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Clara Gouveia é mestre e doutorada em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, em 2008 e 2015 respetivamente. É membro do Centro de Sistemas de Energia do INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência, onde desempenha funções de Investigadora Sénior. É atualmente responsável de área EMS/DMS e automação de redes, tendo a seu cargo a definição de linhas estratégicas de atuação e angariação de financiamento a nível nacional e europeu. Integra ainda o Conselho Científico do INESC TEC. Desde 2015 que desempenha funções de gestão de projetos de investigação e consultoria envolvendo empresas relevantes no sector nacional e internacional. O seu trabalho é dedicado à especificação, desenvolvimento e validação de soluções de gestão de energia tendo em conta a integração de recursos distribuídos (armazenamento de energia, produção dispersa, carga controlável e veículos elétricos) assim como soluções para a digitalização da rede de distribuição. Conta ainda com publicações em revistas científicas internacionais, livros e atas de conferências internacionais.



  • Nome

    Clara Sofia Gouveia
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    01 julho 2011


Protection system planning in distribution networks with microgrids using a bi-level multi-objective and multi-criteria optimization technique

Reiz, C; Leite, JB; Gouveia, CS; Javadi, MS;


Microgrids are able to improve several features of power systems, such as energy efficiencies, operating costs and environmental impacts. Nevertheless, microgrids' protection must work congruently with power distribution protection to safely take all advantages. This research contributes to enable their protection by proposing a bilevel method to simultaneously solve the allocation and coordination problems, where the proposed scheme also includes local protections of distributed energy resources. The uncertainties associated with generation and loads are categorized by the k-means method, as well. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II is employed in the upper-level task to solve the protection and control devices allocation problem with two opposing objectives. In the lower-level task, a genetic algorithm ensures their coordination. Protection devices include reclosers and fuses from the network, and directional relays for the point of common coupling of microgrids, while control devices consist of remote-controlled switches. In contrast to related works, local devices installed at the point of coupling of distributed generation units are considered as well, such as voltage-restrained overcurrent relays and frequency relays. The optimal solution for the decision-maker is achieved by utilizing the compromise programming technique. Results show the importance of solving the allocation and coordination problems simultaneously, achieving up to $25,000 cost savings compared to cases that solve these problems separately. The integrated strategy allows the network operator to select the optimum solution for the protective system and avoid corrective actions afterward. The results also show the viability of the islanding operation depending on the decision maker's criteria.


ML-assistant for human operators using alarm data to solve and classify faults in electrical grids

Campos, V; Klyagina, O; Andrade, JR; Bessa, RJ; Gouveia, C;


Nowadays, human operators at control centers analyze a large volume of alarm information during outage events and must act fast to restore the service. To assist operator decisions this work proposes novel machine learning-based functions aiming to: (a) classify the complexity of a fault occurrence (Occurrences Classifier) and its cause (Fault Cause Classifier) based on its alarm events; (b) provide fast insights to the operator on how to solve it (Data2Actions). The Occurrences Classifier takes alarm information of an occurrence and classifies it as a simpleor complexoccurrence, while the Fault Cause Classifier predicts the cause class of MV lines faults. The Data2Actions takes a sequence of alarm information from the occurrence and suggests a more adequate sequence of switching actions to isolate the fault section. These algorithms were tested on real data from a Distribution System Operator and showed: (a) an accuracy of 86% for the Data2Actions, (b) an accuracy of 68% for the Occurrences Classifier, and (c) an accuracy of 74% for the Fault Cause Classifier. It also proposes a new representation for SCADA event log data using graphs, which can help human operators identify infrequent alarm events or create new features to improve model performance.


A Three-Stage Model to Manage Energy Communities, Share Benefits and Provide Local Grid Services

Rocha, R; Silva, R; Mello, J; Faria, S; Retorta, F; Gouveia, C; Villar, J;


This paper proposes a three-stage model for managing energy communities for local energy sharing and providing grid flexibility services to tackle local distribution grid constraints. The first stage addresses the minimization of each prosumer's individual energy bill by optimizing the schedules of their flexible resources. The second stage optimizes the energy bill of the whole energy community by sharing the prosumers' energy surplus internally and re-dispatching their batteries, while guaranteeing that each prosumer's new energy bill is always be equal to or less than the bill that results for this prosumer from stage one. This collective optimization is designed to ensure an additional collective benefit, without loss for any community member. The third stage, which can be performed by the distribution system operator (DSO), aims to solve the local grid constraints by re-dispatching the flexible resources and, if still necessary, by curtailing local generation or consumption. Stage three minimizes the impact on the schedule obtained at previous stages by minimizing the loss of profit or utility for all prosumers, which are furthermore financially compensated accordingly. This paper describes how the settlement should be performed, including the allocation coefficients to be sent to the DSO to determine the self-consumed and supplied energies of each peer. Finally, some case studies allow an assessment of the performance of the proposed methodology. Results show, among other things, the potential benefits of allowing the allocation coefficients to take negative values to increase the retail market competition; the importance of stage one or, alternatively, the need for a fair internal price to avoid unfair collective benefit sharing among the community members; or how stage three can effectively contribute to grid constraint solving, profiting first from the existing flexible resources.


Flexibility Modeling and Trading in Renewable Energy Communities

Agrela, J; Rezende, I; Soares, T; Gouveia, C; Silva, R; Villar, J;


This work presents an approach to the flexibility of energy consumption in Renewable Energy Communities (RECs). A two-stage model for quantifying the flexibility provided by the domestic energy resources operation and its negotiation in a market platform is proposed. In stage 1, the optimal consumption of each prosumer is determined, as well as the respective technical flexibility of their resources, namely the maximum and minimum resource operation limits. In stage 2, this technical flexibility is offered in a local flexibility-only market structure, in which both the DSO and the prosumers can present their flexibility needs and requirements. The flexibility selling and buying bids of the prosumers participating in the market are priced based on their base tariff, which is the energy cost of the prosumers corresponding to their optimal schedule of the first stage when no flexibility is provided. Therefore, providing flexibility is an incentive to reduce their energy bill or increase their utility, encouraging their participation in the local flexibility market.


Operation and simulation of a renewable energy community based on a local post-delivery pool market

Tavares, T; Mello, J; Silva, R; Moreno, A; Garcia, A; Pacheco, J; Pereira, C; Amorim, M; Gouveia, C; Villar, J;


This paper presents an innovative digital platform for managing energy communities with self-consumption and energy trading in a local electricity market. Its architecture is based on micro-services, such as the energy transaction service, the settlement service to compute the financial compensations among community members for the energy transacted, or a resource sizing service. This approach enables the platform to be more efficient and scalable, making easier to incorporate new functionalities while maintaining a secure community and energy transactions management. The transactions and settlement procedures, adapted to the Portuguese regulation, are described, and the results of the platform operating a post-delivery pool market are presented and analyzed. This paper contributes to the understanding and improvement of renewable energy communities' business models and management, offering insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in the field.



Estratégias de controlo de micro-redes híbridas

Rodrigo Nascimento Pereira Martins



Adaptive Protection for Advanced Distribution Networks Considering Limited Observability

Everton Leandro Alves



Mapeamento automático da topologia de redes inteligentes de baixa tensão

João Afonso da Silva Picão
