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Factos & Números

Centro de Sistemas de Energia

O centro é uma referência mundial na integração em larga escala de recursos distribuídos. As suas competências levaram à atribuição de papéis decisivos em projetos importantes da UE, assim como deram origem a contratos de desenvolvimento e consultadoria com empresas fabricantes de equipamentos e com empresas de geração, transmissão e distribuição de energia, autoridades reguladores, agências governamentais e investidores na Europa, América do Sul, Estados Unidos da América e África.

O CPES aborda as seguintes áreas principais de investigação: Tomada de Decisão, Otimização e Inteligência Computacional, Previsão, Análise Estática e Dinâmica de Redes de Energia, Confiabilidade, Eletrónica de Potência.

Uma parte do trabalho do CPES é desenvolvido no Laboratório de Redes Elétricas Inteligentes e Veículos Elétricos, que apoia a validação de importantes desenvolvimentos num contexto real.

Nos últimos anos, foram desenvolvidas várias iniciativas no planeamento e operação da rede elétrica, nomeadamente a integração da previsão dos recursos distribuídos e das ferramentas de otimização da rede que são incorporadas em diferentes camadas de tensão, explorando o conceito hierárquico de MicroGrid. Foram tomadas as iniciativas necessárias para a integração da inteligência computacional em algoritmos de controlo, comprovados em situações reais por vários projetos-piloto.   

Últimas Notícias

Tecnologia INESC TEC põe gestão do consumo energético na palma da mão dos consumidores europeus

O INESC TEC desenvolveu um mecanismo que usa dados para transmitir recomendações voluntárias aos consumidores e, assim, reduzir ou aumentar consumos consoante a necessidade da rede. As sugestões chegam através de aplicações móveis e Portugal não ficou de fora.  

03 dezembro 2024

Sistemas de Energia

Enlit Europe: INESC TEC consolida presença no maior evento europeu de soluções para a energia

Três dias. 15 mil especialistas na área da energia. Mais de 700 expositores. Centenas de sessões e debates sobre digitalização, descentralização e descarbonização. Os números impressionam, mas o impacto gerado pela Enlit Europe é difícil de contabilizar. O INESC TEC voltou a marcar presença no maior palco mundial de energia e inovação tecnológica, para apresentar as suas soluções tecnológicas para o setor. Vamos descobrir?

05 novembro 2024

Ajudar a rede elétrica europeia a partir de casa? Sim, é possível – e esta solução do INESC TEC é prova disso

O projeto InterConnect levou o conceito de interoperabilidade para dentro de casa e deu a consumidores residenciais a possibilidade de contribuírem para uma rede elétrica mais resiliente. Uma ferramenta composta por um gestor de energia e por uma aplicação móvel tornou isso possível. O resultado? Mais participação, menos carga na rede em momentos de picoe “redução da intensidade do carbono produzido”.  

31 outubro 2024

Sistemas de Energia

INESC TEC fortalece liderança em Big Data na Europa

O INESC TEC aderiu à Big Data Value Association (BDVA), uma organização europeia que promove a investigação, o desenvolvimento e a adoção de tecnologias de Big Data num ecossistema sustentável e inovador. Trata-se de um importante passo para o instituto, permitindo ampliar o impacto e a visibilidade da sua investigação em diferentes projetos, como foi o caso do InterConnect.

04 outubro 2024

Sistemas de Energia

Transição energética sustentável na agricultura? O INESC TEC pode ajudar

Cinco formações, cinco temas:  ao longo de vários meses, o ciclo de webinares “Transição Energética Sustentável na Agricultura”, organizado pelo INESC TEC, em parceria com o Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV) e com o apoio dos parceiros do projeto Tools4AgriEnergy, vai abordar temas como a introdução de sistemas fotovoltaicos na agricultura, robótica e IoT, eficiência energética e economia circular e ainda novos modelos de negócios e a descarbonização. O primeiro encontro online acontece no dia 16 de outubro, às 14h00.

02 outubro 2024


Projetos Selecionados


Estudo de otimização de potência reativa do Parque Eólico do Alto Minho I




Laboratório de Redes Elétricas Inteligentes e Veículos Elétricos


CPES Publicações

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Multiobjective energy management of multi-source offshore parks assisted with hybrid battery and hydrogen/fuel-cell energy storage systems

Kazemi-Robati, E; Varotto, S; Silva, B; Temiz, I;


With the recent advancements in the development of hybrid offshore parks and the expected large-scale implementation of them in the near future, it becomes paramount to investigate proper energy management strategies to improve the integrability of these parks into the power systems. This paper addresses a multiobjective energy management approach using a hybrid energy storage system comprising batteries and hydrogen/fuel-cell systems applied to multi-source wind-wave and wind-solar offshore parks to maximize the delivered energy while minimizing the variations of the power output. To find the solution of the optimization problem defined for energy management, a strategy is proposed based on the examination of a set of weighting factors to form the Pareto front while the problem associated with each of them is assessed in a mixed-integer linear programming framework. Subsequently, fuzzy decision making is applied to select the final solution among the ones existing in the Pareto front. The studies are implemented in different locations considering scenarios for electrical system limitation and the place of the storage units. According to the results, applying the proposed multiobjective framework successfully addresses the enhancement of energy delivery and the decrease in power output fluctuations in the hybrid offshore parks across all scenarios of electrical system limitation and combinational storage locations. Based on the results, in addition to the increase in delivered energy, a decrease in power variations by around 40 % up to over 80 % is observed in the studied cases.


Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthetic Meteorological Data Generation

Viana, D; Teixeira, R; Soares, T; Baptista, J; Pinto, T;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

This study explores models for synthetic data generation of time series. In order to improve the achieved results, i.e., the data generated, new ways of improvement are explored and different models of synthetic data generation are compared. The model addressed in this work is the Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), known for generating data similar to the original basis data through the training of a generator. The GANs are applied using the datasets of Quinta de Santa Bárbara and the Pinhão region, with the main variables being the Average temperature, Wind direction, Average wind speed, Maximum instantaneous wind speed and Solar radiation. The model allowed to generate missing data in a given period and, in turn, enables to analyze the results and compare them with those of a multiple linear regression method, being able to evaluate the effectiveness of the generated data. In this way, through the study and analysis of the GANs we can see if the model presents effectiveness and accuracy in the synthetic generation of meteorological data. With the proper conclusions of the results, this information can be used in order to improve the search for different models and the ability to generate synthetic time series data, which is representative of the real, original, data. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.


Life cycle assessment comparison of electric and internal combustion vehicles: A review on the main challenges and opportunities

da Costa, VBF; Bitencourt, L; Dias, BH; Soares, T; Andrade, JVBD; Bonatto, BD;


A notable shift from an internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) fleet to an electric vehicles (EVs) fleet is expected in the medium term due to increasing environmental concerns and technological breakthroughs. In this context, this paper conducts a systematic literature review on life cycle assessment (LCA) research of EVs compared to ICEVs based on highly impactful articles. Several essential aspects and characteristics were identified and discussed, such as the assumed EV types, scales, models, storage technologies, boundaries, lifetime, electricity consumption, driving cycles, combustion fuels, locations, impact assessment methods, and functional units. Furthermore, LCA results in seven environmental impact categories were gathered and evaluated in detail. The research indicates that, on average, battery electric vehicles are superior to ICEVs in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (182.9 g CO2-eq/km versus 258.5 g CO2-eq/km), cumulative energy demand (3.2 MJ/km versus 4.1 MJ/km), fossil depletion (49.7 g oil-eq/km versus 84.4 g oil-eq/km), and photochemical oxidant formation (0.47 g NMVOC-eq/km versus 0.61 g NMVOC-eq/km) but are worse than ICEVs in terms of human toxicity (198.1 g 1,4-DCB-eq/km versus 64.8 g 1,4-DCB-eq/km), particulate matter formation (0.32 g PM10-eq/km versus 0.26 g PM10-eq/km), and metal depletion (69.3 g Fe-eq/km versus 19.0 g Fe-eq/km). Emerging technological developments are expected to tip the balance in favor of EVs further. Based on the conducted research, we propose to organize the factors that influence the vehicle life cycle into four groups: user specifications, vehicle specifications, local specifications, and multigroup specifications. Then, a set of improvement opportunities is provided for each of these groups. Therefore, the present paper can contribute to future research and be valuable for decision-makers, such as policymakers.


Photovoltaic Projects for Multidimensional Poverty Alleviation: Bibliometric Analysis and State of the Art

Castro L.F.C.; Carvalho P.C.M.; Saraiva J.P.T.; Fidalgo J.N.;

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

Motivated by initiatives such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly SDG 1-Poverty Eradication and SDG 7-Clean and Accessible Energy, the search for solutions aiming to mitigate poverty has been recurrent in several studies. This paper main objective is to evaluate the dynamics of global research on the use of photovoltaic projects for poverty alleviation (PVPA) from 2003 to 2022. We use a bibliometric analysis to identify publication patterns and consequently list research trends and gaps of the area. A total of 336 publications from Scopus database are identified and complemented by a state-of-the-art study, where the articles are investigated and classified according to: Business model and financing and evaluation of PVPA results. The results show that PA is often associated with PV power and its application in rural areas. “Biomass” and “application in developing countries” have become a trend. Urban areas application, aiming to reduce poverty, and the need for a synergetic integration of energy and urban planning, to mitigate the risks associated with energy flow and efficiency, are the most relevant gaps identified. Most of the publications focus on macropolicies effects involving PV technology; papers on projects construction and ex-post are not identified.


Virtual power plant optimal dispatch considering power-to-hydrogen systems

Rodrigues L.; Soares T.; Rezende I.; Fontoura J.; Miranda V.;

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Power-to-Hydrogen (P2H) clean systems have been increasingly adopted for Virtual Power Plant (VPP) to drive system decarbonization. However, current models for the joint operation of VPP and P2H often disregard the full impact on grid operation or hydrogen supply to multiple consumers. This paper contributes with a VPP operating model considering a full Alternating Current Optimal Power Flow (AC OPF) while integrating different paths for the use of green hydrogen, such as supplying hydrogen to a Combined Heat and Power (CHP), industry and local hydrogen consumers. The proposed framework is tested using a 37-bus distribution grid and the results illustrate the benefits that a P2H plant can bring to the VPP in economic, grid operation and environmental terms. An important conclusion is that depending on the prices of the different hydrogen services, the P2H plant can increase the levels of self-sufficiency and security of supply of the VPP, decrease the operating costs, and integrate more renewables.

Factos & Números



9Docentes do Ensino Superior


1Capítulos de livros

