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Federated Learning in Medical Image Analysis: A Systematic Survey

da Silva, FR; Camacho, R; Tavares, JMRS;


Medical image analysis is crucial for the efficient diagnosis of many diseases. Typically, hospitals maintain vast repositories of images, which can be leveraged for various purposes, including research. However, access to such image collections is largely restricted to safeguard the privacy of the individuals whose images are being stored, as data protection concerns come into play. Recently, the development of solutions for Automated Medical Image Analysis has gained significant attention, with Deep Learning being one solution that has achieved remarkable results in this area. One promising approach for medical image analysis is Federated Learning (FL), which enables the use of a set of physically distributed data repositories, usually known as nodes, satisfying the restriction that the data do not leave the repository. Under these conditions, FL can build high-quality, accurate deep-learning models using a lot of available data wherever it is. Therefore, FL can help researchers and clinicians diagnose diseases and support medical decisions more efficiently and robustly. This article provides a systematic survey of FL in medical image analysis, specifically based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography, X-radiography, and histology images. Hence, it discusses applications, contributions, limitations, and challenges and is, therefore, suitable for those who want to understand how FL can contribute to the medical imaging domain.


Optical pH Sensor Based on a Long-Period Fiber Grating Coated with a Polymeric Layer-by-Layer Electrostatic Self-Assembled Nanofilm

Pereira, JM; Mendes, JP; Dias, B; de Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, LCC;


An optical fiber pH sensor based on a long-period fiber grating (LPFG) is reported. Two oppositely charged polymers, polyethylenimine (PEI) and polyacrylic acid (PAA), were alternately deposited on the sensing structure through a layer-by-layer (LbL) electrostatic self-assembly technique. Since the polymers are pH sensitive, their refractive index (RI) varies when the pH of the solution changes due to swelling/deswelling phenomena. The fabricated multilayer coating retained a similar property, enabling its use in pH-sensing applications. The pH of the PAA dipping solution was tuned so that a coated LPFG achieved a pH sensitivity of (6.3 +/- 0.2) nm/pH in the 5.92-9.23 pH range. Only two bilayers of PEI/PAA were used as an overlay, which reduces the fabrication time and increases the reproducibility of the sensor, and its reversibility and repeatability were demonstrated by tracking the resonance band position throughout multiple cycles between different pH solutions. With simulation work and experimental results from a low-finesse Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity on a fiber tip, the coating properties were estimated. When saturated at low pH, it has a thickness of 200 nm and 1.53 +/- 0.01 RI, expanding up to 310 nm with a 1.35 +/- 0.01 RI at higher pH values, mostly due to the structural changes in the PAA.


Nautilus: An autonomous surface vehicle with a multilayer software architecture for offshore inspection

Campos, DF; Goncalves, EP; Campos, HJ; Pereira, MI; Pinto, AM;


The increasing adoption of robotic solutions for inspection tasks in challenging environments is becoming increasingly prevalent, particularly in the offshore wind energy industry. This trend is driven by the critical need to safeguard the integrity and operational efficiency of offshore infrastructure. Consequently, the design of inspection vehicles must comply with rigorous requirements established by the offshore Operation and Maintenance (O&M) industry. This work presents the design of an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV), named Nautilus, specifically tailored to withstand the demanding conditions of offshore O&M scenarios. The design encompasses both hardware and software architectures, ensuring Nautilus's robustness and adaptability to the harsh maritime environment. It presents a compact hull capable of operating in moderate sea states (wave height up to 2.5 m), with a modular hardware and software architecture that is easily adapted to the mission requirements. It has a perception payload and communication system for edge and real-time computing, communicates with a Shore Control Center and allows beyond visual line-of-sight operations. The Nautilus software architecture aims to provide the necessary flexibility for different mission requirements to offer a unified software architecture for O&M operations. Nautilus's capabilities were validated through the professional testing process of the ATLANTIS Test Center, involving operations in both near-real and real-world environments. This validation process culminated in Nautilus's reaching a Technology Readiness Level 8 and became the first ASV to execute autonomous tasks at a floating offshore wind farm located in the Atlantic.


A century on diameter measurement techniques in cylindrical structures

Cardoso, VHR; Caldas, P; Giraldi, MTR; Cernadas, ML; Fernandes, CS; Frazao, O; Costa, JCWA; Santos, JL;


This work addresses the historical development of techniques and methodologies oriented to the measurement of the internal diameter of transparent tubes since the original contributions of Anderson and Barr published in 1923 in the first issue of Measurement Science and Technology. The progresses on this field are summarized and highlighted the emergence and significance of the measurement approaches supported by the optical fiber.


GLITCH: Polyglot Code Smell Detection in Infrastructure as Code

Saavedra, N; Ferreira, JF; Mendes, A;




Heuristics for online three-dimensional packing problems and algorithm selection framework for semi-online with full look-ahead

Ali, S; Ramos, AG; Carravilla, MA; Oliveira, JF;


In online three-dimensional packing problems (3D-PPs), unlike offline problems, items arrive sequentially and require immediate packing decisions without any information about the quantities and sizes of the items to come. Heuristic methods are of great importance in solving online problems to find good solutions in a reasonable amount of time. However, the literature on heuristics for online problems is sparse. As our first contribution, we developed a pool of heuristics applicable to online 3D-PPs with complementary performance on different sets of instances. Computational results showed that in terms of the number of used bins, in all problem instances, at least one of our heuristics had a better or equal performance compared to existing heuristics in the literature. The developed heuristics are also fully applicable to an intermediate class between offline and online problems, referred to in this paper as a specific type of semi-online with full look-ahead, which has several practical applications. In this class, as in offline problems, complete information about all items is known in advance (i.e., full look-ahead); however, due to time or space constraints, as in online problems, items should be packed immediately in the order of their arrival. As our second contribution, we presented an algorithm selection framework, building on developed heuristics and utilizing prior information about items in this specific class of problems. We used supervised machine learning techniques to find the relationship between the features of problem instances and the performance of heuristics and to build a prediction model. The results indicate an 88% accuracy in predicting (identifying) the most promising heuristic(s) for solving any new instance from this class of problems.

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