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Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Apoio à Decisão

O LIAAD investiga na área estratégica de Data Science, que tem verificado um crescente interesse por todo o mundo, sendo fundamental para todas as áreas da atividade humana.

As enormes quantidades de dados recolhidos (Big Data) e a generalização de dispositivos com sensores e/ou poder de processamento oferecem cada vez mais oportunidades e desafios a cientistas e engenheiros.

Além disso, a procura por modelos complexos de apoio à decisão está a generalizar-se em áreas como negócios, saúde, ciência, governo eletrónico e e-learning, o que nos encoraja a investir em diferentes abordagens.

A nossa estratégia geral é tirar proveito do fluxo e diversificação de dados e investir em linhas de investigação que ajudarão a reduzir a lacuna entre dados recolhidos e dados úteis, oferecendo diversas soluções de modelação.

No LIAAD o trabalho científico centra-se nas seguintes áreas: machine learning, estatística, otimização e matemática.

Últimas Notícias
Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

As variedades linguísticas com menor peso também têm espaço na era da IA – dois artigos INESC TEC em conferência de topo provam-no

É difícil conceber muitas das tecnologias ou inovações mais recentes sem o recurso a Modelos de Linguagem (ML) ou Processamento da Linguagem Natural (PLN). A sua presença e incorporação em diversas esferas da sociedade – algumas com muita relevância, como é o caso da esfera legal ou médica – tem levantado questões (e preocupações) que acabam muitas vezes a bater na mesma parede de interrogação: estarão as tecnologias baseadas em ML a abranger todas as comunidades? Recentemente, dois artigos científicos com assinatura INESC TEC – ambos aceites no AAAI, uma conferência A* – procuraram resolver alguns dos desafios que se vislumbram nesta nova era e que impactam diretamente a língua portuguesa.

28 fevereiro 2025

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Diz-me quando procuras, dir-te-ei o que precisas. Colaboração INESC TEC-Amazon otimiza resultados dos motores de busca para datas comemorativas

A sazonalidade das pesquisas nos motores de busca pode ser um fator a considerar pelo comércio online para melhorar o posicionamento dos seus resultados. Um novo artigo-demo com assinatura INESC TEC partiu da criação de uma base de dados para apresentar a solução Occasion-aware Recommender, na tradução direta para português, um recomendador sensível ao contexto da ocasião.

26 fevereiro 2025

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

INESC TEC desenvolve recursos de processamento de linguagem natural para a língua portuguesa

Expandir e construir novos recursos de processamento de linguagem natural (em inglês, Natural Language Processing - NLP) para a língua portuguesa foi o grande objetivo do projeto PTicola. Os resultados deste projeto, que incluem, por exemplo, um tradutor de inglês-português europeu e um identificador de variantes PT-BR/PT-PT, permitem responder à lacuna nos recursos de NLP disponíveis para o PT-PT, comparativamente ao PT-BR.

14 fevereiro 2025

Inteligência Artificial

A maior conferência de Machine Learning da Europa acontece no Porto e está a aceitar artigos

Chama-se ECML PKDD – ou, por extenso e em inglês European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases – e é a maior conferência da Europa na área da aprendizagem automática. Em 2025 acontece no Porto, pela mão do INESC TEC, entre 15 e 19 de setembro e a submissão de artigos está aberta até março.

09 janeiro 2025

Inteligência Artificial

“De onde vimos? Para onde vamos?” – foi assim que João Gama - um dos cientistas mais citados do mundo - se despediu da sua atividade de docência

35 anos separam o início e o fim da carreira de docente de João Gama, um dos cientistas mais citados do mundo. O investigador do INESC TEC, que deu a sua última aula a 25 de novembro, despediu-se, assim, das salas de aula da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP). O mote? “De onde vimos? Para onde vamos?” – o culminar de uma carreira académica repleta de reconhecimentos, em particular, nas áreas de Inteligência Artificial (IA) e Machine Learning.

28 novembro 2024


Projetos Selecionados


Automated Detection of Fraudulent Documents



AI Assistant for No-Code Plataform



LIAAD Publicações

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Decision-making systems improvement based on explainable artificial intelligence approaches for predictive maintenance

Rajaoarisoa, LH; Randrianandraina, R; Nalepa, GJ; Gama, J;

Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell.

To maintain the performance of the latest generation of onshore and offshore wind turbine systems, a new methodology must be proposed to enhance the maintenance policy. In this context, this paper introduces an approach to designing a decision support tool that combines predictive capabilities with anomaly explanations for effective IoT predictive maintenance tasks. Essentially, the paper proposes an approach that integrates a predictive maintenance model with an explicative decision-making system. The key challenge is to detect anomalies and provide plausible explanations, enabling human operators to determine the necessary actions swiftly. To achieve this, the proposed approach identifies a minimal set of relevant features required to generate rules that explain the root causes of issues in the physical system. It estimates that certain features, such as the active power generator, blade pitch angle, and the average water temperature of the voltage circuit protection in the generator's sub-components, are particularly critical to monitor. Additionally, the approach simplifies the computation of an efficient predictive maintenance model. Compared to other deep learning models, the identified model provides up to 80% accuracy in anomaly detection and up to 96% for predicting the remaining useful life of the system under study. These performance metrics and indicators values are essential for enhancing the decision-making process. Moreover, the proposed decision support tool elucidates the onset of degradation and its dynamic evolution based on expert knowledge and data gathered through Internet of Things (IoT) technology and inspection reports. Thus, the developed approach should aid maintenance managers in making accurate decisions regarding inspection, replacement, and repair tasks. The methodology is demonstrated using a wind farm dataset provided by Energias De Portugal. © 2024


Interventions based on biofeedback systems to improve workers’ psychological well-being, mental health and safety: a systematic literature review (Preprint)

Ferreira, S; Rodrigues, MA; Mateus, C; Rodrigues, PP; Rocha, NB;



In modern, high-speed work settings, the significance of mental health disorders is increasingly acknowledged as a pressing health issue, with potential adverse consequences for organizations, including reduced productivity and increased absenteeism. Over the past few years, various mental health management solutions, such as biofeedback applications, have surfaced as promising avenues to improve employees' mental well-being.


To gain deeper insights into the suitability and effectiveness of employing biofeedback-based mental health interventions in real-world workplace settings, given that most research has predominantly been conducted within controlled laboratory conditions.


A systematic review was conducted to identify studies that used biofeedback interventions in workplace settings. The review focused on traditional biofeedback, mindfulness, app-directed interventions, immersive scenarios, and in-depth physiological data presentation.


The review identified nine studies employing biofeedback interventions in the workplace. Breathing techniques showed great promise in decreasing stress and physiological parameters, especially when coupled with visual and/or auditory cues.


Future research should focus on developing and implementing interventions to improve well-being and mental health in the workplace, with the goal of creating safer and healthier work environments and contributing to the sustainability of organizations.


Spatio-Temporal Predictive Modeling Techniques for Different Domains: a Survey

Kumar, R; Bhanu, M; Mendes-moreira, J; Chandra, J;


Spatio-temporal prediction tasks play a crucial role in facilitating informed decision-making through anticipatory insights. By accurately predicting future outcomes, the ability to strategize, preemptively address risks, and minimize their potential impact is enhanced. The precision in forecasting spatial and temporal patterns holds significant potential for optimizing resource allocation, land utilization, and infrastructure development. While existing review and survey papers predominantly focus on specific forecasting domains such as intelligent transportation, urban planning, pandemics, disease prediction, climate and weather forecasting, environmental data prediction, and agricultural yield projection, limited attention has been devoted to comprehensive surveys encompassing multiple objects concurrently. This article addresses this gap by comprehensively analyzing techniques employed in traffic, pandemics, disease forecasting, climate and weather prediction, agricultural yield estimation, and environmental data prediction. Furthermore, it elucidates challenges inherent in spatio-temporal forecasting and outlines potential avenues for future research exploration.


Optimizing job shop scheduling with speed-adjustable machines and peak power constraints: A mathematical model and heuristic solutions

Homayouni, SM; Fontes, DBMM;


This paper addresses a job shop scheduling problem with peak power constraints, in which jobs can be processed once or multiple times on either all or a subset of the machines. The latter characteristic provides additional flexibility, nowadays present in many manufacturing systems. The problem is complicated by the need to determine both the operation sequence and starting time as well as the speed at which machines process each operation. Due to the adherence to renewable energy production and its intermittent nature, manufacturing companies need to adopt power-flexible production schedules. The proposed power control strategies, that is, adjusting processing speed and timing to reduce peak power requirements may impact production time (makespan) and energy consumption. Therefore, we propose a bi-objective approach that minimizes both objectives. A linear programming model is developed to provide a formal statement of the problem, which is solved to optimality for small-sized instances. We also proposed a multi-objective biased random key genetic algorithm framework that evolves several populations in parallel. Computational experiments provide decision and policymakers with insights into the implications of imposing or negotiating power consumption limits. Finally, the several trade-off solutions obtained show that as the power limit is lowered, the makespan increases at an increasing rate and a similar trend is observed in energy consumption but only for very small makespan values. Furthermore, peak power demand reductions of about 25% have a limited impact on the minimum makespan value (4-6% increase), while at the same time allowing for a small reduction in energy consumption.


The Application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning with a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Pedestrian Modeling: A Systematic Literature Review (1999-2023)

Reyes-Norambuena, P; Pinto, AA; Martínez, J; Yazdi, AK; Tan, Y;


Among transportation researchers, pedestrian issues are highly significant, and various solutions have been proposed to address these challenges. These approaches include Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and machine learning (ML) techniques, often categorized into two primary types. While previous studies have addressed diverse methods and transportation issues, this research integrates pedestrian modeling with MCDA and ML approaches. This paper examines how MCDA and ML can be combined to enhance decision-making in pedestrian dynamics. Drawing on a review of 1574 papers published from 1999 to 2023, this study identifies prevalent themes and methodologies in MCDA, ML, and pedestrian modeling. The MCDA methods are categorized into weighting and ranking techniques, with an emphasis on their application to complex transportation challenges involving both qualitative and quantitative criteria. The findings suggest that hybrid MCDA algorithms can effectively evaluate ML performance, addressing the limitations of traditional methods. By synthesizing the insights from the existing literature, this review outlines key methodologies and provides a roadmap for future research in integrating MCDA and ML in pedestrian dynamics. This research aims to deepen the understanding of how informed decision-making can enhance urban environments and improve pedestrian safety.

Factos & Números



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