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Immersive Media Experiences 2015


Important Dates

Submission date: Jul 8, 2015
Notification date: Aug 1, 2015
Camera ready: Aug 15, 2015
Workshop: Oct 26 or 30 (to be confirmed), 2015

Workshop Motivation and Topics

Immersive media has the potential for strong impact on users' emotions and their sense of presence and engagement. Increasingly, technology is supporting capturing, producing, sharing and accessing information from users' own perspectives and experiences, over the Internet, in social media, and through video on demand services through iTV. We have been witnessing an increase in the amount of content and range of devices for capturing, viewing and sensing, many of them portable and offering tremendous opportunities for immersion, user participation and personalization. The integration of different media formats, including 3D content, panoramic displays, multiview, as well as the possibility of delivering and accessing content through different communication vehicles, promote the development of a new participatory paradigm and enable new perceptual user experiences that provide more realistic, engaging and immersive involvement.

Immersion may be influenced by sensory modalities, surround effect, and vividness through resolution, associated with the sense of presence, the viewer's conscious feeling of being inside the virtual world; and by participation and social immersion in the media chain, increasing the
sense of belonging. It has an impact on the users and may benefit from personalized and context-aware environments and content. Given the richness and complexity of these emerging media environments, researchers have begun to grapple with the dynamics of contemporary media usage to face the challenges for the design and development of technology and applications that effectively support and realize this immersion potential.

This workshop takes place in the middle of a media revolution where users are expecting to take part in the action by interacting with and generating content and to experience immersive and personalized environments. Its goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners in this interdisciplinary and transversal emerging field, and to foster discussion of ongoing work and future directions of related topics by providing a forum for focused exchanges on new ideas, developments, and results.

We invite contributions that address themes related to Immersive Media.

Topics include but are not limited to:

* Perceptual Immersion and multisensory interaction and communication (including smell, taste and touch);
* Audiovisual Immersion: 3D, panoramic, multiview and holographic video, spatial and stereoscopic audio;
* Augmented reality enhancing current perception of immersion;
* Immersive TV, film and cinema;
* Participatory media experiences including user generated content, collaborative scenarios and crowdsourcing;
* Personalization and context-aware adaptation in immersive scenarios;
* Emotions and affective interaction for immersive media;
* Social aspects in new media services;
* Novel rich media content production, distribution and consumption paradigms;
* Enabling technologies and formats: new interaction devices, environments, modalities, and media formats;
* Immersive media applications: culture, entertainment, education, art, health, personal media, etc;
* Field trials, user studies and quality of experience in immersive media;
* Design and evaluation of immersive media experiences.

Paper Submission

The workshop welcomes submissions of full papers, as well as short papers reporting new, unpublished, original research. Full papers should not exceed 6 pages and be formatted using ACM guidelines. Short papers should be described using the same format and should not exceed 4 pages. Papers should be anonymized for double-blind reviewing. Papers are submitted electronically through Easy Chair paper submission service:

Review Process

Papers will be reviewed in a double-blind procedure by the international program committee. At least 3 reviewers will be assigned to each paper. Papers will be judged on their relevance, novelty, scientific contribution, technical content, and clarity of presentation.


Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings on the ACM Digital Library.

Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of a Top Ranked Multimedia Journal.

Workshop Chairs

Teresa Chambel, Lasige, Fac. of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Paula Viana, Polytechnic of Porto and INESC TEC, Portugal
V. Michael Bove, MIT Media Lab, USA
Sharon Strover, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Graham Thomas, BBC, UK

Program Committee (to be completed)

Adrian Cheok, City University London, UK
Anthon Nijholt, Twente University, The Netherlands
Artur Pimenta Alves, University of Porto and INESC TEC, Portugal
George Lekakos, Athens Univ. of Economics and Business, Greece
João Magalhães, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Kostantinos Chorianopoulos, Ionian University, Greece
Marc Cavazza, Teesside University, UK
Maria da Graça Pimentel, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Marian Ursu, University of York, UK
Marianna Obrist, University of Sussex, UK
Nelson Zagalo, University of Minho, Portugal
Nimesha Ranasinghe, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
Nuno Correia, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Omar A. Niamut, TNO, Delft, The Netherlands
Pablo Cesar, CWI, The Netherlands
Rene Kaiser, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria
Ryohei Nakatsu, National University of Singapore
Santosh Basapur, Institute of Design, IIT, USA
Teresa Andrade, University of Porto and INESC TEC, Portugal
Teresa Romão, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Thibault Langlois, Lasige, Fac.of Sciences, Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal



ACM MM 2015:



  • Iniciar

    26 outubro 2015
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