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Publicações por HumanISE


Web Accessibility on Online Platforms for the Tourism Sector in Portugal

Branco, F; Pereira, L; Goncalves, R; Martins, J;

2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)



Web Accessibility on Online Platforms for the Tourism Sector in Portugal [Acessibilidade Web nas Plataformas Online do Setor do Turismo em Portugal]

Branco, F; Pereira, L; Gonçalves, R; Martins, J;

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

Information and communication technologies provide their users with permanent global connectivity through a wide range of devices and with the Internet as their main support. Currently assuming a very significant economic relevance for a considerable group of countries, the Tourism sector is in the mindset of a digital transformation, in the scope of which a good part of its services is evolving towards ICT and Internet supported versions. In this context, the assurance of universal access to websites (Web accessibility) that support the businesses of organizations in this sector gains special relevance. This article presents an analysis at the level of Web accessibility of 240 websites directly related to the tourism sector, using TAW-Test de Acessibilidad Web evaluation tool. Despite the growing concern to provide more and more inclusive means, the overwhelming majority of websites did not reach the minimum level of accessibility, thus not assuring properly functional access for those who have a disability or limitation. © 2021 AISTI.


E-commerce During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study Involving Portuguese Consumers

Plácido, B; Proença, S; Moreira, D; Boução, L; Branco, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

This exploratory study aims to shed light on the e-commerce phenomenon and the impact of the pandemic COVID-19, namely in a period of social distancing and isolation. We study two prominent examples, via secondary data: Japan and the USA. We then analyze digital consumption behaviors and patterns in Portugal. For this, a questionnaire was created - using Google Forms - where both quantitative and qualitative perspectives were gathered. The research sample was a convenience sample, popular in business research, and it included 185 responses from Portuguese citizens. Through a cautious analysis of the primary data obtained, it was possible to compare the consumption levels in an ante- and post-COVID-19 context; what type of products are the most pursued; by whom they are most sought after; what are the most used platforms; and, additionally, the satisfaction levels regarding the use of these platforms. No statistically significant association (chi-square statistic) was found between gender or age and the preference for physical versus online stores. The data also uncovers that there is still a general preference for a more secure, traditional way of life in Portugal due to the fact that people still reveal some insecurities and fears regarding shopping through the Internet and a preference to buy in physical stores, which clearly leads people, in general, to buy online not so regularly as in other countries. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Digital Marketing Impact on Rural Destinations Promotion A conceptual model proposal

Rodrigues, S; Correia, RF; Martins, J;


The need to implement a new development dynamic in rural regions has been one of the concerns of the rural tourism sector, which is currently starting its digital transformation process and the adoption of digital technologies and tools. In the light of literature, one of the tools with the greatest promotion potential is digital marketing, since it allows reaching new and larger target audiences more efficiently and effectively. Realizing the lack of a conceptual and functional vision capable of guiding the planning and execution of digital marketing initiatives in the context of rural tourism, this article proposes a conceptual model focused on characterizing the potential impact that digital marketing initiatives can generate, namely in terms of the development of a positive image of the rural tourism destination and of the influence on the tourists' decision to visit.


Smart Cities' Applications to Facilitate the Mobility of Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Rocha, NP; Bastardo, R; Pavao, J; Santinha, G; Rodrigues, M; Rodrigues, C; Queiros, A; Dias, A;


This study aimed to identify: (i) the relevant applications based on information technologies and requiring smart cities' infrastructure to facilitate the mobility of older adults in URBAN SPACES; (ii) the type of data being used by the proposed applications; (iii) the maturity level of these applications; and (iv) the barriers TO their dissemination. An electronic search was conducted on Web of Science, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore databases, combining relevant keywords. Then, titles and abstracts were screened against inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the full texts of the eligible articles were retrieved and screened for inclusion. A total of 28 articles were included. These articles report smart cities' applications to facilitate the mobility of older adults using different types of sensing devices. The number of included articles is reduced when compared with the total number of articles related to smart cities, which means that the mobility of older adults it is still a not significant topic within the research on smart cities'. Although most of the included studies aimed the implementation of specific applications, these were still in an early stage of development, without the assessment of potential end-users. This is an important research gap since it makes difficult the creation of market-oriented solutions. Another research gap is the integration of knowledge generated by other research topics related to smart cities and smart mobility. Consequently, important issues (e.g., user privacy, data standardization and integration, Internet of Things implementation, and sensors' characteristics) were poorly addressed by the included studies.


Methodological Quality of User-Centered Usability Evaluation of Ambient Assisted Living Solutions: A Systematic Literature Review

Bastardo, R; Martins, AI; Pavao, J; Silva, AG; Rocha, NP;


This study aimed to determine the methodological quality of user-centered usability evaluation of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions by (i) identifying the characteristics of the AAL studies reporting on user-centered usability evaluation, (ii) systematizing the methods, procedures and instruments being used, and (iii) verifying if there is evidence of a common understanding on methods, procedures, and instruments for user-centered usability evaluation. An electronic search was conducted on Web of Science, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore databases, combining relevant keywords. Then, titles and abstracts were screened against inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the full texts of the eligible studies were retrieved and screened for inclusion. A total of 44 studies were included. The results show a great heterogeneity of methods, procedures, and instruments to evaluate the usability of AAL solutions and, in general, the researchers fail to consider and report relevant methodological aspects. Guidelines and instruments to assess the quality of the studies might help improving the experimental design and reporting of studies on user-centered usability evaluation of AAL solutions.

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