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Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Apoio à Decisão

O LIAAD investiga na área estratégica de Data Science, que tem verificado um crescente interesse por todo o mundo, sendo fundamental para todas as áreas da atividade humana.

As enormes quantidades de dados recolhidos (Big Data) e a generalização de dispositivos com sensores e/ou poder de processamento oferecem cada vez mais oportunidades e desafios a cientistas e engenheiros.

Além disso, a procura por modelos complexos de apoio à decisão está a generalizar-se em áreas como negócios, saúde, ciência, governo eletrónico e e-learning, o que nos encoraja a investir em diferentes abordagens.

A nossa estratégia geral é tirar proveito do fluxo e diversificação de dados e investir em linhas de investigação que ajudarão a reduzir a lacuna entre dados recolhidos e dados úteis, oferecendo diversas soluções de modelação.

No LIAAD o trabalho científico centra-se nas seguintes áreas: machine learning, estatística, otimização e matemática.

Últimas Notícias
Inteligência Artificial

“De onde vimos? Para onde vamos?” – foi assim que João Gama - um dos cientistas mais citados do mundo - se despediu da sua atividade de docência

35 anos separam o início e o fim da carreira de docente de João Gama, um dos cientistas mais citados do mundo. O investigador do INESC TEC, que deu a sua última aula a 25 de novembro, despediu-se, assim, das salas de aula da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP). O mote? “De onde vimos? Para onde vamos?” – o culminar de uma carreira académica repleta de reconhecimentos, em particular, nas áreas de Inteligência Artificial (IA) e Machine Learning.

28 novembro 2024

Inteligência Artificial

Investigador INESC TEC vence PAIS Outstanding Paper Award na Conferência Europeia de Inteligência Artificial

Matías Molina, investigador do INESC TEC no domínio da inteligência artificial, foi galardoado com o PAIS Outstanding Paper Award na Conferência Europeia de Inteligência Artificial, uma das mais relevantes na europa e no mundo nesta área. Na origem deste trabalho está o projeto EMERITUS, onde o INESC TEC está a utilizar IA para melhorar a capacidade de investigação no que a crimes ambientais diz respeito.

14 novembro 2024


Portugal na linha da frente com nova tecnologia para medir gás radão e melhorar as projeções climáticas globais

Durante quatro anos o INESC TEC vai liderar um consórcio internacional de 2,6M€ que tem como objetivo utilizar técnicas avançadas de medição da radioatividade ambiental. Espera-se que em 2028 existam novas soluções tecnológicas capazes de melhorar quer a investigação climática – principalmente no que à estimativa das emissões de gases de efeito de estufa diz respeito – quer a proteção radiológica da população e do meio ambiente.

02 outubro 2024

Inteligência Artificial

INESC TEC testa Inteligência Artificial para melhorar capacidade de investigação em crimes ambientais

Há um projeto europeu, que conta com a participação do INESC TEC, que está a desenvolver uma plataforma que se pretende que seja utilizada pelas autoridades policias e guardar fronteiriças para melhorar as capacidades de investigação contra crimes ambientais. A Inteligência Artificial (IA) por detrás da plataforma conta com a assinatura de investigadores do INESC TEC.

26 fevereiro 2024

INESC TEC quer ajudar empresas a abraçar a transformação digital a custos reduzidos

Transição digital, inovação, capacitação das empresas, financiamento, tecnologias disruptivas como Inteligência Artificial (IA) e Computação Avançada (HPC). E uma certeza: 2024 será um ano de oportunidades para as empresas que estiverem dispostas a arriscar. No Palácio do Freixo, no Porto, cerca de 100 participantes juntaram-se para conhecer em detalhe o ATTRACT, o pólo europeu de inovação digital (EDIH – European Digital Innovation Hub), coordenado pelo INESC TEC.

08 fevereiro 2024


LIAAD Publicações

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GASTeNv2: Generative Adversarial Stress Testing Networks with Gaussian Loss

Teixeira, C; Gomes, I; Cunha, L; Soares, C; van Rijn, N;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

As machine learning technologies are increasingly adopted, the demand for responsible AI practices to ensure transparency and accountability grows. To better understand the decision-making processes of machine learning models, GASTeN was developed to generate realistic yet ambiguous synthetic data near a classifier’s decision boundary. However, the results were inconsistent, with few images in the low-confidence region and noise. Therefore, we propose a new GASTeN version with a modified architecture and a novel loss function. This new loss function incorporates a multi-objective measure with a Gaussian loss centered on the classifier probability, targeting the decision boundary. Our study found that while the original GASTeN architecture yields the highest Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) scores, the updated version achieves lower Average Confusion Distance (ACD) values and consistent performance across low-confidence regions. Both architectures produce realistic and ambiguous images, but the updated one is more reliable, with no instances of GAN mode collapse. Additionally, the introduction of the Gaussian loss enhanced this architecture by allowing for adjustable tolerance in image generation around the decision boundary. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.


An Empirical Evaluation of DeepAR for Univariate Time Series Forecasting

Urjais Gomes, R; Soares, C; Reis, LP;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

DeepAR is a popular probabilistic time series forecasting algorithm. According to the authors, DeepAR is particularly suitable to build global models using hundreds of related time series. For this reason, it is a common expectation that DeepAR obtains poor results in univariate forecasting [10]. However, there are no empirical studies that clearly support this. Here, we compare the performance of DeepAR with standard forecasting models to assess its performance regarding 1 step-ahead forecasts. We use 100 time series from the M4 competition to compare univariate DeepAR with univariate LSTM and SARIMAX models, both for point and quantile forecasts. Results show that DeepAR obtains good results, which contradicts common perception. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.


Optimizing job shop scheduling with speed-adjustable machines and peak power constraints: A mathematical model and heuristic solutions

Homayouni, SM; Fontes, DBMM;


This paper addresses a job shop scheduling problem with peak power constraints, in which jobs can be processed once or multiple times on either all or a subset of the machines. The latter characteristic provides additional flexibility, nowadays present in many manufacturing systems. The problem is complicated by the need to determine both the operation sequence and starting time as well as the speed at which machines process each operation. Due to the adherence to renewable energy production and its intermittent nature, manufacturing companies need to adopt power-flexible production schedules. The proposed power control strategies, that is, adjusting processing speed and timing to reduce peak power requirements may impact production time (makespan) and energy consumption. Therefore, we propose a bi-objective approach that minimizes both objectives. A linear programming model is developed to provide a formal statement of the problem, which is solved to optimality for small-sized instances. We also proposed a multi-objective biased random key genetic algorithm framework that evolves several populations in parallel. Computational experiments provide decision and policymakers with insights into the implications of imposing or negotiating power consumption limits. Finally, the several trade-off solutions obtained show that as the power limit is lowered, the makespan increases at an increasing rate and a similar trend is observed in energy consumption but only for very small makespan values. Furthermore, peak power demand reductions of about 25% have a limited impact on the minimum makespan value (4-6% increase), while at the same time allowing for a small reduction in energy consumption.


Estimating the Likelihood of Financial Behaviours Using Nearest Neighbors A case study on market sensitivities

Mendes Neves, T; Seca, D; Sousa, R; Ribeiro, C; Mendes Moreira, J;


As many automated algorithms find their way into the IT systems of the banking sector, having a way to validate and interpret the results from these algorithms can lead to a substantial reduction in the risks associated with automation. Usually, validating these pricing mechanisms requires human resources to manually analyze and validate large quantities of data. There is a lack of effective methods that analyze the time series and understand if what is currently happening is plausible based on previous data, without information about the variables used to calculate the price of the asset. This paper describes an implementation of a process that allows us to validate many data points automatically. We explore the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to find coincident patterns in financial time series, allowing us to detect anomalies, outliers, and data points that do not follow normal behavior. This system allows quicker detection of defective calculations that would otherwise result in the incorrect pricing of financial assets. Furthermore, our method does not require knowledge about the variables used to calculate the time series being analyzed. Our proposal uses pattern matching and can validate more than 58% of instances, substantially improving human risk analysts' efficiency. The proposal is completely transparent, allowing analysts to understand how the algorithm made its decision, increasing the trustworthiness of the method.


Optimal gas subset selection for dissolved gas analysis in power transformers

Pinto, J; Esteves, V; Tavares, S; Sousa, R;


The power transformer is one of the key components of any electrical grid, and, as such, modern day industrialization activities require constant usage of the asset. This increases the possibility of failures and can potentially diminish the lifespan of a power transformer. Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is a technique developed to quantify the existence of hydrocarbon gases in the content of the power transformer oil, which in turn can indicate the presence of faults. Since this process requires different chemical analysis for each type of gas, the overall cost of the operation increases with number of gases. Thus said, a machine learning methodology was defined to meet two simultaneous objectives, identify gas subsets, and predict the remaining gases, thus restoring them. Two subsets of equal or smaller size to those used by traditional methods (Duval's triangle, Roger's ratio, IEC table) were identified, while showing potentially superior performance. The models restored the discarded gases, and the restored set was compared with the original set in a variety of validation tasks.

Factos & Números

3Capítulos de livros


23Docentes do Ensino Superior


14Artigos em conferências indexadas