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Sou profissional da área de Ciência da Informação, investigadora científica e estudante de doutoramento. Aluna da Universidade do Porto (UP) e da Universidade de Aveiro (UA), no Programa de Doutoramento em Informação e Comunicação em Plataformas Digitais (ICP). Estou a desenvolver a minha tese no Centro de Engenharia de Sistemas Empresariais (CESE), na área das redes colaborativas e gestão da informação sob a orientação do Professor Doutor António Lucas Soares. Fiz a gestão da comunidade de investigadores e bolseiros brasileiros, no Gabinete de Relações Internacionais (GRI), sob a orientação do Professor Doutor Vladimiro Miranda. Tenho interesse nas áreas de organização da informação, arquitetura da informação, gestão da informação, gestão do conhecimento, redes colaborativas, transformação digital, documentação empresarial, gestão de projetos e metodologias ágeis.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Solange Mazzaroto
  • Cargo

    Estudante Externo
  • Desde

    25 setembro 2014


Knowledge Sharing in Industrial Associations and Science and Technology Parks

Inomata, DO; Costa, E; Mazzaroto, S; Santos, C; Barros, AC; Soares, AL; Varvakis, G;


Knowledge management practices are used in collaborative networks promoting innovation in order to share critical knowledge among network members towards improving organizational results. This paper proposes to explore the channels and practices for knowledge sharing in collaborative networks, by means of an exploratory multiple case study carried out in two types of collaborative networks: (i) industrial associations; and (ii) science and technology parks. Empirical evidence has been collected from interviews with managers of the collaborative networks and of organizations participating in the collaborative networks. The contribution of this paper to the knowledge management literature is twofold: (i) it provides a characterization of the channels and technology used for knowledge sharing in collaborative networks based on empirical evidence and (ii) it describes knowledge sharing practices used among organizations to foster new forms of connectivity between groups and individuals.


Open Inclusive Fashion: New Insights for a Co-design Platform

Soares, AL; Costa, E; Mazzaroto, S; Carvalho, M; Allen, D; Wachowski, K; Gehl, E; Barreau, V; Nguembock, D; Ferreira, FN;


This paper intends to propose a platform dedicated to a community for inclusive fashion. This platform can innovate in the awareness creation process by involving a wide range of stakeholders through a novel combination of visually-centered networking/collaboration together with a powerful recommendation system based on data analytics. This solution can potentially impact positively the well-being of more than 50 million of motor/physical disabled citizens as consumers of fashion products. This can be achieved by bringing together three different networks: (i) fashion consumers, emphasizing consumers with disabilities; (ii) companies from fashion/garment/footwear industry; (iii) social and research organizations supporting disabled people. This will allow to create individual and collective awareness about sustainability at the social level demanding the engagement of groups of citizens and industries in sharing information and knowledge and developing ideas and solutions for people with disabilities facing problems related to fashion, garment and footwear products and services.