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Publicações por HumanISE


Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISIGRAPP 2021, Volume 1: GRAPP, Online Streaming, February 8-10, 2021

de Sousa, AA; Havran, V; Braz, J; Bouatouch, K;




Institutional support for data management plans: case studies for a systematic approach

Karimova, Y; Ribeiro, C; David, G;

Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies

Researchers have to ensure that their projects comply with Research Data Management (RDM) requirements. Consequently, the main funding agencies require Data Management Plans (DMPs) for grant applications. So, institutions are investing in RDM tools and implementing RDM workflows in order to support their researchers. In this context, we propose a collaborative DMP-building method that involves researchers, data stewards and other parties if required. This method was applied as part of an RDM workflow in research groups across several scientific domains. We describe it as a systematic approach and illustrate it through a set of case studies. We also address the DMP monitoring process during the life cycle of projects. The feedback from the researchers highlighted the advantages of creating DMPs and their growing need. So, there is motivation to improve the DMP support process according to the machine-actionable DMPs concept and to the best practices in each scientific community. © 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. All rights reserved.


Report on the 1st linked archives international workshop (LinkedArchives 2021) at TPDL 2021

Lopes, CT; Ribeiro, C; Niccolucci, F; Rodrigues, IP; Antunes Freire, NM;




An analysis of Monte Carlo simulations for forecasting software projects

Miranda, P; Faria, JP; Correia, FF; Fares, A; Graça, R; Moreira, JM;

SAC '21: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Virtual Event, Republic of Korea, March 22-26, 2021

Forecasts of the effort or delivery date can play an important role in managing software projects, but the estimates provided by development teams are often inaccurate and time-consuming to produce. This is not surprising given the uncertainty that underlies this activity. This work studies the use of Monte Carlo simulations for generating forecasts based on project historical data. We have designed and run experiments comparing these forecasts against what happened in practice and to estimates provided by developers, when available. Comparisons were made based on the mean magnitude of relative error (MMRE). We did also analyze how the forecasting accuracy varies with the amount of work to be forecasted and the amount of historical data used. To minimize the requirements on input data, delivery date forecasts for a set of user stories were computed based on takt time of past stories (time elapsed between the completion of consecutive stories); effort forecasts were computed based on full-time equivalent (FTE) hours allocated to the implementation of past stories. The MMRE of delivery date forecasting was 32% in a set of 10 runs (for different projects) of Monte Carlo simulation based on takt time. The MMRE of effort forecasting was 20% in a set of 5 runs of Monte Carlo simulation based on FTE allocation, much smaller than the MMRE of 134% of developers' estimates. A better forecasting accuracy was obtained when the number of historical data points was 20 or higher. These results suggest that Monte Carlo simulations may be used in practice for delivery date and effort forecasting in agile projects, after a few initial sprints. © 2021 ACM.


An Analysis of the State of the Art of Machine Learning for Risk Assessment in Software Projects (S)

Sousa, A; Faria, JP; Moreira, JM;

The 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2021, KSIR Virtual Conference Center, USA, July 1 - July 10, 2021.

Risk management is one of the ten knowledge areas discussed in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), which serves as a guide that should be followed to increase the chances of project success. The popularity of research regarding the application of risk management in software projects has been consistently growing in recent years, particularly with the application of machine learning techniques to help identify risk levels or risk factors of a project before the project development begins, with the intent of improving the likelihood of success of software projects. This paper provides an overview of various concepts related to risk and risk management in software projects, including traditional techniques used to identify and control risks in software projects, as well as machine learning techniques and methods which have been applied to provide better estimates and classification of the risk levels and risk factors that can be encountered during the development of a software project. The paper also presents an analysis of machine learning oriented risk management studies and experiments found in the literature as a way of identifying the type of inputs and outputs, as well as frequent algorithms used in this research area.


Applying Machine Learning to Risk Assessment in Software Projects

Sousa, A; Faria, JP; Mendes-Moreira, J; Gomes, D; Henriques, PC; Graca, R;


Risk management is one of the ten knowledge areas discussed in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), which serves as a guide that should be followed to increase the chances of project success. The popularity of research regarding the application of risk management in software projects has been consistently growing in recent years, especially with the application of machine learning techniques to help identify risk levels of risk factors of a project before its development begins, with the goal of improving the likelihood of success of these projects. This paper presents the results of the application of machine learning techniques for risk assessment in software projects. A Python application was developed and, using Scikit-learn, two machine learning models, trained using software project risk data shared by a partner company of this project, were created to predict risk impact and likelihood levels on a scale of 1 to 3. Different algorithms were tested to compare the results obtained by high performance but non-interpretable algorithms (e.g., Support Vector Machine) and the ones obtained by interpretable algorithms (e.g., Random Forest), whose performance tends to be lower than their non-interpretable counterparts. The results showed that Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes were the best performing algorithms. Support Vector Machine had an accuracy of 69% in predicting impact levels, and Naive Bayes had an accuracy of 63% in predicting likelihood levels, but the results presented in other evaluation metrics (e.g., AUC, Precision) show the potential of the approach presented in this use case.

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