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Justino Miguel Rodrigues nasceu em Penafiel (Portugal) a 9 de setembro de 1985. Concluiu o mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores em 2010 na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Obteve o doutoramento em Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia em 2022, também na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, com a tese intitulada "Advanced Control Functionalities for Smart-Transformers Integrating Hybrid MicroGrids." O seu trabalho de doutoramento foi premiado em 2023 com o Prémio REN para a melhor tese de doutoramento nos anos de 2022 e 2023, com enfoque no setor da energia.

Atualmente, é Investigador Contratado no Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC). Ocupa também a posição de responsável pelo Laboratório de SmartGrids e Veículos Elétricos (SGEVL) no INESC TEC.

Foi ainda professor doutorado convidado na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.

Atua nas áreas de Ciências e Tecnologias da Engenharia, com ênfase em Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática, especialmente em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e Eletrónica.

Atualmente, lidera a participação do INESC TEC no Projeto Europeu POCITYF, financiado pelo H2020.

A sua atividade foca-se em torno das temáticas das Rede de energia elétrica, Distribuição de energia elétrica, Integração de produção distribuída renovável, Redes elétricas inteligentes, Integração de Veículos Elétricos nos sistemas elétricos de Energia.



  • Nome

    Justino Miguel Rodrigues
  • Cargo

    Responsável de Área
  • Desde

    13 dezembro 2010


Fault-Ride-Through Approach for Grid-Tied Smart Transformers without Local Energy Storage

Rodrigues, J; Moreira, C; Lopes, JP;


The Smart Transformer (ST) is being envisioned as the possible backbone of future distribution grids given the enhanced controllability it provides. Moreover, the ST offers DC-link connectivity, making it an attractive solution for the deployment of hybrid AC/DC distribution grids which offer important advantages for the deployment of Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) and Electric Vehicles. However, compared to traditional low-frequency magnetic transformers, the ST is inherently more vulnerable to fault disturbances which may force the ST to disconnect in order to protect its power electronic converters, posing important challenges to the hybrid AC/DC grid connected to it. This paper proposes a Fault-Ride-Through (FRT) strategy suited for grid-tied ST with no locally available ESS, which exploits a dump-load and the sensitivity of the hybrid AC/DC distribution grid's power to voltage and frequency to provide enhanced control to the ST in order to handle AC-side voltage sags. The proposed FRT strategy can exploit all the hybrid AC/DC distribution grid (including the MV DC sub-network) and existing controllable DER resources, providing FRT against balanced and unbalanced faults in the upstream AC grid. The proposed strategy is demonstrated in this paper through computational simulation.


Smart Transformers as Active Interfaces Enabling the Provision of Power-Frequency Regulation Services from Distributed Resources in Hybrid AC/DC Grids

Rodrigues, J; Moreira, C; Lopes, JP;


Smart Transformers (STs) are being envisioned as a key element for the controllability of distribution networks in a future context of Renewable Energy Source (RES), Energy Storage System (ESS) and Electric Vehicle (EV) massification. Additionally, STs enable the deployment of hybrid AC/DC networks, which offer important advantages in this context. In addition to offering further degrees of controllability, hybrid AC/DC networks are more suited to integrate DC resources such as DC loads, PV generation, ESS and EV chargers. The purpose of the work developed in this paper is to address the feasibility of exploiting STs to actively coordinate a fleet of resources existing in a hybrid AC/DC network supplied by the ST aiming to provide active power-frequency regulation services to the upstream AC grid. The feasibility of the ST to coordinate the resources available in the hybrid distribution AC/DC network in order to provide active power-frequency regulation services is demonstrated in this paper through computational simulation. It is demonstrated that the aforementioned goal can be achieved using droop-based controllers that can modulate controlled variables in the ST.


Optimal Load Restoration in Active Distribution Networks Complying With Starting Transients of Induction Motors

Sekhavatmanesh, H; Rodrigues, J; Moreira, CL; Lopes, JAP; Cherkaoui, R;


Large horsepower induction motors play a critical role as industrial drives in production facilities. The operational safety of distribution networks during the starting transients of these motor loads is a critical concern for the operators. In this paper, an analytical and convex optimization model is derived representing the starting transients of the induction motor in a semi-static fashion. This model is used to find the optimal energization sequence of different loads (static and motor loads) following an outage in a distribution network. The optimization problem includes the optimal control of the converter-based DGs and autotransformers that are used for the induction motor starting. These models together with the semi-static model of the induction motor are integrated into a relaxed power flow formulation resulting in a Mixed-Integer Second Order Cone Programming (SOCP) problem. This formulation represents the transient operational limits that are imposed by different protection devices both in the motor side and network side. The functionality of the proposed optimization problem is evaluated in the case of a large-scale test study and under different simulation scenarios. The feasibility and accuracy of the optimization results are validated using I) off-line time-domain simulations, and II) a Power Hardware-In-the-Loop experiment.


Planning of distribution networks islanded operation: from simulation to live demonstration

Gouveia, J; Gouveia, C; Rodrigues, J; Carvalho, L; Moreira, CL; Lopes, JAP;


The integration of distributed Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) at the Medium Voltage (MV) and Low Voltage (LV) networks increases the distribution grid flexibility to deal with high penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). In addition, it also enables the deployment of key self-healing functionalities, which allow the islanded operation of small sections of the distribution network. However, new planning and real-time operation strategies are required to allow the BESS coordinated control, as well as a cost-effective and stable operation. This paper presents new tools developed for the planning and real-time operation of distribution networks integrating BESS, particularly when operating islanding. For real-time operation, a short-term emergency operation-planning tool assesses the feasibility of islanded operation of a small section of the distribution network. The long-term impact of a BESS control strategy for islanded operation is assessed through a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tool. The results and implementation experience in real distribution network are also discussed.


A convex model for induction motor starting transients imbedded in an OPF-based optimization problem

Sekhavatmanesh, H; Cherkaoui, R; Rodrigues, J; Moreira, CL; Lopes, JAP;


Large horsepower induction motors play a critical role in the operation of industrial facilities. In this respect, the distribution network operators dedicate a high priority to the operational safety of these motor loads. In this paper, the induction motor starting is modeled analytically and in a semi-static fashion. This model is imbedded in a convex distribution system restoration problem. In this optimization problem, it is aimed to determine the optimal status of static loads and the optimal dispatch of distributed generators such that: a) the induction motors can be reaccelerated in a safe way and, b) the total power of static loads that cannot be supplied before the motor energization, is minimized. The proposed optimization problem is applied in the case of a distribution network under different simulation scenarios. The feasibility and accuracy of the obtained results are validated using a) off-line time-domain simulations, and b) Power Hardware-In-the-Loop experiments.