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Eventos Passados

Colloquium of Wikis, Links and Social Software

A nova força do conhecimento será alvo de um debate internacional, organizado pelo INESC Porto e pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), onde participarão alguns dos mais ilustres investigadores do hipertexto.

30 junho 2008

Workshop da Rede de Competência em Mobilidade

Telemática para transportes, serviços móveis baseados em localização, tele-trabalho e lazer em mobilidade são apenas algumas das áreas de intervenção do consórcio da Rede de Competência em Mobilidade (RCM) que serão abordadas num workshop no próximo dia 30 de Junho, no Porto.

30 junho 2008

Jornadas Cemicro 2008

No âmbito da Rede CEMICRO, estão a ser organizadas as jornadas tecnológicas: CEMICRO 2008, nas quais a UOSE faz parte da Comissão Organizadora. Este encontro realizar-se-á no próximo dia 26 de Junho de 2008 na Marinha Grande, com a apresentação de sessões temáticas sobre áreas como o mercado dos microprodutos e das microtecnologias, o estado da arte das tecnologias de micromanufactura e de microfabicação, e os impactos ambientais e na saúde dos novos nanomateriais.

26 junho 2008

Apresentação pública do projecto SAPIR

O INESC Porto, a Aerosoles e o Centro Tecnológico do Calçado promovem a sessão de demonstração dos resultados do projecto SAPIR – Sistema de Apoio ao Planeamento Integrado para Redes de Produção de Calçado, que contará igualmente com uma apresentação global do projecto Europeu CEC-made-shoe e uma demonstração dos resultados do Sub-Projecto PICShoe utilizado para integrar a cadeia de fornecimento da Aerosoles.

26 junho 2008

BASYS 2008 - 8th IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems

The focus of the BASYS'08 conference is to discuss the rapidly evolving field of integration of human actors and emergent technologies and multi-disciplinary approaches towards business ecosystems where a myriad of networked technologies and devices, full interacting with human beings, will be generating, consuming and relaying data and knowledge in the context of a pervasive digital environment.

25 junho 2008

UTM Lab meeting: Network Monitoring

Network monitoring is currently considered one of the main study areas in network management. Networks are growing very fast and users demand for new services (e.g. VoIP and VideoConference) with Quality of Service. Moreover, new business models demand for complex tariffs based on usage-based accounting or hybrid ones (mixture of event based and time based). Security is also becoming the main concern for users, regarding aspects as confidentiality, privacy or authenticity.

12 junho 2008

UTM Lab Meeting: MOSAICA P2P Distributed Content Management System

MOSAICA addresses the presentation and discovery of just about any cultural heritage and that will allow multiple groups of interest to develop innovative and creative user experience. It´s a European project and INESC is responsible for the implementation of a Peer-to-Peer(P2P) Distributed Content Management System (DCMS) that will store heritage contents with metadata associated for semantic querying. This presentation will address the decentralized storage mechanism, overall architecture of the P2P DCMS, the adopted P2P technologies (JXTA and Bittorrent), the SOAP interface implemented in each peer for integration with a larger Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), mechanisms for high availability of contents (super seeding activated through RSS feeds), integration with MOSAICA semantic layer, current implementation state and future developments.

29 maio 2008

UTM Lab Meeting: An Adaptive Cross-Layer Adaptation Framework for Media delivery over Heterogeneous Networks

Streaming applications in distributed systems are facing different problems at different layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) stack. Requirements regarding bandwidth, delay, jitter, video and terminal characteristics (temporal and space scalability) and user's preferences come together to influence the architecture of multimedia delivery services with particular quality-of-services (QoS). However the Internet architecture is only capable to support best-effort services, with varying network conditions during multimedia delivery. Currently, a multitude of protection and adaptation strategies exist at different OSI layers, however these strategies are independent of each other. To improve the perceived media quality delivered to end users over heterogeneous networks, QoS strategies should combine mechanisms at different layers, including application layer, transport layer and data link layer. In this paper, we formalize the problem of multimedia streaming application over heterogeneous networks, then discuss the challenges and finally present a putative architecture.

15 maio 2008

UTM Lab Meeting: Mixing Packets: Pros and Cons of Network Coding

By allowing intermediate nodes in mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks to perform non-trivial operations on packets, thus mixing data from multiple streams, network coding breaks with the ruling store and forward networking paradigm and opens a myriad of challenging questions. Following an overview of the theory and practice of emerging network coding protocols, we provide a taxonomy of their security vulnerabilities, which highlights the differences between attack scenarios in which network coding is particularly vulnerable and other relevant cases in which the intrinsic properties of network coding allow for stronger and more efficient security solutions than classical routing. Furthermore, we give practical examples where network coding can be combined with classical cryptography both for secure communication and secret key distribution. Throughout the talk we shall identify a number of research challenges deemed relevant towards the applicability of network coding in contemporary communication networks. Joint work with Rui Costa, Luisa Lima, Paulo Oliveira, João Paulo Vilela, and Muriel Médard (MIT).

24 abril 2008

UTM Lab Meeting: A Protocol for Event Distribution in Next-Generation Dynamic Networks

With the increasing number of devices carried by users and the emergence of more dynamic network scenarios, new solutions have to be developed to support ubiquitous communications. The need for dynamic and transparent auto-configuration and adaptation of applications, devices and networks of devices to a wide variety of events is one of the major challenges. This paper presents a protocol to be used with notification systems, to support the registration, subscription and distribution of generic events among heterogeneous and independent entities, thus addressing the requirements of future communication scenarios.

22 abril 2008

UTM Lab Meeting: Multichannel Audio Coding for Wave Field Synthesis

In this talk, I will present a non-parametric method for compressing multichannel audio data for reproduction through Wave Field Synthesis.

18 abril 2008

Gestão das actividades de IDI e normas de certificação - NP 4457: 2007

Num contexto global em que o conhecimento se assume como um factor de diferenciação e de competitividade, é fundamental que as empresas nacionais reconheçam o potencial de valor acrescentado e de diferenciação que a Investigação, o Desenvolvimento e a Inovação incorporam.

18 abril 2008

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