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  • Nome

    Carlos Barbosa Rodrigues
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    Estudante Externo
  • Desde

    01 outubro 2013
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Post-Operative Recovery Process Assessment of Total Hip Arthroplasty with Instrumented Implant

Rodrigues, C; Correia, M; Abrantes, J; Rodrigues, M; Nadal, J;

2024 IEEE 22nd Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2024

This study presents variability assessment of real time measurements from in-vivo internal joint loads with instrumented implant during post-operative (PO) recovery process from total hip arthroplasty on daily living gait activities. A total of 112 trials walking supported by crutches in both hands, contralateral and ipsilateral sides, walking on treadmill at constant velocities, accelerating, decelerating and free walking, were assessed from 9 different patients ranging 0.3 to 76-month PO. Variability was assessed based on standard deviation of the vertical joint load normalized to each subject body weight with this metric adequacy to monitor PO recover. © 2024 IEEE.


Lower Limb Joint Load Comparison from Subject Specific Musculoskeletal Model Simulation and Direct Measurements on Different Subject with Instrumented Implant During Normal and Abnormal Gait

Rodrigues, C; Correia, M; Abrantes, J; Rodrigues, M; Nadal, J;


This study presents lower limb joint load comparison from subject specific musculoskeletal model simulation (MSK-MS) and direct measurements from instrumented implants on post-operative (PO) patients. A case study was considered for MSK-MS gait analysis of a 40-year-old healthy male with 70 kg and 1.86 m height. Reflective adhesive markers were applied on skin surface of selected anatomical points at right and left lower limbs. Orthostatic and dynamic acquisition on normal gait (NG), stiff-knee gait (SKG) and slow running (SR) was performed from ground reaction forces with two force plates at 2 kHz and trajectories of skin markers with eight-camera system at 100 Hz. Subject specific MSK-MS was performed using AnyGait and morphed Twente Lower Extremity Model (TLEM), matching the size and joint morphology of the stick-figure model. Over-determinate kinematic analysiswas performed, and motion equations solved with hard and soft constraints. Representative MSK-MS gait cycles were selected at NG, SKG and SR lower limb joint vertical force components at the hip, the knee, and the ankle normalized to body weight (JFz/BW). Internal joint direct measurements of four PO patients', 61-83 years, average weight 808 N and 1.71 m height, with telemetric Hip I (4-channel), Hip II (8-channel) and knee (9-channel) instrumented implants were selected from Orthoload database with comparable gait to NG, SKG and SR. Statistical measurements presented similar mean JFz/BW at right/left hip, knee, ankle MSK-MS and asymmetric peak values with dominant NG, SKG and SR different variances (p < 0.05). Direct JFz/BW measures contrasted NG with similar hip and knee mean and variance from SKG and SR with different mean and variance. Peak JFz/BW direct measurements presented higher hip and knee values on SR and NG than SKG, with higher values at the knee than the hip on NG and SKG, and the opposite on SR. Direct JFz/BW measurements presented at the hip and the knee lower values than their corresponding MSK-MS on NG, SKG and SR.


Sagittal Lower Limb Joint Angular Phase-Plane Analysis at Long, Short and No-Countermovement

Rodrigues, C; Correia, M; Abrantes, J; Rodrigues, M; Nadal, J;


This study presents non-invasive subject specific analysis using innovative tools from dynamic systems theory and image processing for sagittal plane anatomical marker tracking and digital filtering for detection of normalized phase differences of lower limb joint angular displacement and angular velocity coordination during long and short countermovement (CM) and muscle stretch-shortening cycle. Applied metrics captured at low-dimensional level (one variable - the phase) differences of CM neuromuscular control of lower limb joint coordination with greater dissimilarity between long and short CM, whereas no CM condition shares higher phase coordination at the hip, knee, ankle.


Cross-Correlation of Lower Limb Joint Angular Kinematic Signal for Coordination Assessment During Impulse Phase on Standard Maximum Vertical Jump

Rodrigues, C; Correia, M; Abrantes, J; Rodrigues, M; Nadal, J;

Lecture Notes in Bioengineering

This study presents and applies cross-correlation analysis of lower limb joint angular kinematic signal for coordination assessment during impulse phase of standard Maximum Vertical Jump (MVJ). Standard MVJ has been applied for noninvasive subject specific analysis at Counter Movement Jump (CMJ) and Drop Jump (DJ) with long and short Counter Movement (CM) for comparison with Squat Jump (SJ) and no CM. Long and short CM are intrinsically related to the underlying mechanisms of muscle Stretch–Shortening Cycle (SSC) with the integration of muscular action and synergistic joint coordination an open issue on the contribution for the task to perform. Lower limb joint coordination has thus received increasing research interest as an external observed result of the neuromuscular control mechanisms and the hypotheses of training and repetition contribution for stereotyped coordination with the need of objective tools considering entire time series while avoiding subjective point selection for coordination assessment. The results of maximum cross-correlation (CCr max) and corresponding time delay (t) from entire time series of the Hip (H), the Knee (K) and the Ankle (A) joints angular displacement (?), angular velocities (?) and angular accelerations (a) during a fifty-four trial sample with long, short and no CM performed by a group of healthy untrained subjects conduced to detection of maximum synchrony with null t of the lower limb ? at different conditions, whereas ? and a CCr led to detection of different time delay for CCr max with dominant negative t values corresponding to a proximal–distal coordination sequence at H–K-A. These results point thus for the need to consider entire time series of joint ? and a in addition to joint ? to detect different joint coordination and avoid subjective point selection for coordination assessment. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.


Global Analysis of COP Excursion for Stabilometry Assessment of Impulse Phase on Standard Maximum Vertical Jump

Rodrigues, C; Correia, M; Abrantes, J; Rodrigues, M; Nadal, J;

Lecture Notes in Bioengineering

This study presents and applies global metrics for the analysis of the center of pressure (COP) excursion during impulse phases at different standard maximum vertical jump (MVJ) with long, short and no countermovement (CM) at countermovement jump (CMJ), drop jump (DJ) and squat jump (SJ) expanding COP analysis from static to dynamic condition of CM in association with lower limb muscle stretch–shortening cycle (SSC) and complementing previous studies on time structural analysis of COP excursion during impulse phase at standard MVJ. Whereas literature is abundant on COP excursion at gait, run and orthostatic standing position, there is a lack of studies on COP analysis at standard MVJ with an open issue on its contribution to long, short and no CM performance. Fifty-four trial tests were assessed with the selection of the best CMJ, DJ and SJ for each subject based on vertical flight height hflight. During trial tests ground reaction forces (GRF) and force moments were acquired and the COP coordinates were computed during the impulse phases. COP stabilograms and statokinesigrams were plotted and global metrics were computed namely the COPxA antero-posterior and COPyA mediolateral amplitudes of COP excursion, mean radial distance R, the length L of the path and the average velocity v during COP excursion. Statistical significative differences were detected at 5% significance, with higher mean COPxA than COPyA and higher mean COP global metrics at CMJ than SJ both higher than DJ, with DJ higher velocity of COP excursion than CMJ both higher than SJ. Global correlational analysis presented a positive linear association of COP metrics with hflight whereas at segmented MVJ this association wasn’t detected, thus rejecting the negative impact of larger COP excursion on MVJ performance. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.