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Sou investigador no Centro de Robótica e Sistemas Autónomos (CRAS) do INESC TEC, com doutoramento em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP). A minha especialização incide em Veículos de Superfície Não Tripulados (USVs) para inspeções autónomas em cenários desafiantes utilizando dados multidomínio. Atualmente, participo em projetos de I&D focados no desenvolvimento de metodologias de inspeção para O&M de parques de energias renováveis offshore. Para mais informações, consulte o meu CV em:

de interesse


  • Nome

    Daniel Filipe Campos
  • Cargo

    Investigador Auxiliar
  • Desde

    01 setembro 2014


Nautilus: An autonomous surface vehicle with a multilayer software architecture for offshore inspection

Campos, DF; Goncalves, EP; Campos, HJ; Pereira, MI; Pinto, AM;


The increasing adoption of robotic solutions for inspection tasks in challenging environments is becoming increasingly prevalent, particularly in the offshore wind energy industry. This trend is driven by the critical need to safeguard the integrity and operational efficiency of offshore infrastructure. Consequently, the design of inspection vehicles must comply with rigorous requirements established by the offshore Operation and Maintenance (O&M) industry. This work presents the design of an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV), named Nautilus, specifically tailored to withstand the demanding conditions of offshore O&M scenarios. The design encompasses both hardware and software architectures, ensuring Nautilus's robustness and adaptability to the harsh maritime environment. It presents a compact hull capable of operating in moderate sea states (wave height up to 2.5 m), with a modular hardware and software architecture that is easily adapted to the mission requirements. It has a perception payload and communication system for edge and real-time computing, communicates with a Shore Control Center and allows beyond visual line-of-sight operations. The Nautilus software architecture aims to provide the necessary flexibility for different mission requirements to offer a unified software architecture for O&M operations. Nautilus's capabilities were validated through the professional testing process of the ATLANTIS Test Center, involving operations in both near-real and real-world environments. This validation process culminated in Nautilus's reaching a Technology Readiness Level 8 and became the first ASV to execute autonomous tasks at a floating offshore wind farm located in the Atlantic.


Promoting the use of robotics in the inspection and maintenance of offshore wind

Pinto, AM; Matos, A; Marques, V; Campos, DF; Pereira, MI; Claro, R; Mikola, E; Formiga, J; El Mobachi, M; Stoker, J; Prevosto, J; Govindaraj, S; Ribas, D; Ridao, P; Aceto, L;

Robotics and Automation Solutions for Inspection and Maintenance in Critical Infrastructures

This chapter presents the use of Robotics in the Inspection and Maintenance of Offshore Wind as another highly challenging environment where autonomous robotics systems and digital transformations are proving high value. © 2024 Andry Maykol Pinto | Aníbal Matos | João V. Amorim Marques | Daniel Filipe Campos | Maria Inês Pereira | Rafael Claro | Eeva Mikola | João Formiga | Mohammed El Mobachi | Jaap-Jan Stoker | Jonathan Prevosto | Shashank Govindaraj | David Ribas | Pere Ridao | Luca Aceto.


ATLANTIS Coastal Testbed: A near-real playground for the testing and validation of robotics for O&M

Pinto, AM; Marques, JVA; Abreu, N; Campos, DF; Pereira, MI; Gonçalves, E; Campos, HJ; Pereira, P; Neves, F; Matos, A; Govindaraj, S; Durand, L;


The demonstration of robotic technologies in real environments is essential for technology developers and end-users to fully showcase the benefits of theirs solutions, and contributes to the promotion of the transition of inspection and maintenance methodologies towards automated robotic strategies. However, before allowing technologies to be demonstrated in real, operating offshore wind-farms, there is a need to de-risk the technology, to ensure its safe operation offshore. As part of the ATLANTIS project, a pioneer pilot infrastructure, the ATLANTIS Test Centre, was installed in Viana do Castelo, Portugal. This infrastructure will allow the demonstration of key enabling robotic technologies for offshore inspection and maintenance. The Test Centre is composed of two distinct testbeds, and a supervisory control centre, enabling the de-risking, testing, validation and demonstration of technologies, in both near-real and real environments. This paper presents the details of the Coastal Testbed of the ATLANTIS Test Centre, from implementation to available resources and infrastructures and environment details.


Shore Control Centre for Multi-Domain Heterogeneous Robotic Vehicles

Neves, FS; Campos, HJ; Campos, DF; Claro, RM; Almeida, PN; Marques, JV; Pinto, AM;


Given the increased interest in offshore wind energy, there is a greater need for advancements in operation and maintenance technology. As a result, robotic solutions are required to avoid human risky behavior and reduce associated operational costs. In order to accommodate the need for inspecting multiple domains, multiple robotic vehicles are utilized, which requires the deployment of control stations that can effectively monitor, facilitate communication among different vehicles, and ensure successful completion of the overall mission. A shore control centre (SCC) is a communication software infrastructure capable of monitoring, localizing and planning missions for a group of multi-domain heterogeneous robots within a local network. This paper proposes an SCC as: (i) an active monitor by continuously observing the local behaviour of each robot and the global progress of the mission and its safety; (ii) a mission planner that provides and supervises its execution while constantly checking for critical failures and intervening in the case of unexpected events. Also, The control centre is able to connect to multiple vehicles from various domains and monitor real-time data. Accordingly, validation procedures were carried out in real conditions.


Modular Multi-Domain Aware Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Inspection

Campos, DF; Matos, A; Pinto, AM;


A growing interest in ocean exploration for scientific and commercial research has been shown, mainly due to the technological developments for maritime and offshore industries. The use of Autonomous surface vehicles (ASV) have a promising role to revolutionize the transportation, monitorization, operation and maintenance areas, allowing to perform distinct task from offshore assets inspection to harbor patrolling. This work presents SENSE, an autonomouS vEssel for multi-domaiN inSpection and maintEnance. It provides an open-source hardware and software architecture that is easy to replicate for both research institutes and industry. This is a multi-purpose vehicle capable of acquiring multi-domain data for inspecting and reconstructing maritime infrastructures. SENSE provides a research platform which can increase the situational awareness capabilities for ASVs. SENSE full configuration provides multimodal sensory data acquired from both domains using a Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), a stereoscopic camera, and a multibeam echosounder. In addition, it supplies navigation information obtained from a real-time kinematic satellite navigation system and inertial measurement units. Moreover, the tests performed at the harbor of Marina de Leca, at Porto, Portugal, resulted in a dataset which captures a fully operational harbor. It illustrates several conditions on maritime scenarios, such as undocking and docking examples, crossings with other vehicles and distinct types of moored vessels. The data available represents both domains of the maritime scenario, being the first public dataset acquired for multi-domain observation using a single vehicle. This paper also provides examples of applications for navigation and inspection on multi-domain scenarios, such as odometry estimation, bathymetric surveying and multi-domain mapping.