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Exerço funções de Professor Auxiliar no Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), onde lecciono unidades curriculares nas áreas da Engenharia de Software, Metodologias Ágeis e Arquitetura de Software (frameworks e padrões). Sou investigador no Software Engineering Research Group na FEUP onde me foco na gestão colaborativa de conhecimento software e na aprendizagem de software e da engenharia de software. Sou investigador sénior no INESC TEC e membro do Hillside Group. A minha tese de doutoramento em Engenharia de Software entitulou-se: "Patterns and Tools for improving Framework Understanding: a Collaborative Approach”. Mais recentemente tenho centrado a minha investigação na aplicação de técnicas de jogos para a melhoria da aprendizagem da engenharia de software. 

de interesse


  • Nome

    Nuno Flores
  • Cargo

    Investigador Sénior
  • Desde

    25 março 1998
  • Nacionalidade

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Quest-based Gamification in a software development lab course: a case study

Flores, H; Pinto, R;

International Conference on Higher Education Advances

Motivation and engagement play a crucial role in student success in a course. Students may lose interest or underestimate courses that tackle non-core learning outcomes to their specific curriculum or program. Gamification, using game elements (e.g., rewards, challenges) in non-game contexts, is one way to motivate and engage students. Some educational courses use project-based learning, where students tackle problems, overcome obstacles, and gain knowledge. Quest-based games are designed as systems of challenges that players must complete to advance and win the game. They were linked with education by applying specific game mechanics to a computing course unit. This paper case studies the application of a quest-based gamification approach in a mandatory software engineering course to boost engagement among higher education students. Results were collected through observational methods and surveying the students, indicating a tendency for higher grades in course years implementing gamification while maintaining satisfactory levels of motivation and engagement. © 2023 International Conference on Higher Education Advances. All rights reserved.


Teaching Software Engineering Topics Through Pedagogical Game Design Patterns: An Empirical Study

Flores, N; Paiva, ACR; Cruz, N;


Teaching software engineering in its many different forms using traditional teaching methods is difficult. Serious games can help overcome these challenges because they allow real situations to be simulated. However, the development of serious games is not easy and, although there are good practices for relating game design patterns to teaching techniques, there is no methodology to support its use in a specific context such as software engineering. This article presents a case study to validate a methodology that links the Learning and Teaching Functions (LTF) to the Game Design Patterns (PIB) in the context of Software Engineering Education. A serious game was developed from scratch using this methodology to teach software estimation (a specific topic of software engineering). An experiment was carried out to validate the effectiveness of the game by comparing the results of two different groups of students. The results indicate that the methodology can help to develop effective educational games on specific learning topics.


Fostering soft and hard skills for innovation among informatics engineering students – An emancipatory approach

Torres, MF; Flores, N; Torres, RT;

Journal of Innovation Management

Informatics engineers are currently in the spotlight of innovation. It is, therefore, relevant to analyse and reflect on how higher education can, and should, prepare future engineers to innovate as expected in this ever-changing world. This paper aims to further research and foster scholarly debate regarding the requirements and implications of teaching innovation. For that purpose, we examine an exploratory case study on interdisciplinary cooperation between two higher education courses, designed to promote students’ active learning of innovation through the progressive development of their soft and hard skills. Both courses engaged in an emancipatory pedagogical approach, mostly grounded in project-based work, active learning, and formative assessment. To obtain feedback on this interdisciplinary cooperation, questionnaires were devised to ascertain the students’ perceptions about this pedagogical approach. Individual responses were collected from both courses and data was analysed through simple statistical procedures. Articulating a priori soft skills development with a posteriori hard skills learning process is perceived by students as beneficial in gradually, yet successfully, understanding the subject of innovation. Also, there were even some external success indicators which showed the recognition of successful innovation skills development in informatics engineering students. Thus, according to students’ perceptions of their experience with an emancipatory pedagogy that connected soft with hard skills development, we conclude that such approach encouraged students to create new knowledge and allowed them to develop the necessary skills to innovate.


End-to-end Automatic Business Process Validation

Paiva, ACR; Flores, NH; Faria, JP; Marques, JMG;

The 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2018) / The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT 2018) / Affiliated Workshops, May 8-11, 2018, Porto, Portugal

Business Process Testing is the act of validating that end-to-end transactions through enterprise systems continue to work correctly as the underlying packaged applications evolve. End-to-end automatic business process validation can be a challenging task, but an important way to check that business rules continue to work properly and that problems are detected and corrected as soon as possible. This paper presents the design of a test automation platform, ETAP-Pro, to test end-to-end business processes that aims to overcome some challenges in validating business processes. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Learning Frameworks in a Social-Intensive Knowledge Environment - An Empirical Study

Flores, N; Aguiar, A;


Application frameworks are a powerful technique for large-scale reuse, but require a considerable effort to understand them. Good documentation is costly, as it needs to address different audiences with disparate learning needs. When code and documentation prove insuficient, developers turn to their network of experts. Nevertheless, this proves difficult, mainly due to the lack of expertise awareness (who to ask), wasteful interruptions of the wrong people and unavailability ( either due to intrusion or time constraints). The DRIVER platform is a collaborative learning environment where framework users can, in a non-intrusive way, store and share their learning knowledge while following the best practices of framework understanding (patterns). Developed by the authors, it provides a framework documentation repository, mounted on a wiki, where the learning paths of the community of learners can be captured, shared, rated, and recommended. Combining these social activities, the DRIVER platform promotes collaborative learning, mitigating intrusiveness, unavailability of experts and loss of tacit knowledge. This paper presents the assessment of DRIVER using a controlled academic experiment that measured the performance, effectiveness and framework knowledge intake of MSc students. The study concluded that, especially for novice learners, the platform allows for a faster and more effective learning process.



You can hide but you can't run: browser extensions fingerprinting

Lucas Vieira Casalderrey Vilard Stein



Serviço de pesquisa de notícias em português para criação de jornais escolares digitais

Ana Mafalda de Oliveira Santos



“Hydrogen opportunity in the mining industry in the context of decarbonization"

Tiago José Reis Silva



BirdlyData -  Data migration tool for OutSystems

Maria Beatriz Nogueira Ferreira



Altycs: um componente visual de métricas de negócio

Lucas Gabriel Silva Martins
