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Ricardo Bessa nasceu em 1983 em Viseu, e obteve o grau de Licenciado (5 anos) pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal (FEUP) em 2006 em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores. Em 2008, obteve o grau de Mestre em Análise de Dados e Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão pela Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP). Obteve o grau de Doutor no Programa Doutoral em Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia (MIT Portugal) na FEUP em 2013. Atualmente, é Coordenador do Centro de Sistemas de Energia do INESC TEC. Trabalhou em vários projetos internacionais como os projetos europeus FP6, FP7 SuSTAINABLE, FP7 evolvDSO, Horizon 2020 UPGRID, Horizon 2020 InteGrid, H2020 Smart4RES, H2020 InterConnect, HORIZON ENERSHARE, e uma colaboração internacional com o Argonne National Laboratory para o U.S. Department of Energy. A nível nacional, participou no desenvolvimento de sistemas de previsão de energias renováveis e serviços de consultoria sobre armazenamento de energia e IA. Editor Associado da IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy e recebeu o Prémio de Excelência ESIG em 2022. É coautor de mais de 60 artigos em revistas e 120 artigos em conferências, e Membro Sénior do IEEE.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Ricardo Jorge Bessa
  • Cargo

    Coordenador de Centro
  • Desde

    01 fevereiro 2006


Uncertainty-Aware Procurement of Flexibilities for Electrical Grid Operational Planning

Bessa, RJ; Moaidi, F; Viana, J; Andrade, JR;


In the power system decarbonization roadmap, novel grid management tools and market mechanisms are fundamental to solving technical problems concerning renewable energy forecast uncertainty. This work proposes a predictive algorithm for procurement of grid flexibility by the system operator (SO), which combines the SO flexible assets with active and reactive power short-term flexibility markets. The goal is to reduce the cognitive load of the human operator when analyzing multiple flexibility options and trajectories for the forecasted load/RES and create a human-in-the-loop approach for balancing risk, stakes, and cost. This work also formulates the decision problem into several steps where the operator must decide to book flexibility now or wait for the next forecast update (time-to-decide method), considering that flexibility (availability) price may increase with a lower notification time. Numerical results obtained for a public MV grid (Oberrhein) show that the time-to-decide method improves up to 22% a performance indicator related to a cost-loss matrix, compared to the option of booking the flexibility now at a lower price and without waiting for a forecast update.


A review on the decarbonization of high-performance computing centers

Silva, CA; Vilaça, R; Pereira, A; Bessa, RJ;


High-performance computing relies on performance-oriented infrastructures with access to powerful computing resources to complete tasks that contribute to solve complex problems in society. The intensive use of resources and the increase in service demand due to emerging fields of science, combined with the exascale paradigm, climate change concerns, and rising energy costs, ultimately means that the decarbonization of these centers is key to improve their environmental and financial performance. Therefore, a review on the main opportunities and challenges for the decarbonization of high-performance computing centers is essential to help decision-makers, operators and users contribute to a more sustainable computing ecosystem. It was found that state-of-the-art supercomputers are growing in computing power, but are combining different measures to meet sustainability concerns, namely going beyond energy efficiency measures and evolving simultaneously in terms of energy and information technology infrastructure. It was also shown that policy and multiple entities are now targeting specifically HPC, and that identifying synergies with the energy sector can reveal new revenue streams, but also enable a smoother integration of these centers in energy systems. Computing-intensive users can continue to pursue their scientific research, but participating more actively in the decarbonization process, in cooperation with computing service providers. Overall, many opportunities, but also challenges, were identified, to decrease carbon emissions in a sector mostly concerned with improving hardware performance.


The Role of Batteries in Maximizing Green Hydrogen Production with Power Flow Tracing

Dudkina E.; Villar J.; Bessa R.J.; Crisostomi E.;

4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, SGRE 2024 - Proceedings

Hydrogen is currently getting more and more attention in the European climate strategy as a promising enabling technology to decarbonize industry, transport sector and to provide a long-term, high-capacity energy storage solution. However, to truly contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions, hydrogen must be produced respecting a principle of additionality, to ensure that it is produced using renewable energy sources and that its production does not decrease the green energy supplied to other loads. This study tracks the share of renewables generation in the energy mix used to produce hydrogen by applying a power flow tracing technique integrated with an optimal power flow analysis. This method allows the minimization of the system operation costs, while maximizing the green hydrogen production and considering the additionality principle. The system cost function is also modified to include the sizing and allocation of conventional batteries in the grid, and assess their ability to further increase the share of green energy in hydrogen production.


Data-driven Assessment of the DER Flexibility Impact on the LV Grid Management

Fritz, B; Sampaio, G; Bessa, RJ;


Low voltage (LV) grids face a challenge of effectively managing the growing presence of new loads like electric vehicles and heat pumps, along with the equally growing installation of rooftop photovoltaic panels. This paper describes practical applications of sensitivity factors, extracted from smart meter data (i.e., without resorting to grid models), to i) link voltage problems to different costumers/devices and their location in the grid, ii) manage the flexibility provided by distributed energy resources (DERs) to regulate voltage, and iii) assess favorable locations for DER capacity extensions, all with the aim of supporting the decision-making process of distribution system operators (DSOs) and the design of incentives for customers to invest in DERs. The methods are tested by running simulations based on historical meter data on six grid models provided by the EU-Joint Research Center. The results prove that it is feasible to implement advanced LV grid analysis and management tools despite the typical limitations in its electrical and topological characterisation, while avoiding the use of computationally heavy tools such as optimal power flows.


PV Inverter Fault Classification using Machine Learning and Clarke Transformation

Costa, L; Silva, A; Bessa, RJ; Araújo, RE;


In a photovoltaic power plant (PVPP), the DC-AC converter (inverter) is one of the components most prone to faults. Even though they are key equipment in such installations, their fault detection techniques are not as much explored as PV module-related issues, for instance. In that sense, this paper is motivated to find novel tools for detection focused on the inverter, employing machine learning (ML) algorithms trained using a hybrid dataset. The hybrid dataset is composed of real and synthetic data for fault-free and faulty conditions. A dataset is built based on fault-free data from the PVPP and faulty data generated by a digital twin (DT). The combination DT and ML is employed using a Clarke/space vector representation of the inverter electrical variables, thus resulting in a novel feature engineering method to extract the most relevant features that can properly represent the operating condition of the PVPP. The solution that was developed can classify multiple operation conditions of the inverter with high accuracy.



A new models editor for the IVY Workbench

Rui Filipe Moreira Mendes



Provision of services for TSO through distribution resources in a local market

Fábio Sester Retorta



Automatic Eyetracking-Assisted Chest Radiography Pathology Screening

Rui Manuel Azevedo dos Santos



Classificação de Objetos BIM para Mapas de Trabalhos e Quantidades

Eva Alexandra Machado Pinho Silva



Utilização de técnicas de Business Intelligence e Analytics na avaliação da importância do Cross-Selling e dos empregados de Front-Office como alavancas para uma melhor dinâmica comercial

Tiago Francisco Fernandes da Silva
