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Publicações por CAP


Colorimetry-based system for gaseous carbon dioxide detection: Membrane optimization

Mendes, JP; Coelho, L; Pereira, CM; Jorge, PAS;

U.Porto Journal of Engineering

The study of sensing materials to the detection of carbon dioxide (CO2) was achieved using p-nitrophenol (pNPh) as a colorimetric indicator. The sensing material was polymerized (NPLn), functionalized with 3-triethoxysilyl propyl isocyanate (IPTES) which sensitivity was tested in the form of a membrane as is and encapsulated in hollow silica nanoparticles. The sensing membranes were tested in a closed gas system comprising very precise flow controllers to deliver different concentrations of CO2 (vs. N2). The combination of the sensing membranes with multimode optical fibers and a dual-wavelength diode (LED) allows the measurement of the CO2 through the analysis of the induced absorbance changes with a self-referenced ratiometric scheme. The analysis of the sensing materials have shown significant changes in their chemical and physical properties and the results attest these materials with a strong potential for assessing CO2 dynamics in environmental, medical, and industrial applications.


Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing of Turn Around Point Long Period Fiber Gratings Coated with Titanium Dioxide for Improved Sensitivity

Viveiros, D; De Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, L; Vasconcelos, H; Maia, JM; Amorim, VA; Jorge, PAS; Marques, PVS;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

The fabrication of Turn Around Point Long Period Fiber Grating in standard SMF-28e fibers through femtosecond laser direct writing is demonstrated and its sensing sensitivity is improved by coating the fiber with titanium dioxide through physical vapor deposition. © 2021 The Author(s).


Off-axis Fiber Bragg Grating Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing for Torsion Sensing

Viveiros, D; De Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, L; Maia, JM; Amorim, VA; Jorge, PAS; Marques, PVS;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

The precise production of 4.5 µm off-axis first order FBG in an SMF-28e fiber through femtosecond laser direct writing is demonstrated. The off-axis FBG potential as sensing head for torsion sensing was successfully explored. © 2021 The Author(s).


Characterization of Femtosecond Laser Direct Written Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Based on Titanium Dioxide Coated Long Period Fiber Gratings

Viveiros, D; Vasconcelos, H; De Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, L; Amorim, VA; Maia, JM; Jorge, PAS; Marques, PVS;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Optical fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometers were fabricated by combining two TiO2 coated LPFGs fabricated through femtosecond laser direct writing. Results of its refractometric characterization are presented and compared with the single LPFGs sensors. Wavelength sensitivity of 1175 nm/RIU at 1.38 and spectral resolution of 2.2×10-5 were achieved. © 2021 The Author(s).


Optical fiber probes for trapping and backscattered signal analysis of sub-mm particles

Rodrigues, SM; Paiva, JS; Silva, FM; Coelho, L; Marques, PVS; Cunha, JPS; Jorge, PAS;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Optical tweezers based on metallic-coated tapered optical fibers with an aperture at the apex are fabricated and their sensing ability is tested. Preliminary results show robustness in differentiating between a trapped and no trapped state. © 2021 The Author(s).


Sensor Based on Multiple Fiber Bragg Gratings for Diameter Measurement

Cardoso, V; Caldas, P; Thereza, MGR; Frazão, O; Carvalho, C; Costa, J; Santos, JL;

EPJ Web of Conferences

A method based on multiple Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) and a structure fabricated using a 3D printer for diameter measurement is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The sensor is easily developed inserting the FBG on the structure and fixing the FBG in two points. Due to this arrangement, when the diameter is reduced a force is applied on the sensor and this causes a wavelength shift. The study is divided in two steps using one experimental setup. At first, each FBG response is independently evaluated concerning the diameter variation and after that, the FBGs are evaluated together. The results demonstrated that the structure can be used as a way to monitor the diameter variation in some applications.

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