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Factos & Números

Laboratório de Software Confiável

O HASLab dedica-se à criação e à implementação de sistemas de software confiável, i.e., software correto e resiliente perante falhas e ataques.

De forma a cumprir este grande objetivo, o HASLab opera em três grandes áreas - Cibersegurança, Sistemas Distribuídos e Engenharia de Software.

Engenharia de Software - são explorados métodos, técnicas e ferramentas para o desenvolvimento de software, podendo este ser integrado nas funcionalidades internas de determinados componentes, na sua configuração junto de outros componentes, e também na interação com o utilizador.

Sistemas Distribuídos - com vista a melhorar a confiabilidade e a escalabilidade de software, explorando as propriedades inerentes à distribuição e à replicação de sistemas computacionais.

Cibersegurança - de forma a minimizar a vulnerabilidade dos componentes de software a ataques, com recurso à implementação de estruturas e de protocolos criptográficos com propriedades de segurança formalmente comprovadas.

Através de uma abordagem multidisciplinar que assenta em princípios teóricos comprovados, o HASLab visa disponibilizar soluções - fundamentos teóricos, métodos, linguagens, ferramentas - para o desenvolvimento de sistemas TIC abrangentes, dando garantias aos seus proprietários e utilizadores. Os grandes domínios de aplicação da investigação desenvolvida no HASLab incluem o desenvolvimento de sistemas de software cruciais para garantir a segurança e a proteção, a operacionalização de infraestruturas da nuvem seguras, e a gestão e o tratamento de big data, tendo em conta as questões da privacidade.

Últimas Notícias
Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Há pontes a unir a engenharia biomédica e a supercomputação. Investigadoras INESC TEC voaram até Barcelona para as atravessar

Durante uma semana, Alicia Oliveira e Beatriz Cepa trocaram os laboratórios do INESC TEC em Braga por Barcelona, onde decorreu a ACM Summer School. Ali, as investigadoras exploraram alguns dos conceitos introdutórios na área do HPC e perceberam que, num contexto dominado pela informática, a sua formação em engenharia biomédica era, afinal, uma mais-valia.

31 outubro 2024

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Os bugs de software são tão persistentes como os da Natureza — uma investigação INESC TEC apertou-lhes a rede

Investigadores INESC TEC desenvolveram a ferramenta LazyFS, capaz de injetar faltas e reproduzir bugs de perda de dados. A solução vem ajudar a compreender a origem e a causa destes bugs, mas também validar mecanismos de proteção contra as falhas. 

07 outubro 2024

Na era do armazenamento incessante de dados, replicá-los pode ser a chave para sistemas de grande escala. Uma investigação INESC TEC explora esses desafios

Numa investigação publicada na revista ACM Computing Surveys, Paulo Sérgio Almeida, investigador do INESC TEC, sintetiza o conhecimento existente sobre abordagens aos Conflict-free Replicated Data Types, tópico que tem vindo a explorar na última década. Estes permitem replicação em sistemas distribuídos com resolução automática de conflitos, oferecendo grande disponibilidade — mesmo perante falhas de comunicação.

04 outubro 2024

INESC TEC com 5 projetos exploratórios FCT aprovados em 4 áreas de I&D

Telecomunicações e multimédia, fotónica aplicada, software confiável e sistemas de computação avançada – são estas as quatro áreas que os investigadores do INESC TEC vão trabalhar no âmbito dos cinco projetos que foram aprovados através do Concurso de Projetos Exploratórios da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).

02 outubro 2024

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Há vantagens nas bases de dados edge — e os investigadores do INESC TEC dedicaram-se a estudá-las

O artigo Databases in Edge and Fog Environments: A Survey, assinado por Luís Manuel Ferreira, Fábio Coelho e José Orlando Pereira e publicado na ACM Computing Surveys, estabelece conceitos inovadores na área de base de dados edge, recorrendo a diversas publicações ao nível de hardware utilizado, performance de latência, consumo de energia e privacidade. Este novo tipo de bases de dados tira partido de dispositivos situados próximos do utilizador para melhorar o desempenho e as funcionalidades oferecidas pelas mesmas.

03 julho 2024


Projetos Selecionados


Ensino de Ciência da Computação nas Escolas 4



Programa de Formação Avançada Industria 4 - 5a edição






HASLab Publicações

Ler todas as publicações


Specification of paraconsistent transition systems, revisited

Cunha, J; Madeira, A; Barbosa, LS;


The need for more flexible and robust models to reason about systems in the presence of conflicting information is becoming more and more relevant in different contexts. This has prompted the introduction of paraconsistent transition systems, where transitions are characterized by two pairs of weights: one representing the evidence that the transition effectively occurs and the other its absence. Such a pair of weights can express scenarios of vagueness and inconsistency. . This paper establishes a foundation for a compositional and structured specification approach of paraconsistent transition systems, framed as paraconsistent institution. . The proposed methodology follows the stepwise implementation process outlined by Sannella and Tarlecki.


Approaches to Conflict-free Replicated Data Types

Almeida, PS;


Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) allow optimistic replication in a principled way. Different replicas can proceed independently, being available even under network partitions and always converging deterministically: Replicas that have received the same updates will have equivalent state, even if received in different orders. After a historical tour of the evolution from sequential data types to CRDTs, we present in detail the two main approaches to CRDTs, operation-based and state-based, including two important variations, the pure operation-based and the delta-state based. Intended for prospective CRDT researchers and designers, this article provides solid coverage of the essential concepts, clarifying some misconceptions that frequently occur, but also presents some novel insights gained from considerable experience in designing both specific CRDTs and approaches to CRDTs.


Alloy Repair Hint Generation Based on Historical Data

Barros, A; Neto, H; Cunha, A; Macedo, N; Paiva, ACR;


Platforms to support novices learning to program are often accompanied by automated next-step hints that guide them towards correct solutions. Many of those approaches are data-driven, building on historical data to generate higher quality hints. Formal specifications are increasingly relevant in software engineering activities, but very little support exists to help novices while learning. Alloy is a formal specification language often used in courses on formal software development methods, and a platform-Alloy4Fun-has been proposed to support autonomous learning. While non-data-driven specification repair techniques have been proposed for Alloy that could be leveraged to generate next-step hints, no data-driven hint generation approach has been proposed so far. This paper presents the first data-driven hint generation technique for Alloy and its implementation as an extension to Alloy4Fun, being based on the data collected by that platform. This historical data is processed into graphs that capture past students' progress while solving specification challenges. Hint generation can be customized with policies that take into consideration diverse factors, such as the popularity of paths in those graphs successfully traversed by previous students. Our evaluation shows that the performance of this new technique is competitive with non-data-driven repair techniques. To assess the quality of the hints, and help select the most appropriate hint generation policy, we conducted a survey with experienced Alloy instructors.


The CAOS framework for Scala: Computer-aided design of SOS

Proença, J; Edixhoven, L;


We present Caos: a programming framework for computer-aided design of structural operational semantics for formal models. This framework includes a set of Scala libraries and a workflow to produce visual and interactive diagrams that animate and provide insights over the structure and the semantics of a given abstract model with operational rules. Caos follows an approach where theoretical foundations and a practical tool are built together, as an alternative to foundations-first design (tool justifies theory) or tool-first design (foundations justify practice). The advantage of Caos is that the tool-under-development can immediately be used to automatically run numerous and sizeable examples in order to identify subtle mistakes, unexpected outcomes, and unforeseen limitations in the foundations-under-development, as early as possible. More concretely, Caos supports the quick creation of interactive websites that help the end-users better understand a new language, structure, or analysis. End-users can be research colleagues trying to understand a companion paper or students learning about a new simple language or operational semantics. We include a list of open-source projects with a web frontend supported by Caos that are used both in research and teaching contexts.


Reducing measurement costs by recycling the Hessian in adaptive variational quantum algorithms

Ramôa, M; Santos, LP; Mayhall, NJ; Barnes, E; Economou, SE;


Adaptive protocols enable the construction of more efficient state preparation circuits in variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) by utilizing data obtained from the quantum processor during the execution of the algorithm. This idea originated with Adaptive Derivative-Assembled Problem-Tailored variational quantum eigensolver (ADAPT-VQE), an algorithm that iteratively grows the state preparation circuit operator by operator, with each new operator accompanied by a new variational parameter, and where all parameters acquired thus far are optimized in each iteration. In ADAPT-VQE and other adaptive VQAs that followed it, it has been shown that initializing parameters to their optimal values from the previous iteration speeds up convergence and avoids shallow local traps in the parameter landscape. However, no other data from the optimization performed at one iteration is carried over to the next. In this work, we propose an improved quasi-Newton optimization protocol specifically tailored to adaptive VQAs. The distinctive feature in our proposal is that approximate second derivatives of the cost function are recycled across iterations in addition to optimal parameter values. We implement a quasi-Newton optimizer where an approximation to the inverse Hessian matrix is continuously built and grown across the iterations of an adaptive VQA. The resulting algorithm has the flavor of a continuous optimization where the dimension of the search space is augmented when the gradient norm falls below a given threshold. We show that this inter-optimization exchange of second-order information leads the approximate Hessian in the state of the optimizer to be consistently closer to the exact Hessian. As a result, our method achieves a superlinear convergence rate even in situations where the typical implementation of a quasi-Newton optimizer converges only linearly. Our protocol decreases the measurement costs in implementing adaptive VQAs on quantum hardware as well as the runtime of their classical simulation.

Factos & Números

1Contratados de I&D


0Capítulos de livros


21Investigadores Séniores

