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André Oliveira recebeu o grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto em 2019. Juntou-se em 2019 ao Centro de Sistemas de Energia do INESC TEC, centrando principalmente o seu trabalho nos mercados grossistas de electricidade, e mais precisamente na utilização do CEVESA, um simulador de mercado Ibérico (MIBEL), em coordenação com a Universidade Pontifícia de Comillas, Madrid. Actualmente, está inscrito no Programa de Doutoramento em Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia (MIT Portugal) na FEUP, estando a maior parte da sua investigação centrada nos mercados de electricidade.

de interesse


  • Nome

    André Rodrigues Oliveira
  • Cargo

    Assistente de Investigação
  • Desde

    15 outubro 2019


Improved hybridization of CEVESA MIBEL market model based on real market data

de Oliveira, AR; Collado, JV; Saraiva, JT; Campos, FA;


This paper presents a new hybridization approach to improve CEVESA, a multi-zonal hydro-thermal equilibrium model for the joint dispatch of energy and secondary reserve capacity for the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL). Like similar fundamental models, CEVESA provides market prices that typically show an average systematic bias compared to real market prices. This is because these models do not always capture the true variable production costs of the generation units or the additional markups that generation companies may include in their pricing strategy. Based on real market outcomes, this paper proposes a new methodology built on a previous hybridization approach that estimated a constant monthly markup per thermal offering unit [1]. This new methodology is based on a functional estimation of the offering unit cost (or bidding price), using as input the initial CEVESA production costs based on the fuel and emissions commodities' prices, correcting the power plants' markup.


Hybridization of CEVESA MIBEL market model based on market outcomes

Oliveira A.R.D.; Navega V.; Collado J.V.; Saraiva J.T.; Campos F.A.;

International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM

Fundamental electricity market models tend to underestimate the real market prices because they do not properly represent the real variable production cost of the generation units, nor the strategic markup that generation companies add to their costs to price the offered energy. This markup can increase bid prices above the marginal cost of the generation units, which may leave bids out of the market, decreasing the total cleared production, but increasing the final market price. This paper proposes a simple procedure, based on the real market outcomes, to estimate these markups and improve CEVESA MIBEL market model by reducing the gap between the simulated and the real market prices.


Electricity Cost of Green Hydrogen Generation in the Iberian Electricity Market

De Oliveira, AR; Collado, JV; Saraiva, JT; Domenech, S; Campos, FA;


The green hydrogen (H-2) technology has an important role to play in the European Union energy strategy towards decarbonization. Apart from traditional H-2 industrial usages, there is an increasing attention to its use in the heavy transport sector, in other energy-intensive industries, and in heating applications. Green H-2 production is planned to be based on renewable electricity generation and its production at an industrial scale may have a significant impact on the electricity markets. This research assesses the electricity cost of producing H-2 and its impact on the Iberian electricity market. Different evolution scenarios including a partially flexible H-2 demand, based on the Spanish and Portuguese energy and climate plans, have been considered for this assessment.


Joint analysis of the Portuguese and Spanish NECP for 2021-2030

De Oliveira, AR; Collado, JV; Lopes, JAP; Saraiva, JPT; Fonseca, NS; Domenech, S; Campos, FA;

International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM

The European Union (EU) energy strategy towards decarbonization led EU countries to elaborate their corresponding National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) for the period 2021 to 2030. This paper analyzes the Portuguese and Spanish NECPs concerning their power systems. CEVESA, a model for the long-term planning and operation of the Iberian electricity system, is used. The analysis is based on simulating the reference NECP scenario, as well as other alternative scenarios with different solar and wind generation shares, CO2 prices and fuel costs. Results provide insights on the MIBEL electricity market evolution under the current decarbonization national strategies. © 2020 IEEE.