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Factos & Números

Centro de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

O centro é uma referência internacional em análise de negócios através de sistemas de apoio à decisão para a gestão de serviços e operações, contribuindo, desta forma, para a conceção de serviços, a avaliação de desempenho e a gestão de ativos.

As áreas de aplicação do CEGI incluem Mobilidade/ Transportes, Retalho/Indústria e Saúde. Também se verificam consideráveis contribuições no setor da energia e ainda uma colaboração reforçada com o Centro de Sistemas de Energia.

Nos últimos anos, o CEGI contribuiu substancialmente para as iniciativas da Indústria 4.0 (ao melhorar as regras de programação baseadas nas informações complementares disponíveis nos sistemas de produção).

Últimas Notícias
Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas

TestBed 5G. Já há “selo” INESC TEC em metade dos pilotos que querem impulsionar a indústria transformadora

Laboratório de Indústria e Inovação do INESC TEC já recebeu seis dos 12 pilotos previstos. Demonstrações visam dotar soluções industriais de "características distintas de funcionamento e coordenação”.

29 outubro 2024

Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas

Separar, organizar, paletizar: o caminho para uma cadeia de abastecimento otimizada faz-se com tecnologia INESC TEC

Solução que contou com a participação do INESC TEC pode reduzir o esforço manual e assegurar uma cadeia de abastecimento mais flexível. Contributo do INESC TEC foi “fundamental” e surge com o avançar do da agenda mobilizadora PRODUTECH R3.  

29 outubro 2024

Drones, automação e sensorização: eis as respostas do INESC TEC aos desafios do setor vitivinícola

Investigadores do INESC TEC lideraram discussões sobre soluções inovadoras para o cultivo da vinha num evento que juntou empresas, universidades e players do setor.  

24 outubro 2024

Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas

Investigador INESC TEC alerta empresas para a qualidade dos dados gerados através de IA em artigo publicado na revista de gestão do MIT

Pode o crescente interesse em modelos de linguagem, como o chat GPT, estar a desviar recursos às empresas para que estas adotem práticas de análise avançada que as auxiliem verdadeiramente na tomada de decisões inteligentes? O investigador do INESC TEC, Pedro Amorim, e João Alves, da spin-off do INESC TEC LTPLabs, acreditam que sim. Num artigo publicado na MIT Sloan Management Review alertam para a qualidade e imprevisibilidade dos dados gerados unicamente a partir de modelos de linguagem generativa, apesar de defenderem mais investimento numa Inteligência Artificial (IA) que incorpore estes modelos com análise avançada, e explicam as razões.

25 junho 2024

Esta tecnologia quer tornar as cidades mais acessíveis para todos e valeu distinção a investigadora do INESC TEC

A investigadora do INESC TEC, Marta Campos Ferreira, participou no desenvolvimento de um protótipo que quer melhorar as experiências de pessoas com mobilidade reduzida nas cidades – e torná-las mais inclusivas. A nova solução foi apresentada numa conferência internacional e o trabalho foi distinguido. Agora, o objetivo é que a solução chegue a todos através de uma aplicação.

17 maio 2024


Projetos Selecionados


Programa de Formação Avançada Industria 4 - 5a edição



CEGI Publicações

Ler todas as publicações


Local stability in kidney exchange programs

Baratto, M; Crama, Y; Pedroso, JP; Viana, A;


When each patient of a kidney exchange program has a preference ranking over its set of compatible donors, questions naturally arise surrounding the stability of the proposed exchanges. We extend recent work on stable exchanges by introducing and underlining the relevance of a new concept of locally stable, or L-stable, exchanges. We show that locally stable exchanges in a compatibility digraph are exactly the so-called local kernels (L-kernels) of an associated blocking digraph (whereas the stable exchanges are the kernels of the blocking digraph), and we prove that finding a nonempty L-kernel in an arbitrary digraph is NP-complete. Based on these insights, we propose several integer programming formulations for computing an L-stable exchange of maximum size. We conduct numerical experiments to assess the quality of our formulations and to compare the size of maximum L-stable exchanges with the size of maximum stable exchanges. It turns out that nonempty L-stable exchanges frequently exist in digraphs which do not have any stable exchange. All the above results and observations carry over when the concept of (locally) stable exchanges is extended to the concept of (locally) strongly stable exchanges.


Predicting demand for new products in fashion retailing using censored data

Sousa, MS; Loureiro, ALD; Miguéis, VL;


In today's highly competitive fashion retail market, it is crucial to have accurate demand forecasting systems, namely for new products. Many experts have used machine learning techniques to forecast product sales. However, sales that do not happen due to lack of product availability are often ignored, resulting in censored demand and service levels that are lower than expected. Motivated by the relevance of this issue, we developed a two-stage approach to forecast the demand for new products in the fashion retail industry. In the first stage, we compared four methods of transforming historical sales into historical demand for products already commercialized. Three methods used sales-weighted averages to estimate demand on the days with stock-outs, while the fourth method employed an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to account for potential substitute products affected by stock-outs of preferred products. We then evaluated the performance of these methods and selected the most accurate one for calculating the primary demand for these historical products. In the second stage, we predicted the demand for the products of the following collection using Random Forest, Deep Neural Networks, and Support Vector Regression algorithms. In addition, we applied a model that consisted of weighting the demands previously calculated for the products of past collections that were most similar to the new products. We validated the proposed methodology using a European fashion retailer case study. The results revealed that the method using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm had the highest potential, followed by the Random Forest algorithm. We believe that this approach will lead to more assertive and better-aligned decisions in production management.


Emerging technologies for supporting patients during Hemodialysis: A scoping review

Martins, AR; Ferreira, MC; Fernandes, CS;

International Journal of Medical Informatics



Emerging technologies for supporting patients during Hemodialysis: A scoping review

Martins, AR; Ferreira, MC; Fernandes, CS;


Purpose:To synthesizethe availableevidenceaboutthe use of HealthInformationTechnology(HIT)to supportpatientsduringhemodialysis.Methods:TheJoannaBriggsInstitute's methodologicalguidelinesfor scopingreviewsandthe PRISMA-ScRchecklistwereemployed.BibliographicsearchesacrossMEDLINE (R), CINAHL (R), PsychologyandBehavioralSciencesCollection,Scopus,MedicLatina,and Cochraneyielded932 records.Results:Eighteenstudiespublishedbetween2003and2023wereincluded.Theyexploreda rangeof HITs,includingvirtualreality,exergames,websites,and mobileapplications,all specificallydevelopedfor use duringthe intradialyticperiod.Conclusion:Thisstudyhighlightsthe HITsdevelopedfor use duringhemodialysistreatment,supportingphysicalexercise,diseasemanagement,and enhancementof self-efficacyand self-care.


A GRASP-based multi-objective approach for the tuna purse seine fishing fleet routing problem

Granado, I; Silva, E; Carravilla, MA; Oliveira, JF; Hernando, L; Fernandes-Salvador, JA;


Nowadays, the world's fishing fleet uses 20% more fuel to catch the same amount offish compared to 30 years ago. Addressing this negative environmental and economic performance is crucial due to stricter emission regulations, rising fuel costs, and predicted declines in fish biomass and body sizes due to climate change. Investment in more efficient engines, larger ships and better fuel has been the main response, but this is only feasible in the long term at high infrastructure cost. An alternative is to optimize operations such as the routing of a fleet, which is an extremely complex problem due to its dynamic (time-dependent) moving target characteristics. To date, no other scientific work has approached this problem in its full complexity, i.e., as a dynamic vehicle routing problem with multiple time windows and moving targets. In this paper, two bi-objective mixed linear integer programming (MIP) models are presented, one for the static variant and another for the time-dependent variant. The bi-objective approaches allow to trade off the economic (e.g., probability of high catches) and environmental (e.g., fuel consumption) objectives. To overcome the limitations of exact solutions of the MIP models, a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure for the multi-objective problem (MO-GRASP) is proposed. The computational experiments demonstrate the good performance of the MO-GRASP algorithm with clearly different results when the importance of each objective is varied. In addition, computational experiments conducted on historical data prove the feasibility of applying the MO-GRASP algorithm in a real context and explore the benefits of joint planning (collaborative approach) compared to a non-collaborative strategy. Collaborative approaches enable the definition of better routes that may select slightly worse fishing and planting areas (2.9%), but in exchange fora significant reduction in fuel consumption (17.3%) and time at sea (10.1%) compared to non-collaborative strategies. The final experiment examines the importance of the collaborative approach when the number of available drifting fishing aggregation devices (dFADs) per vessel is reduced.

Factos & Números

9Artigos em conferências indexadas


22Artigos em revistas indexadas

