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Autonomous Control and Positioning of a Mobile Radio Access Node Employing the O-RAN Architecture

Queirós, G; Correia, P; Coelho, A; Ricardo, M;


Over the years, mobile networks were deployed using monolithic hardware based on proprietary solutions. Recently, the concept of open Radio Access Networks (RANs), including the standards and specifications from O-RAN Alliance, has emerged. It aims at enabling open, interoperable networks based on independent virtualized components connected through open interfaces. This paves the way to collect metrics and to control the RAN components by means of software applications such as the O-RAN-specified xApps. We propose a private standalone network leveraged by a mobile RAN employing the O-RAN architecture. The mobile RAN consists of a radio node (gNB) carried by a Mobile Robotic Platform autonomously positioned to provide on-demand wireless connectivity. The proposed solution employs a novel Mobility Management xApp to collect and process metrics from the RAN, while using an original algorithm to define the placement of the mobile RAN. This allows for the improvement of the connectivity offered to the User Equipments.


High-visibility Fabry-P<acute accent>erot interferometer fabricated in ULE® glass through fs-laser machining

Maia, JM; Marques, PVS;


Low-finesse Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI) with a plano-convex geometry are fabricated in ULE (R) glass through ultrafast laser machining. With this geometry, it is possible to overcome beam divergence effects that contribute to the poor fringe visibility usually observed in 100-mu m or longer planar-planar FPIs. By replacing the planar surface with a spherical one, the diverging beam propagating through the cavity is re-focused back at the entrance of the lead-in fiber upon reflection at this curved interface, thereby balancing out the intensities of both interfering beams and enhancing the visibility. The design of a 3D shaped cavity with a spherical sidewall is only made possible through fs-laser direct writing followed by chemical etching. In this technique, the 3D volume is reduced to writing of uniformly vertically spaced 2D layers with unique geometry, which are then selectively removed during chemical etching with HF acid. The radius of curvature that maximizes fringe visibility is computed using a numerical tool that is experimentally validated. By choosing the optimal radius of curvature, uniform visibilities in the range of 0.98-1.00 are measured for interferometers produced with cavity lengths spanning from 100 to 1000 mu m.


An analysis of Open Data Scoring System towards Data Science for Sustainability in Industry 4.0

Castro, H; Costa, F; Ferreira, T; Avila, P; Cruz Cunha, M; Ferreira, L; Putnik, D; Bastos, J;

Procedia Computer Science

In a society based on data-driven, data inclusion and data access play a significant role in societal development. A called democratization of data through open access, Open Data, must be nurtured by countries to empower their citizens, entrepreneurs, companies, industries, academics, and organizations, in general. Open Data Scoring System is an evaluation system that ranks countries in 22 categories of openness in data, divided into the 3 pillars of sustainability. In this paper, we will present the importance of Industry 4.0 and its relation to sustainability and the role of Data Science in Industry 4.0 assuming an Open Design approach. Then, an analysis is made considering the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the most relevant countries worldwide, the USA and China, concerning the six (6) higher ranked categories of openness data of these countries, supported by the Open Data Scoring System from 2015 to 2020. Our findings reveal that in the USA and China the main categories are seven (7), five (5), and 2 (two) categories of economic, social, and environmental sustainability, respectively. Through a correlations and co-occurrences analysis of the open data scoring worldwide reveals that the most significant categories are four (4) economic, one (1) social, and two (2) environmental. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.


Companion Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS Companion 2024, Cagliari, Italy, June 24-28, 2024

Nebeling, M; Spano, LD; Campos, JC;

EICS (Companion)



Consumers’ Attitude Towards Energy-Related Digital Solutions in Europe

Abreu P.; Neves S.C.; Rodrigues J.C.;

Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics

Digital transformation has been taking place for several decades in different sectors of activity and is contributing significantly to mitigating the environmental impacts of those sectors. Various digital solutions are related to energy consumption and production, which is crucial to ensure continuous decarbonisation. Most of them are targeted to be used by general consumers. Therefore, it is essential to consider consumers' attitudes towards those solutions and their adoption behaviour to ensure a broad diffusion of them. This study uses the Technology Acceptance Model to understand the adoption of energy-related digital solutions in Europe. We conclude that the perceived usefulness of the solutions is more relevant in attitude formation than the perceived ease of use. Moreover, attitude highly influences adoption behaviour, as reported in the literature. Finally, these relations seem to be highly influenced by the belief that, by adopting digital solutions, consumers contribute to a better balance between energy supply and demand.


Using Source-to-Source to Target RISC-V Custom Extensions: UVE Case-Study

Henriques, M; Bispo, J; Paulino, N;


Hardware specialization is seen as a promising venue for improving computing efficiency, with reconfigurable devices as excellent deployment platforms for application-specific architectures. One approach to hardware specialization is via the popular RISC-V, where Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) extensions for domains such as Edge Artifical Intelligence (AI) are already appearing. However, to use the custom instructions while maintaining a high (e.g., C/C++) abstraction level, the assembler and compiler must be modified. Alternatively, inline assembly can be manually introduced by a software developer with expert knowledge of the hardware modifications in the RISC-V core. In this paper, we consider a RISC-V core with a vectorization and streaming engine to support the Unlimited Vector Extension (UVE), and propose an approach to automatically transform annotated C loops into UVE compatible code, via automatic insertion of inline assembly. We rely on a source-to-source transformation tool, Clava, to perform sophisticated code analysis and transformations via scripts. We use pragmas to identify code sections amenable for vectorization and/or streaming, and use Clava to automatically insert inline UVE instructions, avoiding extensive modifications of existing compiler projects. We produce UVE binaries which are functionally correct, when compared to handwritten versions with inline assembly, and achieve equal and sometimes improved number of executed instructions, for a set of six benchmarks from the Polybench suite. These initial results are evidence towards that this kind of translation is feasible, and we consider that it is possible in future work to target more complex transformations or other ISA extensions, accelerating the adoption of hardware/software co-design flows for generic application cases.

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