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Computação Centrada no Humano e Ciência da Informação

HumanISE é um centro de investigação interdisciplinar focado em Computação Centrada no Humano (HCC) com uma ampla e profunda experiência em Ciência da Computação (CS) e Ciência da Informação (IS).

No HumanISE, engenheiros, cientistas e designers focam-se na investigação e desenvolvimento de sistemas de software, métodos e ferramentas que podem potenciar o ser humano e seus ambientes e comunidades, envolvendo elevada complexidade técnica e de gestão, resultante de larga escala, heterogeneidade, incerteza, integridade, conformidade com normas e enquadramentos legais ou questões organizacionais especificas do domínio de aplicação.

A nossa missão é desenvolver atividade de excelência e impactante em termos científicos, inovação, consultoria e e transferência de tecnologia, em estreita cooperação com os nossos parceiros académicos e empresariais. Focamos a nossa atividade em cinco áreas de investigação principais - Interação Homem(Pessoa)-Computador; Computação Gráfica e Media Digital Interativa; Gestão da Informação e Sistemas de Informação; Engenharia de Software; e Sistemas Computacionais de Grande Escala e Propósito Específico, Linguagens e Ferramentas - e quatro áreas principais de inovação - Investigação em Saúde Personalizada; Ciências da Terra, Mar e Espaço; Engenharia de Sistemas de Informação Geo-espacial; e Sistemas de Informação e Computação Aplicada.

Estamos também fortemente empenhados na formação de jovens investigadores e jovens profissionais, tendo um registo significativo na orientação de mestrandos e doutorandos.

Atualmente, os nossos investigadores são oriundos da Universidade do Porto (UP), Politécnico do Porto (IPP), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Universidade Aberta (UAb) e Universidade do Minho (UM).

Últimas Notícias

Portugal na linha da frente com nova tecnologia para medir gás radão e melhorar as projeções climáticas globais

Durante quatro anos o INESC TEC vai liderar um consórcio internacional de 2,6M€ que tem como objetivo utilizar técnicas avançadas de medição da radioatividade ambiental. Espera-se que em 2028 existam novas soluções tecnológicas capazes de melhorar quer a investigação climática – principalmente no que à estimativa das emissões de gases de efeito de estufa diz respeito – quer a proteção radiológica da população e do meio ambiente.

02 outubro 2024

INESC TEC quer ajudar empresas a abraçar a transformação digital a custos reduzidos

Transição digital, inovação, capacitação das empresas, financiamento, tecnologias disruptivas como Inteligência Artificial (IA) e Computação Avançada (HPC). E uma certeza: 2024 será um ano de oportunidades para as empresas que estiverem dispostas a arriscar. No Palácio do Freixo, no Porto, cerca de 100 participantes juntaram-se para conhecer em detalhe o ATTRACT, o pólo europeu de inovação digital (EDIH – European Digital Innovation Hub), coordenado pelo INESC TEC.

08 fevereiro 2024

Investigadores do INESC TEC querem tornar treinos em ambientes virtuais mais realistas e multissensoriais

O trabalho científico "Studying the Influence of Multisensory Stimuli on a Firefighting Training Virtual Environment" venceu a 13.ª edição do prémio Professor José Luís Encarnação. É a sexta vez que um grupo de investigadores do INESC TEC é reconhecido com este galardão anual.

17 janeiro 2024

Tecnologia INESC TEC ajuda a proteger o olival e pode chegar a outras culturas

The InOlive project reached the end; the olive groves' smart monitoring solutions developed within the scope of the initiative are currently being used. INESC TEC has created a smart trap, a technology that could be optimised to other crops.  

10 outubro 2023

INESC TEC participa em seminário dedicado à Bioeconomia Florestal

Promover o debate e a reflexão em torno das tecnologias avançadas, dos mercados emergentes e das políticas nacionais e europeias, que contribuam para a valorização e o uso eficiente e sustentável dos recursos florestais – este foi o mote do seminário organizado pela FORESTIS – Associação Florestal de Portugal, que reuniu atores de Portugal e Espanha, e que contou com a participação do INESC TEC.

28 julho 2023


Projetos Selecionados


Aquisição de um serviço de desenvolvimento de arquitetura do sistema AMIDA



Programa de Formação Avançada Industria 4 - 5a edição




Laboratório de Sistemas de Informação

Laboratório de Engenharia de Software

Laboratório de Computação Gráfica e Ambientes Virtuais


HumanISE Publicações

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Alloy Repair Hint Generation Based on Historical Data

Barros, A; Neto, H; Cunha, A; Macedo, N; Paiva, ACR;


Platforms to support novices learning to program are often accompanied by automated next-step hints that guide them towards correct solutions. Many of those approaches are data-driven, building on historical data to generate higher quality hints. Formal specifications are increasingly relevant in software engineering activities, but very little support exists to help novices while learning. Alloy is a formal specification language often used in courses on formal software development methods, and a platform-Alloy4Fun-has been proposed to support autonomous learning. While non-data-driven specification repair techniques have been proposed for Alloy that could be leveraged to generate next-step hints, no data-driven hint generation approach has been proposed so far. This paper presents the first data-driven hint generation technique for Alloy and its implementation as an extension to Alloy4Fun, being based on the data collected by that platform. This historical data is processed into graphs that capture past students' progress while solving specification challenges. Hint generation can be customized with policies that take into consideration diverse factors, such as the popularity of paths in those graphs successfully traversed by previous students. Our evaluation shows that the performance of this new technique is competitive with non-data-driven repair techniques. To assess the quality of the hints, and help select the most appropriate hint generation policy, we conducted a survey with experienced Alloy instructors.


Testing infrastructures to support mobile application testing: A systematic mapping study

Kuroishi, PH; Paiva, ACR; Maldonado, JC; Vincenzi, AMR;


Context: Testing activities are essential for the quality assurance of mobile applications under development. Despite its importance, some studies show that testing is not widely applied in mobile applications. Some characteristics of mobile devices and a varied market of mobile devices with different operating system versions lead to a highly fragmented mobile ecosystem. Thus, researchers put some effort into proposing different solutions to optimize mobile application testing. Objective: The main goal of this paper is to provide a categorization and classification of existing testing infrastructures to support mobile application testing. Methods: To this aim, the study provides a Systematic Mapping Study of 27 existing primary studies. Results: We present a new classification and categorization of existing types of testing infrastructure, the types of supported devices and operating systems, whether the testing infrastructure is available for usage or experimentation, and supported testing types and applications. Conclusion: Our findings show a need for mobile testing infrastructures that support multiple phases of the testing process. Moreover, we showed a need for testing infrastructure for context-aware applications and support for both emulators and real devices. Finally, we pinpoint the need to make the research available to the community whenever possible.


A new proposed model to assess the digital organizational readiness to maximize the results of the digital transformation in SMEs

Silva, RP; Mamede, HS; Santos, V;

Journal of Innovation and Knowledge

Scientific research in digital transformation is expanding in scope, quantity, and relevance, bringing forth diverse perspectives on which factors and specific dimensions—such as organizational structure, culture, and technological readiness—affect the success of digital transformation initiatives. Numerous studies have proposed mechanisms to assess an organization's maturity through digital transformation across various models. Some of these models focus on external influences, others on internal factors, or both. Although these assessments provide valuable insights into a company's transformation state, they often lack consistency, and recent research highlights key gaps. Specifically, many models primarily reflect the views of senior management on the general progress of digital transformation rather than on measurable outcomes. Moreover, these models tend to target large enterprises, overlooking small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are crucial to economic growth yet face unique challenges, such as limited resources and expertise. Our study addresses these gaps by concentrating on SMEs and introducing a novel approach to assessing digital transformation readiness—a metric that reflects how prepared an organization is to optimize transformation outcomes. Following design science research methodology, we develop a model that centers on the perspectives of general employees, offering companies an in-depth view of their readiness across 20 dimensions. Each dimension is evaluated through behaviors indicative of the highest level of digital transformation readiness, helping companies identify areas to maximize potential benefits. Our model focuses not on technological quality but on the degree to which behaviors essential for leveraging technology and innovative business models are integrated within the organization. © 2024 The Author(s)


Contributions for the Development of Personae: Method for Creating Persona Templates (MCPT)

Couto, F; Curado Malta, M;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

This paper contributes to developing a Method for Creating Persona Templates (MCPT), addressing a significant gap in user-centred design methodologies. Utilising qualitative data collection and analysis techniques, MCPT offers a systematic approach to developing robust and context-oriented persona templates. MCPT was created by applying the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, and it incorporates multiple iterations for template refinement and validation among project stakeholders; all of the proposed steps of this method were based on theoretical contributions. Furthermore, MCPT was tested and refined within a real-life R&D project focusing on developing a digital platform e-marketplace for short agrifood supply chains in two iteration cycles. MCPT fills a critical void in persona research by providing detailed instructions for each step of template development. By involving the target audience, users, and project stakeholders, MCPT adds rigour to the persona creation process, enhancing the quality and relevance of personae casts. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge by offering an initial proposal of a comprehensive method for creating persona templates within diverse projects and contexts. Further research should explore MCPT’s adaptability to different settings and projects, thus refining its effectiveness and extending its utility in user-centred design practices. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.


Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISIGRAPP 2024, Volume 4: VISAPP, Rome, Italy, February 27-29, 2024

Radeva, P; Furnari, A; Bouatouch, K; de Sousa, AA;

