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Miguel Coimbra, licenciado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) e doutorado em Engenharia Electrónica (Queen Mary, University of London), é Professor Catedrático no Departamento de Ciência de Computadores da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. É vogal do Conselho Executivo da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto desde abril de 2019, coordenador da linha TEC4Health do INESC TEC desde janeiro de 2019, e coordenador do laboratório BioImaging Lab do INESC TEC desde janeiro de 2022. Foi presidente do Portugal Chapter da IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society entre 2018 e 2022. Foi um dos fundadores em 2007 da Delegação do Porto do Instituto de Telecomunicações, da qual foi coordenador entre 2015 e 2019. Nesta criou e coordenou entre 2008 e 2014 o grupo de Interactive Multimedia. Foi diretor entre 2014 e 2016 do Mestrado em Informática Médica da Universidade do Porto, e co-fundador em 2013 da IS4H – Interactive Systems for Healthcare, uma empresa spin-off da Universidade do Porto, onde licencia e vende produtos baseados nas tecnologias interativas de auscultação desenvolvidas pela sua equipa.

A nível de atividade científica liderou ou participou em múltiplos projetos na interface entre a ciência de computadores e a saúde, nomeadamente em cardiologia, gastroenterologia e reumatologia, com colaborações atuais e passadas com instituições de saúde em Portugal, Brasil (Pernambuco, Paraíba, Minas Gerais, São Paulo), Alemanha e Suécia. Os quase 15 anos de experiência em ciência de computadores, mais concretamente na área da informática para a saúde (visão computacional, processamento de sinal biomédico, interação pessoa-máquina), levaram ao desenvolvimento e instalação de sistemas para a colheita e análise de sinais de auscultação, processamento de imagens de ecocardiografia para rastreio de febre reumática, monitorização de stress e fadiga de bombeiros em ação, análise de imagem endoscópica para deteção de cancro, sistemas de apoio à decisão para cápsula endoscópica, e quantificação de padrões de movimento 3D para epilepsia, entre outros. É (co)-autor de um total de 133 publicações científicas, incluindo 3 capítulos em livros e 29 artigos em revista, sendo 25 destes em revistas de primeiro quartil, 17 dos quais nas prestigiadas IEEE Transactions. A nível de formação avançada já terminou com sucesso a orientação de 4 investigadores de pós-doutoramento, 6 estudantes de doutoramento e 47 estudantes de mestrado. Durante os últimos 13 anos atraiu e geriu mais de 2M€ de financiamento para investigação, distribuídos por um total de 16 projetos nacionais ou internacionais onde atuou como investigador principal do projeto ou como líder da equipa de investigação da sua instituição.



  • Nome

    Miguel Coimbra
  • Cargo

    Coordenador de TEC4
  • Desde

    15 setembro 1998
  • Nacionalidade

  • Contactos



Separation of the Aortic and Pulmonary Components of the Second Heart Sound via Alternating Optimization

Renna, F; Gaudio, A; Mattos, S; Plumbley, MD; Coimbra, MT;


An algorithm for blind source separation (BSS) of the second heart sound (S2) into aortic and pulmonary components is proposed. It recovers aortic (A2) and pulmonary (P2) waveforms, as well as their relative delays, by solving an alternating optimization problem on the set of S2 sounds, without the use of auxiliary ECG or respiration phase measurement data. This unsupervised and data-driven approach assumes that the A2 and P2 components maintain the same waveform across heartbeats and that the relative delay between onset of the components varies according to respiration phase. The proposed approach is applied to synthetic heart sounds and to real-world heart sounds from 43 patients. It improves over two state-of-the-art BSS approaches by 10% normalized root mean-squared error in the reconstruction of aortic and pulmonary components using synthetic heart sounds, demonstrates robustness to noise, and recovery of splitting delays. The detection of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in a Brazilian population is demonstrated by training a classifier on three scalar features from the recovered A2 and P2 waveforms, and this yields an auROC of 0.76.


Towards automatic forecasting of lung nodule diameter with tabular data and CT imaging

Ferreira, ICA; Venkadesh, KV; Jacobs, C; Coimbra, M; Campilho, A;


Objective: This study aims to forecast the progression of lung cancer by estimating the future diameter of lung nodules. Methods: This approach uses as input the tabular data, axial images from tomography scans, and both data types, employing a ResNet50 model for image feature extraction and direct analysis of patient information for tabular data. The data are processed through a neural network before prediction. In the training phase, class weights are assigned based on the rarity of different types of nodules within the dataset, in alignment with nodule management guidelines. Results: Tabular data alone yielded the most accurate results, with a mean absolute deviation of 0.99 mm. For malignant nodules, the best performance, marked by a deviation of 2.82 mm, was achieved using tabular data applying Lung-RADS class weights during training. The tabular data results highlight the influence of using the initial nodule size as an input feature. These results surpass the literature reference of 348-day volume doubling time for malignant nodules. Conclusion: The developed predictive model is optimized for integration into a clinical workflow after detecting, segmenting, and classifying nodules. It provides accurate growth forecasts, establishing a more objective basis for determining follow-up intervals. Significance: With lung cancer's low survival rates, the capacity for precise nodule growth prediction represents a significant breakthrough. This methodology promises to revolutionize patient care and management, enhancing the chances for early risk assessment and effective intervention.


A Comparative Study of Feature-Based and End-to-End Approaches for Lung Nodule Classification in CT Volumes to Lung-RADS Follow-up Recommendation

Ferreira, CA; Ramos, I; Coimbra, M; Campilho, A;


Lung cancer represents a significant health concern necessitating diligent monitoring of individuals at risk. While the detection of pulmonary nodules warrants clinical attention, not all cases require immediate surgical intervention, often calling for a strategic approach to follow-up decisions. The Lung-RADS guideline serves as a cornerstone in clinical practice, furnishing structured recommendations based on various nodule characteristics, including size, calcification, and texture, outlined within established reference tables. However, the reliance on labor-intensive manual measurements underscores the potential advantages of integrating decision support systems into this process. Herein, we propose a feature-based methodology aimed at enhancing clinical decision-making by automating the assessment of nodules in computed tomography scans. Leveraging algorithms tailored for nodule calcification, texture analysis, and segmentation, our approach facilitates the automated classification of follow-up recommendations aligned with Lung-RADS criteria. Comparison with a previously reported end-to-end image-based classification method revealed competitive performance, with the feature-based approach achieving an accuracy of 0.701 +/- 0.026, while the end-to-end method attained 0.727 +/- 0.020. The inherent explainability of the feature-based approach offers distinct advantages, allowing clinicians to scrutinize and modify individual features to address disagreements or rectify inaccuracies, thereby tailoring follow-up recommendations to patient profiles.


Singularity Strength Re-calibration of Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation

Martins, ML; Coimbra, MT; Renna, F;


This paper is concerned with the semantic segmentation within domain-specific contexts, such as those pertaining to biology, physics, or material science. Under these circumstances, the objects of interest are often irregular and have fine structure, i.e., detail at arbitrarily small scales. Empirically, they are often understood as self-similar processes, a concept grounded in Multifractal Analysis. We find that this multifractal behaviour is carried out through a convolutional neural network (CNN), if we view its channel-wise responses as self-similar measures. A function of the local singularities of each measure we call Singularity Stregth Recalibration (SSR) is set forth to modulate the response at each layer of the CNN. SSR is a lightweight, plug-in module for CNNs. We observe that it improves a baseline U-Net in two biomedical tasks: skin lesion and colonic polyp segmentation, by an average of 1.36% and 1.12% Dice score, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time multifractal-analysis is conducted end-to-end for semantic segmentation.


QUAIDE - Quality assessment of AI preclinical studies in diagnostic endoscopy

Antonelli, G; Libanio, D; De Groof, AJ; van der Sommen, F; Mascagni, P; Sinonquel, P; Abdelrahim, M; Ahmad, O; Berzin, T; Bhandari, P; Bretthauer, M; Coimbra, M; Dekker, E; Ebigbo, A; Eelbode, T; Frazzoni, L; Gross, SA; Ishihara, R; Kaminski, MF; Messmann, H; Mori, Y; Padoy, N; Parasa, S; Pilonis, ND; Renna, F; Repici, A; Simsek, C; Spadaccini, M; Bisschops, R; Bergman, JJGHM; Hassan, C; Ribeiro, MD;


Artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant potential for enhancing quality of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, but the adoption of AI in clinical practice is hampered by the lack of rigorous standardisation and development methodology ensuring generalisability. The aim of the Quality Assessment of pre-clinical AI studies in Diagnostic Endoscopy (QUAIDE) Explanation and Checklist was to develop recommendations for standardised design and reporting of preclinical AI studies in GI endoscopy. The recommendations were developed based on a formal consensus approach with an international multidisciplinary panel of 32 experts among endoscopists and computer scientists. The Delphi methodology was employed to achieve consensus on statements, with a predetermined threshold of 80% agreement. A maximum three rounds of voting were permitted. Consensus was reached on 18 key recommendations, covering 6 key domains: data acquisition and annotation (6 statements), outcome reporting (3 statements), experimental setup and algorithm architecture (4 statements) and result presentation and interpretation (5 statements). QUAIDE provides recommendations on how to properly design (1. Methods, statements 1-14), present results (2. Results, statements 15-16) and integrate and interpret the obtained results (3. Discussion, statements 17-18). The QUAIDE framework offers practical guidance for authors, readers, editors and reviewers involved in AI preclinical studies in GI endoscopy, aiming at improving design and reporting, thereby promoting research standardisation and accelerating the translation of AI innovations into clinical practice.Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant potential for enhancing quality of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, but the adoption of AI in clinical practice is hampered by the lack of rigorous standardisation and development methodology ensuring generalisability. The aim of the Quality Assessment of pre-clinical AI studies in Diagnostic Endoscopy (QUAIDE) Explanation and Checklist was to develop recommendations for standardised design and reporting of preclinical AI studies in GI endoscopy. The recommendations were developed based on a formal consensus approach with an international multidisciplinary panel of 32 experts among endoscopists and computer scientists. The Delphi methodology was employed to achieve consensus on statements, with a predetermined threshold of 80% agreement. A maximum three rounds of voting were permitted. Consensus was reached on 18 key recommendations, covering 6 key domains: data acquisition and annotation (6 statements), outcome reporting (3 statements), experimental setup and algorithm architecture (4 statements) and result presentation and interpretation (5 statements). QUAIDE provides recommendations on how to properly design (1. Methods, statements 1-14), present results (2. Results, statements 15-16) and integrate and interpret the obtained results (3. Discussion, statements 17-18). The QUAIDE framework offers practical guidance for authors, readers, editors and reviewers involved in AI preclinical studies in GI endoscopy, aiming at improving design and reporting, thereby promoting research standardisation and accelerating the translation of AI innovations into clinical practice.Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant potential for enhancing quality of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, but the adoption of AI in clinical practice is hampered by the lack of rigorous standardisation and development methodology ensuring generalisability. The aim of the Quality Assessment of pre-clinical AI studies in Diagnostic Endoscopy (QUAIDE) Explanation and Checklist was to develop recommendations for standardised design and reporting of preclinical AI studies in GI endoscopy. The recommendations were developed based on a formal consensus approach with an international multidisciplinary panel of 32 experts among endoscopists and computer scientists. The Delphi methodology was employed to achieve consensus on statements, with a predetermined threshold of 80% agreement. A maximum three rounds of voting were permitted. Consensus was reached on 18 key recommendations, covering 6 key domains: data acquisition and annotation (6 statements), outcome reporting (3 statements), experimental setup and algorithm architecture (4 statements) and result presentation and interpretation (5 statements). QUAIDE provides recommendations on how to properly design (1. Methods, statements 1-14), present results (2. Results, statements 15-16) and integrate and interpret the obtained results (3. Discussion, statements 17-18). The QUAIDE framework offers practical guidance for authors, readers, editors and reviewers involved in AI preclinical studies in GI endoscopy, aiming at improving design and reporting, thereby promoting research standardisation and accelerating the translation of AI innovations into clinical practice.Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant potential for enhancing quality of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, but the adoption of AI in clinical practice is hampered by the lack of rigorous standardisation and development methodology ensuring generalisability. The aim of the Quality Assessment of pre-clinical AI studies in Diagnostic Endoscopy (QUAIDE) Explanation and Checklist was to develop recommendations for standardised design and reporting of preclinical AI studies in GI endoscopy. The recommendations were developed based on a formal consensus approach with an international multidisciplinary panel of 32 experts among endoscopists and computer scientists. The Delphi methodology was employed to achieve consensus on statements, with a predetermined threshold of 80% agreement. A maximum three rounds of voting were permitted. Consensus was reached on 18 key recommendations, covering 6 key domains: data acquisition and annotation (6 statements), outcome reporting (3 statements), experimental setup and algorithm architecture (4 statements) and result presentation and interpretation (5 statements). QUAIDE provides recommendations on how to properly design (1. Methods, statements 1-14), present results (2. Results, statements 15-16) and integrate and interpret the obtained results (3. Discussion, statements 17-18). The QUAIDE framework offers practical guidance for authors, readers, editors and reviewers involved in AI preclinical studies in GI endoscopy, aiming at improving design and reporting, thereby promoting research standardisation and accelerating the translation of AI innovations into clinical practice.



Collaborative Tools for Lung Cancer Diagnosis in Computed Tomography

Carlos Alexandre Nunes Ferreira



Heart Sound Analysis for Cardiovascular Diseases Identification

Diogo Marcelo Esterlita Nogueira



Deep Learning Algorithms for Anatomical Landmark Detection

Miguel Lopes Martins



Echocardiography Automatic Image Quality Enhancement Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Teresa Isabel da Silva Corado



Multimodal deep learning for heart sound and electrocardiogram classification

Hélder Miguel Carvalho Vieira
