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Hugo Paredes (M) é Professor Catedrático no Departamento de Engenharias da Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD). É licenciado (2000) e doutorado (2008) em Informática pela Universidade do Minho e possui o título de Agregado pela UTAD (2016). Entre maio de 2021 e setembro de 2023 foi Pró-Reitor para a Transição Digital e Modernização Administrativa da UTAD, Anteriormente desempenhou funções de Engenheiro de Software na SiBS e na Novabase Outsoursing, e Visiting Faculty no Human Computer Interaction Institute da Carnegie Mellon University. Foi também um dos fundadores da Robocode Generation, Lda uma empresa spin-off da UTAD.

É Investigador Sénior no INESC TEC, onde foi coordenador adjunto do Centro de Computação Centrada no Humano e Ciência da Informação (HumaISE). Os seus interesses de investigação são na área de Human-AI, aplicado aos domínios da acessibilidade, envelhecimento ativo, alterações climática e saúde, desporto e bem estar. É membro do conselho editorial da revista JUCS, foi editor-convidado de diversas edições especiais em revistas indexadas (JCR), e colaborou na organização de diversas conferências. É autor de mais de 150 publicações, e inventor de uma patente concedida. Lidera o projeto H2020 VR2Care, tendo participado e liderado em diversos projetos de investigação, nacionais e internacionais.



  • Nome

    Hugo Paredes
  • Cargo

    Investigador Sénior
  • Desde

    01 junho 2012
  • Nacionalidade

  • Contactos



A Gamification-Based Tool to Promote Accessible Design

Lorgat, MG; Paredes, H; Rocha, T;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

The human population with disability is rapidly expanding, more than 15% of people worldwide suffer from a disability and, despite the availability of accessibility guidelines, the websites are still inaccessible. Moreover, professionals with knowledge of accessibility and design abilities are hard to come by. Therefore, the current paper addresses the introduction of accessibility to the Software Engineering students through AccessCademy, a gamification-based tool, in a fun way. The activity is delivered via a Web-based learning environment, that presents bad accessibility scenarios or failures based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and then encourages the students to solve them. Furthermore, a case study will be presented that evaluated the learning effectiveness of the tool in the context of a university course. The results demonstrated the potential of AccessCademy which offers students a fun and engaging way to learn about accessibility, to understand the importance of accessible design with WCAG and gain accessible design skills as well. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.


A Model for Cognitive Personalization of Microtask Design

Paulino, D; Guimaraes, D; Correia, A; Ribeiro, J; Barroso, J; Paredes, H;


The study of data quality in crowdsourcing campaigns is currently a prominent research topic, given the diverse range of participants involved. A potential solution to enhancing data quality processes in crowdsourcing is cognitive personalization, which involves appropriately adapting or assigning tasks based on a crowd worker's cognitive profile. There are two common methods for assessing a crowd worker's cognitive profile: administering online cognitive tests, and inferring behavior from task fingerprinting based on user interaction log events. This article presents the findings of a study that investigated the complementarity of both approaches in a microtask scenario, focusing on personalizing task design. The study involved 134 unique crowd workers recruited from a crowdsourcing marketplace. The main objective was to examine how the administration of cognitive ability tests can be used to allocate crowd workers to microtasks with varying levels of difficulty, including the development of a deep learning model. Another goal was to investigate if task fingerprinting can be used to allocate crowd workers to different microtasks in a personalized manner. The results indicated that both objectives were accomplished, validating the usage of cognitive tests and task fingerprinting as effective mechanisms for microtask personalization, including the development of a deep learning model with 95% accuracy in predicting the accuracy of the microtasks. While we achieved an accuracy of 95%, it is important to note that the small dataset size may have limited the model's performance.


Detection of Intermittent Claudication from Smartphone Inertial Data in Community Walks Using Machine Learning Classifiers

Pinto, B; Correia, MV; Paredes, H; Silva, I;


Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) causes blockage of the arteries, altering the blood flow to the lower limbs. This blockage can cause the individual with PAD to feel severe pain in the lower limbs. The main contribution of this research is the discovery of a solution that allows the automatic detection of the onset of claudication based on data analysis from patients' smartphones. For the data-collection procedure, 40 patients were asked to walk with a smartphone on a thirty-meter path, back and forth, for six minutes. Each patient conducted the test twice on two different days. Several machine learning models were compared to detect the onset of claudication on two different datasets. The results suggest that we can identify the onset of claudication using inertial sensors with a best case accuracy of 92.25% for the Extreme Gradient Boosting model.


Bird's eye view of augmented reality and applications for education and training: A survey of surveys and reviews

Cruz, A; Paredes, H; Martins, P;


Augmented reality (AR) is a field of knowledge being developed since the middle of the last century. Its use has been spreading because of its usefulness, but more recently because of mobile platforms being widespread and accessible. AR has been applied in several fields of activity, and also in the field of Education and Training, because AR has several advantages over other teaching methods. In this paper, we search and analyze surveys and reviews of AR to present a brief history and its definition. We also present a classification of our sample under a scheme we developed in past work, and present also examples of technologies and applications of AR in each field. Finally, we do a deeper analysis over the publications of Education and Training, advantages and issues of AR in this field, and some research trends.


Stigmergy in Crowdsourcing and Task Fingerprinting: Study on Behavioral Traces of Weather Experts in Interaction Logs

Paulino, D; Correia, A; Guimarães, D; Chaves, R; Melo, G; Schneider, D; Barroso, J; Paredes, H;

26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 24-26, 2023




VReAbility plataforma VR para realização de exercício físico e reabilitação à distância

Fernando César Costa Ferreira



Gamification for enhancing accessible Human-AI collaborations

Diogo Jorge Pereira Mesquita Guimarães



A model for the individual empowerment using intrinsic personalization of crowdsourcing tasks

Dennis Lourenço Paulino



Federated Learning for Privacy Preservation in Health Research

Gonçalo Filipe Loureiro de Campos Gonçalves



Modelo de referência para arquiteturas IoT para melhoria da aceitabilidade do monitoramento inteligente de idosos com doenças crônicas

Hércules Sant’Ana da Silva José
