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Computação Centrada no Humano e Ciência da Informação

HumanISE é um centro de investigação interdisciplinar focado em Computação Centrada no Humano (HCC) com uma ampla e profunda experiência em Ciência da Computação (CS) e Ciência da Informação (IS).

No HumanISE, engenheiros, cientistas e designers focam-se na investigação e desenvolvimento de sistemas de software, métodos e ferramentas que podem potenciar o ser humano e seus ambientes e comunidades, envolvendo elevada complexidade técnica e de gestão, resultante de larga escala, heterogeneidade, incerteza, integridade, conformidade com normas e enquadramentos legais ou questões organizacionais especificas do domínio de aplicação.

A nossa missão é desenvolver atividade de excelência e impactante em termos científicos, inovação, consultoria e e transferência de tecnologia, em estreita cooperação com os nossos parceiros académicos e empresariais. Focamos a nossa atividade em cinco áreas de investigação principais - Interação Homem(Pessoa)-Computador; Computação Gráfica e Media Digital Interativa; Gestão da Informação e Sistemas de Informação; Engenharia de Software; e Sistemas Computacionais de Grande Escala e Propósito Específico, Linguagens e Ferramentas - e quatro áreas principais de inovação - Investigação em Saúde Personalizada; Ciências da Terra, Mar e Espaço; Engenharia de Sistemas de Informação Geo-espacial; e Sistemas de Informação e Computação Aplicada.

Estamos também fortemente empenhados na formação de jovens investigadores e jovens profissionais, tendo um registo significativo na orientação de mestrandos e doutorandos.

Atualmente, os nossos investigadores são oriundos da Universidade do Porto (UP), Politécnico do Porto (IPP), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Universidade Aberta (UAb) e Universidade do Minho (UM).

Últimas Notícias
Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Carros sem condutor? Sim, mas só em determinadas condições. Investigadores querem tornar estas condições sustentáveis e adaptáveis

FRODDO - é o nome do projeto que vai contribuir, através do desenvolvimento e teste de soluções tecnológicas, para uma maior segurança e robustez de sistemas autónomos e conectados, como o dos carros sem condutor, apoiando a mobilidade centrada no utilizador. O INESC TEC é um dos parceiros deste projeto europeu, com um financiamento de quase seis milhões de euros, ao abrigo do programa de financiamento Horizonte Europa.

07 fevereiro 2025

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

A aprendizagem imersiva veio para impactar os contextos educativos. E o INESC TEC conta com uma investigadora na direção da principal rede da área

Daniela Pedrosa, investigadora colaboradora do INESC TEC, assumiu o cargo de gestão de edição responsável pelas publicações da Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), depois de quatro anos como publications chair no comité organizador da conferência promovida pela associação.

04 fevereiro 2025

Como será a educação do futuro? Uma rede quer aproximar pessoas, tecnologia e natureza para dar respostas – e conta com o INESC TEC

Um ambiente educativo que coloque o enfoque na interação do ser humano com todo o contexto que o rodeia: é este o objetivo de uma proposta de educação que vai receber contributos do INESC TEC.  

29 janeiro 2025

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Um ecossistema de redes, a inteligência artificial e a educação OnLIFE: há um novo projeto no Brasil que conta com o contributo do INESC TEC

Como é que a colaboração entre redes pode potenciar a educação interligada à inteligência artificial e aos ambientes imersivos? E como é que essa educação pode responder às mudanças ambientais, tecnológicas, sociais que vivemos? Como se prepara a sociedade para viver, aprender e trabalhar nestas novas realidades? Para dar resposta a estas perguntas, surge o projeto “Network Ecosystem in the OnLIFE Education Paradigm in the Age of Artificial Intelligences”, que pretende potenciar a investigação em rede, alavancando a formação em contextos ecologicamente interligados com a IA Generativa.

27 janeiro 2025


Portugal na linha da frente com nova tecnologia para medir gás radão e melhorar as projeções climáticas globais

Durante quatro anos o INESC TEC vai liderar um consórcio internacional de 2,6M€ que tem como objetivo utilizar técnicas avançadas de medição da radioatividade ambiental. Espera-se que em 2028 existam novas soluções tecnológicas capazes de melhorar quer a investigação climática – principalmente no que à estimativa das emissões de gases de efeito de estufa diz respeito – quer a proteção radiológica da população e do meio ambiente.

02 outubro 2024


Projetos Selecionados


Aquisição de um serviço de desenvolvimento de arquitetura do sistema AMIDA



Programa de Formação Avançada Industria 4 - 5a edição




Laboratório de Sistemas de Informação

Laboratório de Engenharia de Software

Laboratório de Computação Gráfica e Ambientes Virtuais


HumanISE Publicações

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Histopoly: A serious game for teaching histology to 1st year veterinary students

Marcos, R; Gomes, A; Santos, M; Coelho, A;


Histology is a preclinical subject transversal in medical, dental, and veterinary curricula. Classical teaching approaches in histology are often undermined by lower motivation and engagement of students, which may be addressed by innovative learning environments. Herein, we developed a serious game approach and compared it with a classical teaching style. The students' feedback was evaluated by questionnaires, and their performance on quizzes and exam's scores were assessed. The serious game (Histopoly) consisted of a game-based web application for the teacher/game master, a digital gaming application used by the students as a controller, and a projected digital board game. The board featured rows for the four fundamental tissues (epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous) paired with question tiles and additional tiles with more demanding activities (e.g., drawing, presenting slides, and making a syllabus). Participants included all veterinary students enrolled in the first year. Paired laboratory sessions were split with four sections (n = 94 students) playing Histopoly at the end of all sessions and two sections (n = 28 students) completing small evaluations every three weeks at the beginning of sessions. According to the questionnaires, students that played the serious game were more motivated, engaged, and more interconnected with classmates. The activity was considered fun, and students enjoyed the classes more. No differences in the final examination scores were found, but the percentage of correct answers provided throughout the serious game was significantly higher. Overall, these findings argue for the inclusion of serious games in modern histology teaching to promote student engagement in learning.


Augmented Reality in Information Design

Fadel, LM; Coelho, A;

Springer Series in Design and Innovation

The potential of Augmented Reality (AR) has been harnessed to create immersive game settings, present layers of relevant information in museums, streamline procedures in healthcare and industry, and captivate consumers through innovative marketing strategies. Certain artifacts lend themselves well to representation in AR, especially those requiring a seamless fusion of the information layer with physical space. This integration underscores the suitability of information design artifacts for AR implementation. This study aims to delineate the distinctive attributes of AR in remediating information design, effectively catering to the user’s informational needs. To this end, we analyzed the Google Translate app, examining it through the analytical lens of body schema and haptic engagement. The findings reveal that AR manifests as a performative, personalized, crafted image that fosters involvement through agency. The performative nature of the image directs attention, while individual images collectively form a collection. It is recommended that AR design be centered around achieving harmony among body, media, and space. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.


Alloy Repair Hint Generation Based on Historical Data

Barros, A; Neto, H; Cunha, A; Macedo, N; Paiva, ACR;


Platforms to support novices learning to program are often accompanied by automated next-step hints that guide them towards correct solutions. Many of those approaches are data-driven, building on historical data to generate higher quality hints. Formal specifications are increasingly relevant in software engineering activities, but very little support exists to help novices while learning. Alloy is a formal specification language often used in courses on formal software development methods, and a platform-Alloy4Fun-has been proposed to support autonomous learning. While non-data-driven specification repair techniques have been proposed for Alloy that could be leveraged to generate next-step hints, no data-driven hint generation approach has been proposed so far. This paper presents the first data-driven hint generation technique for Alloy and its implementation as an extension to Alloy4Fun, being based on the data collected by that platform. This historical data is processed into graphs that capture past students' progress while solving specification challenges. Hint generation can be customized with policies that take into consideration diverse factors, such as the popularity of paths in those graphs successfully traversed by previous students. Our evaluation shows that the performance of this new technique is competitive with non-data-driven repair techniques. To assess the quality of the hints, and help select the most appropriate hint generation policy, we conducted a survey with experienced Alloy instructors.


Testing infrastructures to support mobile application testing: A systematic mapping study

Kuroishi, PH; Paiva, ACR; Maldonado, JC; Vincenzi, AMR;


Context: Testing activities are essential for the quality assurance of mobile applications under development. Despite its importance, some studies show that testing is not widely applied in mobile applications. Some characteristics of mobile devices and a varied market of mobile devices with different operating system versions lead to a highly fragmented mobile ecosystem. Thus, researchers put some effort into proposing different solutions to optimize mobile application testing. Objective: The main goal of this paper is to provide a categorization and classification of existing testing infrastructures to support mobile application testing. Methods: To this aim, the study provides a Systematic Mapping Study of 27 existing primary studies. Results: We present a new classification and categorization of existing types of testing infrastructure, the types of supported devices and operating systems, whether the testing infrastructure is available for usage or experimentation, and supported testing types and applications. Conclusion: Our findings show a need for mobile testing infrastructures that support multiple phases of the testing process. Moreover, we showed a need for testing infrastructure for context-aware applications and support for both emulators and real devices. Finally, we pinpoint the need to make the research available to the community whenever possible.


GAMFLEW: serious game to teach white-box testing

Silva, M; Paiva, ACR; Mendes, A;


Software testing plays a fundamental role in software engineering, involving the systematic evaluation of software to identify defects, errors, and vulnerabilities from the early stages of the development process. Education in software testing is essential for students and professionals, as it promotes quality and favours the construction of reliable software solutions. However, motivating students to learn software testing may be a challenge. To overcome this, educators may incorporate some strategies into the teaching and learning process, such as real-world examples, interactive learning, and gamification. Gamification aims to make learning software testing more engaging for students by creating a more enjoyable experience. One approach that has proven effective is to use serious games. This paper presents a novel serious game to teach white-box testing test case design techniques, named GAMFLEW (GAMe For LEarning White-box testing). It describes the design, game mechanics, and its implementation. It also presents a preliminary evaluation experiment with students to assess the usability, learnability, and perceived problems, among other aspects. The results obtained are encouraging.