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Publicações por HumanISE


A new Approach to Sustainability and Creativity in Requirements Engineering

Silveira, C; Santos, V; Reis, L; Mamede, H;


Current concerns in the field of sustainability are cross-cutting across several sectors. In this sense, the ability of organizations to effectively use information and communication technologies and to focus on sustainability, innovation and creativity are recognized as important factors. In this article, an approach is proposed to incorporate sustainability factors when introducing creativity into the Requirements Engineering process. With a view to building more agile and sustainable Information Systems, a case of applying the approach in identifying requirements is presented, incorporating sustainability concerns. The approach stimulates the discussion on sustainability in its multiple dimensions (human, environmental, social, technical, and economic), focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals and the needs of people.


Information Technologies in Social Entrepreneurship

Esteves, V; Malta, P; Mamede, H; Santos, V;

Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

Social organizations are usually subject to a high number of requests. In addition, it deals with a variety of problems to which an answer is needed. In this context, it is important to understand how these organizations can better support their process activity: Can technologies help to solve the problems of social organizations in a more efficient way, bringing greater benefits to the community? This paper presents a study on the use of information technologies in Portuguese social organizations to meet the needs of these organizations in responding to current challenges. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.


Automation of Enterprise Architecture Discovery based on Event Mining from API Gateway logs: State of the Art

Pinheiro, CR; Guerreiro, S; Sao Mamede, H;


Enterprise Architecture (EA) is defined as a coherent set of principles, methods, and models used to design an organizational structure, containing business processes, information systems (IS), IT infrastructure, and other artefacts aiming the alignment of business, IT, and other organizational dimensions with the strategic objectives of a company. One of the most critical in Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is creating EA models representing different viewpoints for managing various company concerns on its IT landscape. At the same time, the speed of changes pressures EAM to automate modeling activities. In this context, architects need adequate tools to discover the current state of EA, enabling analyzing improvement opportunities and support architectural decisions making in a fast and agile way with more precision about the real conditions. EA Mining is the use of data mining techniques to automate the creation or update of EA models with data collected from different data sources. This work presents an exploratory review of the literature to gather the state of art on EA mining models from applications logs pursuing to automate the architecture modeling. Through this literature review, we identified the main aspects, techniques, and challenges of EA modeling automation.


Methodology for Introducing Creativity in Requirements Engineering

Santos, V; Mamede, HS; Silveira, C; Reis, L;

CENTERIS 2021 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2021 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2021 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2021, Braga, Portugal

The increase of global competitiveness, the ability of organizations to effectively use information technologies, and to focus on innovation and creativity are recognized as being important. In this context, the hypothesis of resorting to known creativity techniques or adaptations to help innovation in the field of Software Engineering appears to be challenging. This paper proposes a methodology for introducing creativity and innovation techniques in the Requirements Engineering process in order to build more agile and efficient Information Systems. The method uses a variety of creative techniques that are thought to be appropriate to the different stages of the process and is inspired by existing creative problem-solving methods and techniques, in particular in the Creative Problem-Solving Process, Productive Thinking Model and the Creative Potentiation Method. The study of the method allowed its application, through the use of various creativity techniques, in a real context in a social institution - the Social Center for Support to the Community of São Domingos. The application of the methodology allowed the identification of new opportunities that allowed the organization to devise service delivery strategies that were more suited to the needs of people.


Automatização de Processos com RPA

Henrique São Mamede;




New metrology for radon at the environmental level

Rottger, A; Rottger, S; Grossi, C; Vargas, A; Curcoll, R; Otahal, P; Hernandez Ceballos, MA; Cinelli, G; Chambers, S; Barbosa, SA; Ioan, MR; Radulescu, I; Kikaj, D; Chung, ED; Arnold, T; Yver Kwok, C; Fuente, M; Mertes, F; Morosh, V;


Radon gas is the largest source of public exposure to naturally occurring radioactivity. However, radon is also a useful tracer for understanding atmospheric processes, assessing the accuracy of chemical transport models, and enabling integrated emissions estimates of greenhouse gases. A sound metrological system for low level atmospheric radon observations is therefore needed for the benefit of the atmospheric, climate and radiation protection research communities. To this end, here we present a new calibration method for activity concentrations below 20 Bq m(-3) and a prototype of the first portable radon monitor capable of achieving uncertainties of 5% (at k = 2) at these concentrations. Compliance checking of policy-driven regulations regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an essential component of climate change mitigation efforts. Independent, reliable 'top down' methods that can be applied consistently for estimating local- to regional-scale GHG emissions (such as the radon tracer method (RTM)) are an essential part of this process. The RTM relies upon observed radon and GHG concentrations and measured or modeled radon fluxes. Reliable radon flux maps could also significantly aid EU member states comply with European COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2013/59/EURATOM. This article also introduces the traceRadon project, key aims of which include outlining a standardized approach for application of the RTM, creating infrastructure with a traceability chain for radon concentration and radon flux measurements, and developing tools for the validation of radon flux models. Since radon progeny dominate the terrestrial gamma dose rate, the planned traceRadon activities are also expected to improve the sensitivity of radiation protection early warning networks because of the correlation known to exist between radon flux and ambient equivalent dose rates.

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