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Concluí o Doutoramento em Informática na Universidade Nova de Lisboa em 1994.

Sou atualmente Professor Associado do Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, onde leciono na área das bases de dados, armazéns de dados e preservação digital.

Participei na criação do Programa de Doutoramento em Informática (MAP-i) conjunto das Universidades do Minho, Aveiro e Porto, fazendo parte da Comissão Científica desde 2007. Participei na criação do Mestrado em Gestão/Ciência da Informação (1997) e da Licenciatura em Ciência da Informação (2001), programas conjuntos das Faculdades de Engenharia e de Letras, e integro as respetivas comissões científicas.

Sou membro do Conselho Científico da Faculdade de Engenharia desde 2010.

Dirigi a equipa de desenvolvimento do SIGARRA (sistema de informação académico da UPorto) entre 1996 e 2010.

Sou investigador do INESC TEC desde 1985, fazendo parte da sua Administração desde 2015. Os meus principais interesses de investigação são nas áreas da gestão de informação, da preservação digital e das bases de dados. Coordenei os projetos FCT DBPreserve, sobre preservação de bases de dados; Gulbenkian APDIC, sobre planos de preservação digital, e EEA Grant SeaBioData sobre gestão de dados de investigação.

Participei entre 2000 e 2010 no projeto de Cooperação com a Universidade Nacional de Timor Leste, tendo sido o coordenador do curso de Engenharia Informática entre 2006 e 2010.

Sou membro da Ordem dos Engenheiros onde integrei o Conselho de Admissão e Qualificação, entre 2010 e 2016.



  • Nome

    Gabriel David
  • Cargo

    Vice-Presidente do Conselho de Administração
  • Desde

    01 abril 1985


Institutional support for data management plans: case studies for a systematic approach

Karimova, Y; Ribeiro, C; David, G;

Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies

Researchers have to ensure that their projects comply with Research Data Management (RDM) requirements. Consequently, the main funding agencies require Data Management Plans (DMPs) for grant applications. So, institutions are investing in RDM tools and implementing RDM workflows in order to support their researchers. In this context, we propose a collaborative DMP-building method that involves researchers, data stewards and other parties if required. This method was applied as part of an RDM workflow in research groups across several scientific domains. We describe it as a systematic approach and illustrate it through a set of case studies. We also address the DMP monitoring process during the life cycle of projects. The feedback from the researchers highlighted the advantages of creating DMPs and their growing need. So, there is motivation to improve the DMP support process according to the machine-actionable DMPs concept and to the best practices in each scientific community. © 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. All rights reserved.


Institutional Support for Data Management Plans: Five Case Studies

Karimova, Y; Ribeiro, C; David, G;

Metadata and Semantic Research - 14th International Conference, MTSR 2020, Madrid, Spain, December 2-4, 2020, Revised Selected Papers

Researchers are being prompted by funders and institutions to expose the variety of results of their projects and to submit a Data Management Plan as part of their funding requests. In this context, institutions are looking for solutions to provide support to research data management activities in general, including DMP creation. We propose a collaborative approach where a researcher and a data steward create a DMP, involving other parties as required. We describe this collaborative method and its implementation, by means of a set of case studies that show the importance of the data steward in the institution. Feedback from researchers shows that the DMP are simple enough to lead people to engage in data management, but present enough challenges to constitute an entry point to the next level, the machine-actionable DMP. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge, 22nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2018, Porto, Portugal, September 10-13, 2018, Proceedings

Méndez, E; Crestani, F; Ribeiro, C; David, G; Lopes, JC;




Research Data Management Tools and Workflows: Experimental Work at the University of Porto

Ribeiro, C; Rocha da Silva, J; Aguiar Castro, J; Carvalho Amorim, R; Correia Lopes, J; David, G;

IASSIST Quarterly

Research datasets include all kinds of objects, from web pages to sensor data, and originate in every domain. Concerns with data generated in large projects and well-funded research areas are centered on their exploration and analysis. For data in the long tail, the main issues are still how to get data visible, satisfactorily described, preserved, and searchable. Our work aims to promote data publication in research institutions, considering that researchers are the core stakeholders and need straightforward workflows, and that multi-disciplinary tools can be designed and adapted to specific areas with a reasonable effort. For small groups with interesting datasets but not much time or funding for data curation, we have to focus on engaging researchers in the process of preparing data for publication, while providing them with measurable outputs. In larger groups, solutions have to be customized to satisfy the requirements of more specific research contexts. We describe our experience at the University of Porto in two lines of enquiry. For the work with long-tail groups we propose general-purpose tools for data description and the interface to multi-disciplinary data repositories. For areas with larger projects and more specific requirements, namely wind infrastructure, sensor data from concrete structures and marine data, we define specialized workflows. In both cases, we present a preliminary evaluation of results and an estimate of the kind of effort required to keep the proposed infrastructures running.  The tools available to researchers can be decisive for their commitment. We focus on data preparation, namely on dataset organization and metadata creation. For groups in the long tail, we propose Dendro, an open-source research data management platform, and explore automatic metadata creation with LabTablet, an electronic laboratory notebook. For groups demanding a domain-specific approach, our analysis has resulted in the development of models and applications to organize the data and support some of their use cases. Overall, we have adopted ontologies for metadata modeling, keeping in sight metadata dissemination as Linked Open Data.


Planning and managing data for Smart Cities: an application profile for the UrbanSense project

Dias, P; Rodrigues, J; Aguiar, A; David, G;

IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, September 16-19, 2018

Aiming to improve sustainability and life quality, urban space research is prompting an intensive use of communication and information technologies. With it, researchers are also facing more challenges regarding research data management and therefore seeking clear guidelines and tools for proper data organization, sharing and reuse. In the context of a smart cities research project, UrbanSense, held in the city of Porto, we proposed a data management plan, to support researchers from the moment they start to collect data up to the point of data publication. We also developed an ontology for the description of smart cities data, validated by UrbanSense researchers. Descriptions based on this ontology were evaluated by external parties, after the data was published in an institutional data repository. © 2018 IEEE.



Advanced Oracle monitoring agent for Zabbix

Francisco Fernandes Xavier de Barros



Gestão de Meios Complementares de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica em contexto hospitalar

Inês Coelho de Sousa



GDPR Impact on Research Procedures at FMUP: How to Improve GDPR Compliance of Research Procedures at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto

José Alberto Ferreira Ribeiro



Especificação de um sistema de gestão de informação de investigação para o Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto

Sofia Margarida Ferreira Vieira Branco Ribeiro



Research data description in multiple domains: supporting researchers with data management plans

Yulia Karimova
