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Miguel Nakajima Marques nasceu no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, em 1983. Mestrado em engenharia mecânica - mecatrônica (2022) pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) e bacharel em engenharia elétrica - sistemas de energia e automação (2014) pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Tem como principal motivação impactar positivamente a investigação e desenvolvimento de tecnologias embarcadas, principalmente na área de agricultura. Tem vasta experiência em desenvolvimento embarcado, através de modelos tradicionais e também inovadores como aprendizado de máquina, algoritmos evolutivos e sistemas inteligentes. Durante o mestrado desenvolveu projeto em visão computacional utilizando redes convolucionais profundas na detecção da doença HLB em plantas de citros. Tendo já conhecimento advindo da licenciatura no desenvolvimento de projetos de robótica móvel de baixo custo e experiência na indústria na utilização de sistemas inteligentes, está a trilhar o caminho do doutoramento em engenharia electrotécnica e de computadores pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) para aprofundar os conhecimentos e avançar a investigação na área.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Miguel Nakajima Marques
  • Cargo

    Assistente de Investigação
  • Desde

    15 julho 2022


Tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-A Systematic Review

Marques, MN; Magalhaes, SA; Dos Santos, FN; Mendonca, HS;


In recent years, there has been a remarkable surge in the development and research of tethered aerial systems, thus reflecting a growing interest in their diverse applications. Long-term missions involving aerial vehicles present significant challenges due to the limitations of current battery solutions. Tethered vehicles can circumvent such restrictions by receiving their power from an element on the ground such as a ground station or a mobile terrestrial platform. Tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can also be applied to load transportation achieved by a single or multiple UAVs. This paper presents a comprehensive systematic literature review, with a special focus on solutions published in the last five years (2017-2022). It emphasizes the key characteristics that are capable of grouping publications by application scope, propulsion method, energy transfer solution, perception sensors, and control techniques adopted. The search was performed in six different databases, thereby resulting in 1172 unique publications, from which 182 were considered for inclusion in the data extraction phase of this review. Among the various aircraft types, multirotors emerged as the most widely used category. We also identified significant variations in the application scope of tethered UAVs, thus leading to tailored approaches for each use case, such as the fixed-wing model being predominant in the wind generation application and the lighter-than-air aircraft in the meteorology field. Notably, the classical Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control scheme emerged as the predominant control methodology across the surveyed publications. Regarding energy transfer techniques, most publications did not explicitly describe their approach. However, among those that did, high-voltage DC energy transfer emerged as the preferred solution. In summary, this systematic literature review provides valuable insights into the current state of tethered aerial systems, thereby showcasing their potential as a robust and sustainable alternative to address the challenges associated with long-duration aerial missions and load transportation.


Identificação de Huanglongbing (HLB) em plantações de citros utilizando redes convolucionais profundas

Miguel N. Marques; Cristiano O. Pontelli; Ely C. de Paiva;

Procedings do XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática - Procedings do XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática
