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Especializada em Ciências da Comunicação, sou colaboradora do INESC TEC desde 2013. Atualmente, integro a equipa dos Recursos Humanos da instituição. Anteriormente, trabalhei no Serviço de Relações Internacionais (SRI), assumindo funções de Communication & Outreach, contemplando a coordenação e receção de delegações e visitantes internacionais. Simultaneamente, desempenhei funções enquanto Communication Officer no Programa UT Austin Portugal, durante 3 anos. Entre 2014 e 2017 fiz parte da equipa de gestão do Programa CMU Portugal, sendo responsável pela área de eventos e apoio ao programa de doutoramento, estágios e intercâmbios. Ainda no que concerne parcerias internacionais, trabalhei como assistente administrativa para a UTEN Portugal e estive envolvida na organização do XV Congresso Latino-Iberoamericana de Gestão e Tecnologia (ALTEC) em 2013. Antes da minha entrada no INESC TEC, estagiei numa agência de comunicação no Porto, onde ajudei a desenvolver estratégias de comunicação e a preparar eventos de divulgação de várias marcas, para além de gerir páginas nas redes sociais de alguns clientes. Sou apaixonada por artes performativas, tendo estudado Teatro profissional.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Ana Isabel Lopes
  • Cargo

    Técnico Especialista
  • Desde

    03 abril 2013
  • Nacionalidade

  • Serviço

    Recursos Humanos
  • Contactos



Player Adaptivity and Safety in Location-Based Games

Jacob, J; Lopes, A; Nóbrega, R; Rodrigues, R; Coelho, A;

Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - 14th International Conference, ACE 2017, London, UK, December 14-16, 2017, Proceedings

Location-based games require, among other things, obtaining or computing information regarding the players’ physical activity and real-world context. Additionally, ensuring that the players are assigned challenges that are adequate and safe for the current context (both physical and spatial) is also important, as it can improve both the gaming experience and the outcomes of the exercise. However, the impact adaptivity has in the specific case of location-based exergames still has not been researched in depth. In this paper, we present a location-based exergame and compare different play-through sessions when playing both the context sensitive and the regular versions of the game. Results show that the adaptive version provided a significantly safer gameplay experience. These results showcase the impact in player health and safety that player adaptivity achieves in location-based exergames. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.


Towards Player Adaptivity in Mobile Exergames

Jacob, J; Lopes, A; Nóbrega, R; Rodrigues, R; Coelho, A;

Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - 14th International Conference, ACE 2017, London, UK, December 14-16, 2017, Proceedings

Exergames require obtaining or computing information regarding the players’ physical activity and context. Additionally, ensuring that the players are assigned challenges that are adequate to their physical ability, safe and adapted for the current context (both physical and spatial) is also important, as it can improve both the gaming experience and the outcomes of the exercise. However, the impact adaptivity has in the specific case of virtual reality exergames still has not been researched in depth. In this paper, we present a virtual reality exergame and an experimental design aiming to compare the players’ experience when playing both adaptive and regular versions of the game. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.