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Davide Carneiro é Professor Coordenador na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. É também investigador integrado no INESC TEC. Tem o grau de Doutor com Menção Europeia atribuído conjuntamente pelas Universidades de Minho, Aveiro e Porto em 2013, através do Programa Doutoral MAP-i. Desenvolve investigação científica em áreas de aplicação da Inteligência Artificial e das Ciências dos Dados, incluindo na Resolução Alternativa de Conflitos, Interação Homem-Computador e Deteção de Fraude. Interessa-se ainda por problemas relacionados com meta-learning e explicabilidade, e como estes podem ser utilizados no contexto de problemas reais. Nos últimos anos participou em vários projetos de investigação financiados nas áreas de Inteligência Artificial, Inteligência Ambiente, Resolução Alternativa de Conflitos e Deteção de Fraude. Foi coordenador científico do projeto Neurat (NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-039900) e é coordenador institucional do projeto europeu EJUST ODR Scheme (JUST-2021-EJUSTICE, 101046468). A nível nacional é Investigador Principal dos projetos CEDEs - Continuously Evolving Distributed Ensembles (EXPL/CCI-COM/0706/2021) e xAIDMLS (CPCA-IAC/AV/475278/2022), financiados pela FCT. É ainda atualmente investigador nos projetos europeus FACILITATE-AI e PRIVATEER.

É autor de mais de 150 publicações científicas nas suas áreas de investigação, incluindo a autoria de um livro de cariz científico, três livros sob a forma editada, e mais de 140 capítulos de livro, publicações em revistas internacionais indexadas, e artigos em atas de conferências. Em paralelo, dedica-se ainda fortemente à orientação científica de Estudantes, envolvendo-os sempre que possível em tarefas práticas integradas nos projetos de investigação em que participa.

Davide é co-fundador e CRO da AnyBrain, uma startup portuguesa no campo da Interação Homem Computador. A empresa desenvolve software para a deteção de fadiga em ambientes de escritório, (, para a análise de performance em eSports (, e para identificação de jogadores e deteção de fraude em eSports (

de interesse


  • Nome

    Davide Rua Carneiro
  • Cargo

    Investigador Sénior
  • Desde

    01 agosto 2022


Supervised and unsupervised techniques in textile quality inspections

Ferreira, HM; Carneiro, DR; Guimaraes, MA; Oliveira, FV;


Quality inspection is a critical step in ensuring the quality and efficiency of textile production processes. With the increasing complexity and scale of modern textile manufacturing systems, the need for accurate and efficient quality inspection and defect detection techniques has become paramount. This paper compares supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning techniques for defect detection in the context of industrial textile production, in terms of their respective advantages and disadvantages, and their implementation and computational costs. We explore the use of an autoencoder for the detection of defects in textiles. The goal of this preliminary work is to find out if unsupervised methods can successfully train models with good performance without the need for defect labelled data. (c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Application of Meta Learning in Quality Assessment of Wearable Electrocardiogram Recordings

Huerta, A; Martínez-Rodrigo, A; Guimarâes, M; Carneiro, D; Rieta, JJ; Alcaraz, R;


The high rates of mortality provoked by cardiovascular disorders (CVDs) have been rated by the OMS in the top among non-communicable diseases, killing about 18 million people annually. It is crucial to detect arrhythmias or cardiovascular events in an early way. For that purpose, novel portable acquisition devices have allowed long-term electrocardiographic (ECG) recording, being the most common way to discover arrhythmias of a random nature such as atrial fibrillation (AF). Nonetheless, the acquisition environment can distort or even destroy the ECG recordings, hindering the proper diagnosis of CVDs. Thus, it is necessary to assess the ECG signal quality in an automatic way. The proposed approach exploits the feature and meta-feature extraction of 5-s ECG segments with the ability of machine learning classifiers to discern between high- and low-quality ECG segments. Three different approaches were tested, reaching values of accuracy close to 83% using the original feature set and improving up to 90% when all the available meta-features were utilized. Moreover, within the high-quality group, the segments belonging to the AF class outperformed around 7% until a rate over 85% when the meta-features set was used. The extraction of meta-features improves the accuracy even when a subset of meta-features is selected from the whole set.


Fabric Defect Detection and Localization

Oliveira, F; Carneiro, D; Ferreira, H; Guimaraes, M;


Quality inspection is crucial in the textile industry as it ensures that the final products meet the required standards. It helps detect and address defects, such as fabric flaws and stitching irregularities, enhancing customer satisfaction, and optimizing production efficiency by identifying areas of improvement, reducing waste, and minimizing rework. In the competitive textile market, it is vital for maintaining customer loyalty, brand reputation, and sustained success. Nonetheless, and despite the importance of quality inspection, it is becoming increasingly harder to hire and train people for such tedious and repetitive tasks. In this context, there is an increased interest in automated quality control techniques that can be used in the industrial domain. In this paper we describe a computer vision model for localizing and classifying different types of defects in textiles. The model developed achieved an mAP@0.5 of 0.96 on the validation dataset. While this model was trained with a publicly available dataset, we will soon use the same architecture with images collected from Jacquard looms in the context of a funded research project. This paper thus represents an initial validation of the model for the purposes of fabric defect detection.


Study of Digital Maturity Models Considering the European Digital Innovation Hubs Guidelines: A Critical Overview

Babo, D; Pereira, C; Carneiro, D;


Nowadays the concept of digitalization and Industry 4.0 is more and more important, and organizations must improve and adapt their processes and systems in order to keep up to date with the latest paradigm. In this context, there are multiple developed Maturity Models (MMs) to help companies on the processes of evaluating their digital maturity and defining a roadmap to achieve their full potential. However, this is a subject in constant evolution and most of the available MMs don't fill all the needs that a company might have in its transformation process. Thus, European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) arose to support companies on the process of responding to digital challenges and becoming more competitive. Supported by the European Commission and the Digital Transformation Accelerator, they use tools to measure the digital maturity progress of their customers. This paper analyzes several MMs publicly available and compares them to the guidelines provided to the EDIH.


Digital Justice in the EU: Integration of BPMN and AI into ODR Processes

Ribeiro, M; Carneiro, D; Mesquita, L;

Progress in Artificial Intelligence - 23rd EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2024, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, September 3-6, 2024, Proceedings, Part I

With the proliferation of ODR service providers, there is a critical necessity to establish mechanisms supporting their functioning, particularly while designing ODR processes. This article aims to examine the impact of process modelling using BPMN, and of its relevance in the integration of AI into ODR processes within the EU. BPMN allows a meticulous depiction of all the ODR process steps, stakeholders, and underlying data in structured formats that are readable and interpretable by both humans and AI, which enables its integration. The advantages include predictive analysis, identification of opportunities for continuous improvement, operational efficiency, cost and time reduction, and enhanced accessibility for self-represented litigants. Additionally, the transparency afforded by explicitly incorporating AI in BPMN notation fosters a clearer comprehension of processes, facilitating management and informed decision-making. Nevertheless, it remains imperative to address ethical concerns such as algorithmic bias, fairness, and privacy. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.