Moas, PM; Lopes, CT;
Wikipedia is the world's largest online encyclopedia, but maintaining article quality through collaboration is challenging. Wikipedia designed a quality scale, but with such a manual assessment process, many articles remain unassessed. We review existing methods for automatically measuring the quality of Wikipedia articles, identifying and comparing machine learning algorithms, article features, quality metrics, and used datasets, examining 149 distinct studies, and exploring commonalities and gaps in them. The literature is extensive, and the approaches follow past technological trends. However, machine learning is still not widely used by Wikipedia, and we hope that our analysis helps future researchers change that reality.
Faia, R; Lezama, F; Soares, J; Pinto, T; Vale, Z;
Local electricity markets are emerging as a viable solution to overcome the challenges brought by the large penetration of distributed renewable generation and the need to put consumers as central players in the system, with an active and dynamic role. Although there is significant literature addressing the topic of local electricity markets, this is still a rather new and emerging topic. Hence, this study provides an overall view of this domain and a perspective on future needs and challenges that must be addressed. This review introduces the most important concepts in the local electricity market domain, provides an analysis on the different policy and regulatory framework, exposes the most relevant worldwide initiatives related to the field implementation, and scrutinizes the alternative local market models proposed in the literature. The discussion puts forth the main benefits and barriers of the currently proposed local market models, and the expected impact of their widespread implementation. The review is concluded with the wrap-up and discussion on the most relevant paths for future research and development in this field of study.
Costa, L; Barbosa, S; Cunha, J;
Ensuring the reproducibility of computational scientific experiments is crucial for advancing research and fostering scientific integrity. However, achieving reproducibility poses significant challenges, particularly in the absence of appropriate software tools to help. This paper addresses this issue by comparing existing tools designed to assist researchers across various fields in achieving reproducibility in their work. We were able to successfully run eight tools and execute them to reproduce three existing experiments from different domains. Our findings show the critical role of technical choices in shaping the capabilities of these tools for reproducibility efforts. By evaluating these tools for replicating experiments, we contribute insights into the current landscape of reproducibility support in scientific research. Our analysis offers guidance for researchers seeking appropriate tools to enhance the reproducibility of their experiments, highlighting the importance of informed technical decisions in facilitating reproducibility across diverse domains.
Queirós, R;
5th International Computer Programming Education Conference, ICPEC 2024, June 27-28, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
A growing concern with current teaching approaches underscores the need for innovative paradigms and tools in computer programming education, aiming to address disparate user profiles, enhance engagement, and cultivate deeper understanding among learners This article proposes an innovative approach to teaching programming, where students are challenged to write statements for solutions automatically generated. With this approach, rather than simply solving exercises, students are encouraged to develop code analysis and problem formulation skills. For this purpose, a Web application was developed to materialize these ideas, using the OpenAI API to generate exercises and evaluate statements written by the students. The transformation of this application in H5P and its integration in a LMS gamified workflow is explored for wider and more effective adoption. © Ricardo Queirós;
Almeida, F;
Journal of Systems and Information Technology
Purpose: This study aims to propose an architecture and presents the implementation of a unified chatbot that faces the challenges of heterogeneous communication channels. This approach enables the interaction with the chatbot to be carried out over multiple communication media on a single platform. Design/methodology/approach: The chatbot was embedded in a unified communications framework. Furthermore, it has been developed and tested using the information and communications technology (ICT)Core platform. Three test scenarios have been considered in the context of a digital marketing company, which include the use of multiple channels such as text, audio and e-mail. Usability and empirical tests were performed to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Findings: The results indicate that the proposed model improves the completion rate and enables the chatbot to interact with the customer by capturing information over multiple channels. The findings also reveal that digital marketing organizations can use a unified chatbot in their marketing campaigns, which contributes to improving the quality of customer interaction, message personalization and continuous learning throughout the process. Originality/value: While the use of a chatbot is a relatively common practice among companies, its integration into unified communications networks is an emerging topic. Proposals for integration into a unified communication channel have mainly focused on access to the same account and conversations from multiple devices or access platforms. This approach, while useful, does not allow for the integration of information from multiple sources. Alternatively, an integrated architecture is suggested in which a chatbot obtains knowledge from multiple sources and uses it to increase the quality of communication with the customer. © 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Peixoto, A; Martins, S; Amorim, P; Holzapfel, A;
In several online retail contexts, such as grocery retailing, customers have to be present at the moment of delivery, that is, an attended home delivery service is in place. This requirement adds new challenges to this channel, often leading to narrow profitability. From an operations perspective, this service is performed with the retailer offering multiple time slots for the customer to choose from. Retailers target a cost-efficient delivery process that also accounts for customers' preferences by properly managing the options to show to customers, that is, time slot management. This study analyzes a dynamic slotting problem, that is, choosing the best slots to show for each customer, which is close to many practical cases pursuing a customer service orientation. We study two new strategies to improve customer service while satisfying cost-efficiency goals: (i) enforcing a constraint on the minimum number or percentage of slots to show to customers and (ii) integrating multiple days when tackling this challenging problem. Our results show under which conditions these proposed strategies can lead to win-win situations for both customer service and profit.
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