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Sobre a Fotónica


A Fotónica é amplamente reconhecida como fundamental para fazer face a várias lacunas tecnológicas, nomeadamente na medicina, nas telecomunicações e na informática.Baseada na eletrónica e ao utilizar métodos como o processamento de sinais e de dados e a fusão de sensores, os dispositivos ópticos e as técnicas de processamento podem permitir o diagnóstico e a terapia em tempo real à nanoescala, a deteção e monitorização a longo prazo de ambientes naturais e industriais extremos e redes ultra-eficientes em chips.

Enquanto os elementos ópticos lineares podem ser utilizados para implementar portas quânticas básicas, espera-se que a investigação sobre sistemas não lineares produza portais quânticos avançados, essenciais para a implementação de algoritmos quânticos em grande escala.


Se estiver a conduzir, não pare, mas repare nos painéis informativos das estradas portuguesas: alguns têm tecnologia INESC TEC

Os painéis informativos das estradas portuguesas são agora mais eficientes graças a uma tecnologia desenvolvida pelo INESC TEC, que tem como objetivo melhorar a visibilidade das luzes LED e reduzir o reflexo solar em condições adversas.

27 janeiro 2025


Investigador INESC TEC premiado no Dia do Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Física

Miguel Almeida, investigador do INESC TEC, foi premiado no Dia do Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Física – PRODEF 2024 – pela melhor apresentação oral. O trabalho apresentado pelo investigador – intitulado “The advantages of using Tamm Plasmon Resonance for Hydrogen sensing over Traditional Plasmonic Methods” apresentou avanços no desenvolvimento de sensores em fibra ótica para a deteção de hidrogénio.

08 novembro 2024


Investigador do INESC TEC nomeado membro Fellow da Sociedade Europeia de Ótica

Orlando Frazão, investigador do INESC TEC, foi nomeado membro Fellow da Sociedade Europeia de Ótica (EOS - European Optical Society) para o ano de 2024, em reconhecimento da sua longa carreira na área da fotónica aplicada, nomeadamente nos sensores em fibra ótica.

02 outubro 2024


INESC TEC participa na 19ª edição da Escola de Verão de Física da FCUP

Foram vários os investigadores do INESC TEC que participaram na 19ª edição da Escola de Verão de Física da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP). Através da mentoria de projetos e visitas guiadas aos laboratórios, os investigadores da instituição mostraram aos 61 alunos que participaram nesta atividade, o papel diferenciador que o INESC TEC tem na interface entre a academia, a ciência e a tecnologia.

04 setembro 2024


Investigadora INESC TEC premiada no Encontro Anual de Investigação Jovem da U. Porto

Rita Faria, investigadora do INESC TEC, foi premiada no Encontro Anual de Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto – IJUP 2024 – pela melhor apresentação oral na área da Física. O trabalho apresentado pela investigadora – intitulado “Long-Period Fiber Gratings and Fabry-Perot Interferometers for Relative Humidity Fiber Sensing in a Marine Environment” apresentou avanços no desenvolvimento de sensores em fibra ótica para a monitorização de humidade que irão ser implementados em estruturas de betão flutuantes para suportar turbinas eólicas offshore.

27 junho 2024



A field-based evaluation of portable XRF to screen for toxic metals in seafood products

Roberts, AA; Guimaraes, D; Tehrani, MW; Lin, S; Parsons, PJ;


Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) has become increasingly popular where traditional laboratory methods are either impractical, time consuming, and/or too costly. While the Limit of Detection (LOD) is generally poorer for XRF compared to laboratory-based methods, recent advances have improved XRF LODs and increased its potential for field-based studies. Portable XRF can be used to screen food products for toxic elements such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), manganese, (Mn), zinc (Zn), and strontium (Sr). In this study, 23 seafood samples were analyzed using portable XRF in a home setting. After XRF measurements were completed in each home, the same samples were transferred to the laboratory for re-analysis using microwave-assisted digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS). Four elements (Mn, Sr, As, and Zn) were quantifiable by XRF in most samples, and those results were compared to those obtained by ICP-MS/MS. Agreement was judged reasonable for Mn, Sr, and As, but not for Zn. Discrepancies could be due to (1) the limited time available to prepare field samples for XRF, (2) the heterogeneous nature of real samples analyzed by XRF, and (3) the small beam spot size (similar to 1 mm) of the XRF analyzer. Portable XRF is a cost-effective screening tool for public health investigations involving exposure to toxic metals. It is important for practitioners untrained in XRF spectrometry to (1) recognize the limitations of portable instrumentation, (2) include validation data for each specific analyte(s) measured, and (3) ensure personnel have some training in sample preparation techniques for field-based XRF analyses.


Paracetamol concentration-sensing scheme based on a linear cavity fiber laser configuration

Soares, L; Perez Herrera, RA; Novais, S; Ferreira, A; Fraza, O; Silva, S;


A paracetamol concentration-sensing scheme based on a linear cavity fiber laser configuration is demonstrated experimentally. The laser cavity has a fiber sensor at one end, that allows refractive index measurements. The refractometer consists of a cleaved fiber tip combined with an FBG functioning as a reflecting mirror. The combination of a fiber loop mirror at the other end allows to reflect all the light from the FBG and refractometer, forming a linear cavity. By measuring the intensity variation of the Fresnel reflection at the fiber-to-liquid interface, the measured concentration is linear and have a concentration sensitivity of [( - 8.74 & PLUSMN; 0.34) x 10-5 ] & mu;W/(g/kg), over a range of 52.61 to 219.25 g/kg, and with a resolution of 2.77 g/kg. The results obtained present high stability and prove the potential of the fiber laser system to performed realtime measurements of concentration, in a non-invasive way.


Low-Cost Wideband Interrogation System for Fiber Optic Sensors

Araujo, JCC; dos Santos, PSS; Dias, B; de Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, LCC;


The interrogation of optical fiber sensors (OFS) often relies on complex devices such as optical spectrum analyzers (OSAs) that are expensive with low portability and mainly suited to laboratory measurements or dedicated interrogation systems with limited spectral range. An interrogation unit was designed and fabricated using a photodetector combined with a micro-electromechanical system and a Fabry-Perot interferometer (MEMS-FPI) working as a tunable filter with a response in the range 1350-1650 nm. Deconvolution techniques were applied to mitigate the effect of the broadband response of the tunable filter on the measured signal. The performance of the unit was validated with the interrogation of long-period fiber gratings (LPFGs) as temperature, refractive index (RI), and relative humidity (RH) sensors. For the temperature, a sensitivity of 0.135 +/- 0.007 nm/degrees C was obtained, which showed a 4.9% relative error when compared to the same measurement with an OSA. For the RI, a sensitivity of 147 +/- 11 nm/RIU was obtained, which showed a relative error lower than 1% when compared to the OSA. For the humidity, sensitivities of 0.742 +/- 0.005 and 0.056 +/- 0.006 nm/%RH were obtained, with errors of 2.75% and 6.67%, respectively, when compared to a commercial dedicated interrogation system. The low relative error obtained when compared to commercial alternatives shows the potential of the system to be used in real-time applications that require portability, low cost, energy efficiency, and capacity for integration in dedicated systems.


Compact biosensor system for the quantification of hydrogen peroxide in milk

Vasconcelos, H; Matias, A; Mendes, J; Araujo, J; Dias, B; Jorge, PAS; Saraiva, C; de Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, LCC;


Hydrogen peroxide is usually added to products to delay the development of microorganisms mainly in milk, hence increasing its stability over time, however the side effects can become devastating to human health.A technique is presented consisting of detecting hydrogen peroxide as an adulterant in milk through a sensor where pretreatment of the sample is not necessary, using a single use membrane. The detection of hydrogen peroxide in fresh-raw, whole, semi-skimmed and skimmed milk was performed using a luminol chem-iluminescence reaction.For hydrogen peroxide water solutions, a linear response was attained from 1.0 x 10-4 to 9.0 x 10-3 %w/w and an LOD (limit of detection) of 3.0 x 10-5 %w/w was determined. An R-squared value of 0.97 and a relative standard deviation lower than 10%, were achieved.Hydrogen peroxide concentration as low as 1.0 x 10-3 %w/w was measured for fresh-raw, skim and whole milk and for semi-skimmed milk, as low as 2.0 x 10-3 %w/w.The methodology presented, as long as our knowledge, is original, rapid, ecological and inexpensive. In regard of the sensitivity obtained, the methodology has great possibility to be applied in the detection of hydrogen peroxide in several areas. It is envisaged monitoring of food quality, agriculture systems and environment pollution.


Invasive and Minimally Invasive Evaluation of Diffusion Properties of Sugar in Muscle

Pinheiro, MR; Tuchin, VV; Oliveira, LM;


In this article, the use of diffuse reflectance (R-d) spectroscopy is explored to evaluate the diffusion properties of water and sucrose in skeletal muscle during optical clearing treatments. Treating muscle samples with sucrose-water solutions with different osmolarities, collimated transmittance (T-c) and R-d measurements were performed to obtain the diffusion time (t) and the diffusion coefficient (D) values that characterize the unique water and sucrose fluxes in the muscle and also the optical clearing mechanisms designated as tissue dehydration and refractive index matching. Considering the R-d measurements, the estimated t and D values for water in the muscle were 63.1s and 1.72x10(-6) cm(2)/s, while the ones estimated for sucrose were 261s and 4.86x10(-7) cm(2)/s. Comparing these values with the ones estimated from the T-c measurements, the relative differences observed for t and D were 1.6% and 2.8% in the case of water and 0.3% and 0.4% in the case of sucrose.


Measurement of tissue optical properties in a wide spectral range: a review [Invited]

Martins, IS; Silva, HF; Lazareva, EN; Chernomyrdin, NV; Zaytsev, KI; Oliveira, LM; Tuchin, VV;


A distinctive feature of this review is a critical analysis of methods and results of measurements of the optical properties of tissues in a wide spectral range from deep UV to terahertz waves. Much attention is paid to measurements of the refractive index of biological tissues and liquids, the knowledge of which is necessary for the effective application of many methods of optical imaging and diagnostics. The optical parameters of healthy and pathological tissues are presented, and the reasons for their differences are discussed, which is important for the discrimination of pathologies and the demarcation of their boundaries. When considering the interaction of terahertz radiation with tissues, the concept of an effective medium is discussed, and relaxation models of the effective optical properties of tissues are presented. Attention is drawn to the manifestation of the scattering properties of tissues in the THz range and the problems of measuring the optical properties of tissues in this range are discussed. In conclusion, a method for the dynamic analysis of the optical properties of tissues under optical clearing using an application of immersion agents is presented. The main mechanisms and technologies of optical clearing, as well as examples of the successful application for differentiation of healthy and pathological tissues, are analyzed. (c) 2022 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement