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Publicações por HumanISE


Flexible Loads Scheduling Algorithms for Renewable Energy Communities

Fonseca, T; Ferreira, LL; Landeck, J; Klein, L; Sousa, P; Ahmed, F;


Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) are emerging as an effective concept and model to empower the active participation of citizens in the energy transition, not only as energy consumers but also as promoters of environmentally friendly energy generation solutions, particularly through the use of photovoltaic panels. This paper aims to contribute to the management and optimization of individual and community Distributed Energy Resources (DER). The solution follows a price and source-based REC management program, in which consumers' day-ahead flexible loads (Flex Offers) are shifted according to electricity generation availability, prices, and personal preferences, to balance the grid and incentivize user participation. The heuristic approach used in the proposed algorithms allows for the optimization of energy resources in a distributed edge-and-fog approach with a low computational overhead. The simulations performed using real-world energy consumption and flexibility data of a REC with 50 dwellings show an average cost reduction, taking into consideration all the seasons of the year, of 6.5%, with a peak of 12.2% reduction in the summer, and an average increase of 32.6% in individual self-consumption. In addition, the case study demonstrates promising results regarding grid load balancing and the introduction of intra-community energy trading.


Configuration of Parallel Real-Time Applications on Multi-Core Processors

Gharajeh, MS; Carvalho, T; Pinho, LM;


Parallel programming models (e.g., OpenMP) are more and more used to improve the performance of real-time applications in modern processors. Nevertheless, these processors have complex architectures, being very difficult to understand their timing behavior. The main challenge with most of existing works is that they apply static timing analysis for simpler models or measurement-based analysis using traditional platforms (e.g., single core) or considering only sequential algorithms. How to provide an efficient configuration for the allocation of the parallel program in the computing units of the processor is still an open challenge. This paper studies the problem of performing timing analysis on complex multi-core platforms, pointing out a methodology to understand the applications' timing behavior, and guide the configuration of the platform. As an example, the paper uses an OpenMP-based program of the Heat benchmark on a NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier. The main objectives are to analyze the execution time of OpenMP tasks, specify the best configuration of OpenMP directives, identify critical tasks, and discuss the predictability of the system/application. A Linux perf based measurement tool, which has been extended by our team, is applied to measure each task across multiple executions in terms of total CPU cycles, the number of cache accesses, and the number of cache misses at different cache levels, including L1, L2 and L3. The evaluation process is performed using the measurement of the performance metrics by our tool to study the predictability of the system/application.


Heuristic-based Task-to-Thread Mapping in Multi-Core Processors

Gharajeh, MS; Royuela, S; Pinho, LM; Carvalho, T; Quinones, E;


OpenMP can be used in real-time applications to enhance system performance. However, predictability of OpenMP applications is still a challenge. This paper investigates heuristics for the mapping of OpenMP task graphs in underlying threads, for the development of time-predictable OpenMP programs. These approaches are based on a global scheduling queue, as well as per-thread allocation queues. The proposed method is divided into scheduling and allocation phases. In the former phase, OpenMP task-parts are discovered from OpenMP graph and placed in the scheduling queue. Afterwards, an appropriate allocation queue is selected for each task-part using four heuristic algorithms. In the latter phase, the best task-part is selected from the allocation queue to be allocated to and executed by an idle thread. Preliminary simulation results show that the new method overcomes BFS and WFS in terms of scheduling time and idle time.


Managing Non-functional Requirements in an ELASTIC Edge-Cloud Continuum

Sousa, R; Pinho, LM; Barros, A; Gonzalez Hierro, M; Zubia, C; Sabate, E; Kartsakli, E;

Ada User Journal

The ELASTIC European project addresses the emergence of extreme-scale analytics, providing a software architecture with a new elasticity concept, intended to support smart cyber-physical systems with performance requirements from extreme-scale analytics workloads. One of the main challenges being tackled by ELASTIC is the necessity to simultaneously fulfil the non-functional properties inherited from smart systems, such as real-time, energy efficiency, communication quality or security. This paper presents how the ELASTIC architecture monitors and manages such non-functional requirements, working in close collaboration with the component responsible for the orchestration of elasticity. © 2022, Ada-Europe. All rights reserved.


A Model Annotation Approach for the Support of Software Energy Properties Management using AMALTHEA

Gomes, R; Carvalho, T; Barros, A; Pinho, LM;

5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, ICPS 2022, Coventry, United Kingdom, May 24-26, 2022

The automotive software industry is gradually introducing new functionalities and technologies that increase the efficiency, safety, and comfort of vehicles. These functionalities are quickly accepted by consumers; however, the consequences of this evolution are twofold. First, developing correct systems that integrate more applications and hardware is becoming more complex. To cope with this, new standards (such as Adaptive AUTOSAR) and frameworks (such as AMALTHEA) are being proposed, to assist the development of flexible systems based on high-performance electronic control units (ECU). Second, the increase of functionality is supported by a dramatic increase of electronic parts on automotive systems. Consequently, the impact of software on the electrical power and energy non-functional requirements of automotive systems has come under focus. In this paper we propose an automatic and self-contained approach that supplements a model of an automotive system described on the AMALTHEA platform with energy-related annotations. From the analysis of simulation (or execution) traces of the modelled software, we estimate the power consumption for each software component, on a target hardware platform. This method enables energy analysis during the entire development life-cycle; furthermore, it contributes for the development of energy management strategies for dynamic and self-adaptive systems. © 2022 IEEE.



Santos, A; Moreira, L; Silva, P;

INTED2022 Proceedings - INTED Proceedings

The main objective of continuing education for trainers is to promote the updating, improvement, and acquisition of new didactic and pedagogical skills that cover different fields of action, namely the design, development, and implementation of training programs in the field of research and experimentation of new approaches and methodologies applied to diversified audiences and contexts, especially in e-Learning and b-Learning environments. To fulfill these competencies, the IEFP National Centre for Trainer Qualification (CNQF), besides managing and coordinating the training and certification system for trainers in Portugal, has been developing a modular structure for the Initial Pedagogical Training of Trainers and the Continuous Pedagogical Training of the Distance Trainer (e-Trainer) to contribute to the acquisition and development of pedagogical and technical competences of trainers that will contribute to raising the standards of quality of the training provided. Technological innovation and evolution launch new challenges to Trainers requiring a great effort to adapt and master both from the point of view of pedagogical models and communication processes in learning environments and digital content. This new Continuous Pedagogical Training Referential in Digital Content for Self-Learning (e-Content) was designed in this context. It explores the pedagogical and technological dimensions of producing digital content for distance learning environments. This article presents the fundamentals of this framework, its application, and validation in a case study supported by two e-Content training courses. With this case study and in a perspective of continuous improvement, we intend to understand how the modular structure of the adopted framework influences the results obtained by the trainees of the e-Content training courses and their degree of satisfaction.

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