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Sou professor auxiliar no Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Portugal, e investigador sénior no HASLab, a unidade do INESC TEC focada do desenvolvimento de software confiável, onde desenvolvo, ensino e aplico técnicas formais à engenharia de software.

A minha investigação foca-se na concepção de software confiável, particularmente na aplicação de técnicas formais "lightweight" à concepção de software baseadas em "model check" e "model finding". Faço parte da equipa que mantém o Alloy 6 e o seu Analyzer, uma ferramenta para analisar modelos de software. Adaptei também esse tipo de técnicas ao domínio da robótica para promover o desenvolvimento de software robótico confiável, assim como é projetos de transferência de conhecimento e de consultadoria.

As minhas atividades letivas focam-se no ensino de linguagens de programação e de métodos formais na engenharia de software. Nesse contexto, mantenho também o Alloy4Fun, uma plataforma para apoiar o ensino de Alloy.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Nuno Moreira Macedo
  • Cargo

    Investigador Sénior
  • Desde

    01 novembro 2011


Assessing the impact of hints in learning formal specification

Cunha, A; Macedo, N; Campos, JC; Margolis, I; Sousa, E;

Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training, SEET@ICSE 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-20, 2024

Background: Many programming environments include automated feedback in the form of hints to help novices learn autonomously. Some experimental studies investigated the impact of automated hints in the immediate performance and learning retention in that context. Automated feedback is also becoming a popular research topic in the context of formal specification languages, but so far no experimental studies have been conducted to assess its impact while learning such languages. Objective: We aim to investigate the impact of different types of automated hints while learning a formal specification language, not only in terms of immediate performance and learning retention, but also in the emotional response of the students. Method: We conducted a simple one-factor randomised experiment in 2 sessions involving 85 BSc students majoring in CSE. In the 1st session students were divided in 1 control group and 3 experimental groups, each receiving a different type of hint while learning to specify simple requirements with the Alloy formal specification language. To assess the impact of hints on learning retention, in the 2nd session, 1 week later, students had no hints while formalising requirements. Before and after each session the students answered a standard self-reporting emotional survey to assess their emotional response to the experiment. Results: Of the 3 types of hints considered, only those pointing to the precise location of an error had a positive impact on the immediate performance and none had significant impact in learning retention. Hint availability also causes a significant impact on the emotional response, but no significant emotional impact exists once hints are no longer available (i.e. no deprivation effects were detected). Conclusion: Although none of the evaluated hints had an impact on learning retention, learning a formal specification language with an environment that provides hints with precise error locations seems to contribute to a better overall experience without apparent drawbacks. Further studies are needed to investigate if other kind of feedback, namely hints combined with some sort of self-explanation prompts, can have a positive impact in learning retention. © 2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).


Task Model Design and Analysis with Alloy

Cunha, A; Macedo, N; Kang, E;

Rigorous State-Based Methods - 9th International Conference, ABZ 2023, Nancy, France, May 30 - June 2, 2023, Proceedings

This paper describes a methodology for task model design and analysis using the Alloy Analyzer, a formal, declarative modeling tool. Our methodology leverages (1) a formalization of the HAMSTERS task modeling notation in Alloy and (2) a method for encoding a concrete task model and compose it with a model of the interactive system. The Analyzer then automatically verifies the overall model against desired properties, revealing counter-examples (if any) in terms of interaction scenarios between the operator and the system. In addition, we demonstrate how Alloy can be used to encode various types of operator errors (e.g., inserting or omitting an action) into the base HAMSTERS model and generate erroneous interaction scenarios. Our methodology is applied to a task model describing the interaction of a traffic air controller with a semi-autonomous Arrival MANager (AMAN) planning tool. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Verifying Temporal Relational Models with Pardinus

Macedo, N; Brunel, J; Chemouil, D; Cunha, A;

Rigorous State-Based Methods - 9th International Conference, ABZ 2023, Nancy, France, May 30 - June 2, 2023, Proceedings

This short paper summarizes an article published in the Journal of Automated Reasoning [7]. It presents, an extension of the popular [12] relational model finder with linear temporal logic (including past operators) to simplify the analysis of dynamic systems. includes a SAT-based bounded model checking engine and an SMV-based complete model checking engine, both allowing iteration through the different instances (or counterexamples) of a specification. It also supports a decomposed parallel analysis strategy that improves the efficiency of both analysis engines on commodity multi-core machines. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Adding Records to Alloy

Brunel, J; Chemouil, D; Cunha, A; Macedo, N;

Rigorous State-Based Methods - 9th International Conference, ABZ 2023, Nancy, France, May 30 - June 2, 2023, Proceedings

Records are a composite data type available in most programming and specification languages, but they are not natively supported by Alloy. As a consequence, users often find themselves having to simulate records in ad hoc ways, a strategy that is error prone and often encumbers the analysis procedures. This paper proposes a conservative extension to the Alloy language to support record signatures. Uniqueness and completeness is imposed on the atoms of such signatures, while still supporting Alloy’s flexible signature hierarchy. The Analyzer has been extended to internally expand such record signatures as partial knowledge for the solving procedure. Evaluation shows that the proposed approach is more efficient than commonly used idioms. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Exploring Automatic Specification Repair in Dafny Programs

Abreu, A; Macedo, N; Mendes, A;


Formal verification has become increasingly crucial in ensuring the accurate and secure functioning of modern software systems. Given a specification of the desired behaviour, i.e. a contract, a program is considered to be correct when all possible executions guarantee the specification. Should the software fail to behave as expected, then a bug is present. Most existing research assumes that the bug is present in the implementation, but it is also often the case that the specified expectations are incorrect, meaning that it is the specification that must be repaired. Research and tools for providing alternative specifications that fix details missing during contract definition, considering that the implementation is correct, are scarce. This paper presents a preliminary tool, focused on Dafny programs, for automatic specification repair in contract programming. Given a Dafny program that fails to verify, the tool suggests corrections that repair the specification. Our approach is inspired by a technique previously proposed for another contract programming language and relies on Daikon for dynamic invariant inference. Although the tool is focused on Dafny, it makes use of specification repair techniques that are generally applicable to programming languages that support contracts. Such a tool can be valuable in various scenarios, such as when programmers have a reference implementation and need to analyse their contract options, or in educational contexts, where it can provide students with hints to correct their contracts. The results of the evaluation show that the approach is feasible in Dafny and that the overall process has reasonable performance but that there are stages of the process that need further improvements.



Life Bracelet

Tiago Miguel Delgadinho Simões



Radio-Frequency Based Location Service

João Filipe Lopes de Carvalho



Interactive multimodal and procedurally-assisted creation of VR environments

João Pedro Martins Ferreira



Arquitetura segura no desenvolvimento de software: Abordagem à plataforma digital U.OPENLAB

Domingos Alberto Teixeira Guedes Ferreira



A data mining approach to fraud detection in e-tail

Nuno Carneiro
