used to assess ME and IE among higher education students and outcomes related to these dimensions. Methods: This review was carried out according to the PRISMA statement, through systematic searches in PubMed, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and Scopus. The inclusion criteria selected for higher education students, levels of ME and/or IE reported, and observational and clinical studies. The exclusion criteria selected against reviews, qualitative studies, and case studies. Quality was assessed using the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Quality Criteria Checklist. Results: A total of 516 initial records were identified, from which 75 were included. Cross-sectional studies were the most common research design (86.7%). Most studies were conducted with samples that were predominantly female (90.7%), White (76.0%), aged 18 to 22 years (88.4%), with BMI < 25 kg/m(2) (83.0%), and in the United States (61.3%). The Intuitive Eating Scale (IES), the Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ), and their different versions were the most used instruments. The outcomes most studies included were eating behavior and disorders (77.3%), anthropometric assessments (47.8%), mental health (42.0%), and body image (40.6%). Regarding the quality of studies, 34.7% of studies were assigned a positive, 1.3% a negative, and 64.0% a neutral rate. Conclusions: IES and MEQ were the most used instruments. RCT and cohort studies are scarce, and future research with a higher level of quality is needed, especially on the topics of food consumption, diet quality, and biochemical markers.

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