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Publicações por HumanISE


Fatigued PageRank

Devezas, JL; Nunes, S;




Fatigued Random Walks in Hypergraphs: A Neuronal Analogy to Improve Retrieval Performance

Devezas, JL; Nunes, S;




Managing Research the Wiki Way: A Systematic Approach to Documenting Research

Devezas, JL; Nunes, S;




An ensemble of autonomous auto-encoders for human activity recognition

Garcia, KD; de Sa, CR; Poel, M; Carvalho, T; Mendes Moreira, J; Cardoso, JMP; de Carvalho, ACPLF; Kok, JN;


Human Activity Recognition is focused on the use of sensing technology to classify human activities and to infer human behavior. While traditional machine learning approaches use hand-crafted features to train their models, recent advancements in neural networks allow for automatic feature extraction. Auto-encoders are a type of neural network that can learn complex representations of the data and are commonly used for anomaly detection. In this work we propose a novel multi-class algorithm which consists of an ensemble of auto-encoders where each auto-encoder is associated with a unique class. We compared the proposed approach with other state-of-the-art approaches in the context of human activity recognition. Experimental results show that ensembles of auto-encoders can be efficient, robust and competitive. Moreover, this modular classifier structure allows for more flexible models. For example, the extension of the number of classes, by the inclusion of new auto-encoders, without the necessity to retrain the whole model. (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://


Formal verification of Matrix based MATLAB models using interactive theorem proving

Gauhar, A; Rashid, A; Hasan, O; Bispo, J; Cardoso, JMP;


MATLAB is a software based analysis environment that supports a high-level programing language and is widely used to model and analyze systems in various domains of engineering and sciences. Traditionally, the analysis of MATLAB models is done using simulation and debugging/testing frameworks. These methods provide limited coverage due to their inherent incompleteness. Formal verification can overcome these limitations, but developing the formal models of the underlying MATLAB models is a very challenging and time-consuming task, especially in the case of higher-order-logic models. To facilitate this process, we present a library of higher-order-logic functions corresponding to the commonly used matrix functions of MATLAB as well as a translator that allows automatic conversion of MATLAB models to higher-order logic. The formal models can then be formally verified in an interactive theorem prover. For illustrating the usefulness of the proposed library and approach, we present the formal analysis of a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter, which is quite commonly used in digital signal processing applications, within the sound core of the HOL Light theorem prover.


A methodology and framework for software memoization of functions

Pinto, P; Cardoso, JMP;

CF '21: Computing Frontiers Conference, Virtual Event, Italy, May 11-13, 2021

Enhancing performance is crucial when developing applications for high-performance and embedded computing. It requires sophisticated techniques and in-depth knowledge of the application domain and target architecture. Typically, developers prioritize the application's functional requirements over extra-functional requirements. Thus, a large part of the optimization effort is shifted to performance engineers, who rely on manual effort, alongside many analysis and optimization tools that need integration. This paper focuses on memoization, which caches results of pure computations and retrieves them if a function is called with repeating arguments. We propose a methodology for allowing developers and performance engineers to apply memoization straightforwardly by automating code analysis, code transformations, and memoization-specific profiling. It helps developers with no optimization expertise to quickly set up memoization and, simultaneously, it provides performance engineers with highly customizable analysis and memoization. We provide a concrete implementation supported by a DSL, a source-to-source compiler, and a memoization framework. We evaluate the methodology and framework with publicly available benchmarks. We show how one can analyze applications to select functions with performance improvement potential, which the experiments reveal might be challenging to find, and improve some applications with minimal effort. © 2021 ACM.

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