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Collaborative fault tolerance for cyber-physical systems: The detection stage

Piardi, L; de Oliveira, AS; Costa, P; Leitao, P;


In the era of Industry 4.0, fault tolerance is essential for maintaining the robustness and resilience of industrial systems facing unforeseen or undesirable disturbances. Current methodologies for fault tolerance stages namely, detection, diagnosis, and recovery, do not correspond with the accelerated technological evolution pace over the past two decades. Driven by the advent of digital technologies such as Internet of Things, cloud and edge computing, and artificial intelligence, associated with enhanced computational processing and communication capabilities, local or monolithic centralized fault tolerance methodologies are out of sync with contemporary and future systems. Consequently, these methodologies are limited in achieving the maximum benefits enabled by the integration of these technologies, such as accuracy and performance improvements. Accordingly, in this paper, a collaborative fault tolerance methodology for cyber-physical systems, named Collaborative Fault * (CF*), is proposed. The proposed methodology takes advantage of the inherent data analysis and communication capabilities of cyber-physical components. The proposed methodology is based on multi-agent system principles, where key components are self-fault tolerant, and adopts collaborative and distributed intelligence behavior when necessary to improve its fault tolerance capabilities. Experiments were conducted focusing on the fault detection stage for temperature and humidity sensors in warehouse racks. The experimental results confirmed the accuracy and performance improvements under CF* compared with the local methodology and competitiveness when compared with a centralized approach.


Pollinationbots - A Swarm Robotic System for Tree Pollination

Castro, JT; Pinheiro, I; Marques, MN; Moura, P; dos Santos, FN;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

In nature, and particularly in agriculture, pollination is fundamental for the sustainability of our society. In this context, pollination is a vital process underlying crop yield quality and is responsible for the biodiversity and the standards of the flora. Bees play a crucial role in natural pollination; however, their populations are declining. Robots can help maintain pollination levels while humans work to recover bee populations. Swarm robotics approaches appear promising for robotic pollination. This paper proposes the cooperation between multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), leveraging the advantages of collaborative work for pollination, referred to as Pollinationbots. Pollinationbots is based in swarm behaviors and methodologies to implement more effective pollination strategies, ensuring efficient pollination across various scenarios. The paper presents the architecture of the Pollinationbots system, which was evaluated using the Webots simulator, focusing on path planning and follower behavior. Preliminary simulation results indicate that this is a viable solution for robotic pollination. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.


Optimizing job shop scheduling with speed-adjustable machines and peak power constraints: A mathematical model and heuristic solutions

Homayouni, SM; Fontes, DBMM;


This paper addresses a job shop scheduling problem with peak power constraints, in which jobs can be processed once or multiple times on either all or a subset of the machines. The latter characteristic provides additional flexibility, nowadays present in many manufacturing systems. The problem is complicated by the need to determine both the operation sequence and starting time as well as the speed at which machines process each operation. Due to the adherence to renewable energy production and its intermittent nature, manufacturing companies need to adopt power-flexible production schedules. The proposed power control strategies, that is, adjusting processing speed and timing to reduce peak power requirements may impact production time (makespan) and energy consumption. Therefore, we propose a bi-objective approach that minimizes both objectives. A linear programming model is developed to provide a formal statement of the problem, which is solved to optimality for small-sized instances. We also proposed a multi-objective biased random key genetic algorithm framework that evolves several populations in parallel. Computational experiments provide decision and policymakers with insights into the implications of imposing or negotiating power consumption limits. Finally, the several trade-off solutions obtained show that as the power limit is lowered, the makespan increases at an increasing rate and a similar trend is observed in energy consumption but only for very small makespan values. Furthermore, peak power demand reductions of about 25% have a limited impact on the minimum makespan value (4-6% increase), while at the same time allowing for a small reduction in energy consumption.


Gold-coated silver nanorods on side-polished singlemode optical fibers for remote sensing at optical telecommunication wavelengths

dos Santos, PSS; Mendes, JP; Pastoriza-Santos, I; Juste, JP; de Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, LCC;


The lower refractive index sensitivity (RIS) of plasmonic nanoparticles (NP) in comparison to their plasmonic thin films counterparts hindered their wide adoption for wavelength-based sensor designs, wasting the NP characteristic field locality. In this context, high aspect-ratio colloidal core-shell Ag@Au nanorods (NRs) are demonstrated to operate effectively at telecommunication wavelengths, showing RIS of 1720 nm/RIU at 1350 nm (O-band) and 2325 nm/RIU at 1550 nm (L-band), representing a five-fold improvement compared to similar Au NRs operating at equivalent wavelengths. Also, these NRs combine the superior optical performance of Ag with the Au chemical stability and biocompatibility. Next, using a side-polished optical fiber, we detected glyphosate, achieving a detection limit improvement from 724 to 85 mg/L by shifting from the O to the C/L optical bands. This work combines the significant scalability and cost-effective advantages of colloidal NPs with enhanced RIS, showing a promising approach suitable for both point-of-care and long-range sensing applications at superior performance than comparable thin film-based sensors in either environmental monitoring and other fields.


Modeling Electricity Markets and Energy Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

Aliabadi, DE; Pinto, T;


[No abstract available]


Identification and explanation of disinformation in wiki data streams

Arriba Pérez, Fd; García Méndez, S; Leal, F; Malheiro, B; Burguillo, JC;

Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

Social media platforms, increasingly used as news sources for varied data analytics, have transformed how information is generated and disseminated. However, the unverified nature of this content raises concerns about trustworthiness and accuracy, potentially negatively impacting readers’ critical judgment due to disinformation. This work aims to contribute to the automatic data quality validation field, addressing the rapid growth of online content on wiki pages. Our scalable solution includes stream-based data processing with feature engineering, feature analysis and selection, stream-based classification, and real-time explanation of prediction outcomes. The explainability dashboard is designed for the general public, who may need more specialized knowledge to interpret the model’s prediction. Experimental results on two datasets attain approximately 90% values across all evaluation metrics, demonstrating robust and competitive performance compared to works in the literature. In summary, the system assists editors by reducing their effort and time in detecting disinformation.

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