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Publicações por HumanISE


The Influence of Digital Marketing Tools Perceived Usefulness in a Rural Region Destination Image

Jorge, F; Teixeira, MS; Gonçalves, R;

Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3, WorldCIST 2020, Budva, Montenegro, 7-10 April 2020.

In rural destinations like Douro region, tourism activities may be important to territories’ development because they use some of their natural resources and endogenous products, develop another related local economy business, and contributes to population fixation. Technologies can support the promotion and distribution of these destinations, namely digital marketing tools. The present study aims to analyze the influence that some of these tools perceived usefulness, from the tourist point of view, have on a rural destination image. To accomplish this, it was used a sample of 555 tourists visiting Douro destination and data collected were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results demonstrated that tourist’s trust in tourism digital marketing tools and their attitude toward these tools have an indirect effect on destination image. Moreover, the perceived usefulness of some digital marketing tools utilized to search, plan or purchase Douro destination, as website, booking and mobile devices, has also a positive effect on this destination image. On another hand, the perceived usefulness of a conventional channel, as travel agencies, has a negative effect on this rural destination image. This research provided some interesting insights for practitioners working in tourism destination marketing. © 2020, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Model Driven Automatic Code Generation: An Evolutionary Approach to Disruptive Innovation Benefits

Penha Lopes, J; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Goncalves, R;


Of all the technologies born in the 20th century the software industry is the sole one that has kept a large dependency on human physical effort in order to produce the necessary code for an Information Technology system to perform. This paper analyses that evolution in view of today's state-of-the-art regarding automatic code generation based on model definitions for critical business purposes. The social, financial and technological benefits will be addressed as they are disruptive and will affect different levels of society as we know it. Several testimonies were also sought regarding the technology described herein and how it may affect us in our day-to-day lives. We conclude that the software industry is in the midst of a major revolution - which has arrived late in comparison to other industries related to technology and which have decreased the reliance on human labour some time ago.


Qualitative analysis of virtual reality adoption by tourism operators in low-density regions

Martins, J; Goncalves, R; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Moreira, F; Branco, F;


Virtual reality technologies have grown in complexity and functionality, increasing their relevance in various sectors of activity. Applying these innovations to tourism is advantageous for the organisations, the tourists and even the territories. They can provide multisensory immersivity, simulate actions and movements in real-time, enriching reality using interactive virtual objects. Thus, captivating visitors and showing territories from richer and livelier perspectives. This study describes a review of the adoption of virtual reality technology at the organisational level. In order to adapt the literature review to the tourism topic, the process of analysis of the literature was carried out with a constant concern to analyse research that studied the topic. Assuming the need to further develop the work done and to obtain a confirmation on the contribution resulting from the bibliographic review, a focus group was developed, which allowed several specialists to discuss collaboratively and interactively the research project topics without having to be in face-to-face contact. The results of this study allow not only to acknowledge the relevance of virtual reality for tourism but also to understand how the existing literature and experts are aligned with the identification of opportunities for disruptive development of solutions that trigger tourism destinations and organisational development.


Smartphone Recommendation System to Prevent Potential Injuries in Young Athletes

Matos, P; Rocha, J; Goncalves, R; Santos, F; Marreiros, G; Mota, D; Fonseca, N; Martins, C;


Over the last decades web and mobile technologies are increasingly being used in sports, especially in soccer, but none of them seems to allow to prevent injuries. However, training systems for young athletes do not have, for the most part, learning abilities in order to adapt, evolve and find new training recommendations. It is in this context which the Smart Coach project is presented in this work, and whose main goal is to introduce our mobile training recommendation system allow to young athletes evolve. The training mobile recommendation system is also designed to identify potential injuries risk for each young athlete.


Research priorities in immersive learning technology: the perspectives of the iLRN community

Gaspar, H; Morgado, L; Mamede, H; Oliveira, T; Manjon, B; Gutl, C;


This paper presents the perspectives of the immersive learning research network community on the relevance of various challenges to the adoption of immersive learning technology, along three dimensions: access, content production, and deployment. Using a previously validated questionnaire, we surveyed this community of 622 researchers and practitioners during the summer of 2018, attaining 54 responses. By ranking the challenges individually and within each dimension, the results point towards higher relevance being placed on aspects that link immersive environments with learning management systems and pedagogical tasks, alongside aspects that empower non-technical users (educational actors) to produce interactive stories, objects, and characters.


Uncovering literacy practices in the game total war: Shogun 2 with a contract-agency model

Neves, PP; Morgado, L; Zagalo, N;

International Journal of Film and Media Arts

This paper showcases how the Contract Agency Model can be used to uncover literacy practices in videogame’s own terms as a complement to existing, more ‘indirect’ games literacies, using as an example the videogame Total War: Shogun 2. The paper first situates the Contract Agency Model within approaches to videogames and within approaches to media literacy. The paper then identifies three interesting literacy practices in the videogame, which also exemplify the eight levels of abstraction of the Contract Agency Model. The paper concludes by discussing the model’s implications to media literacy and videogames, namely that videogames effect a second-order mutual signaling with their players – agency as a conversation of commitment to meaning – that is humanizing of those players, and that the model can uncover this as an im-plicit contract of bio-costs, as a ‘direct’ literacy of videogames, i.e. a literacy in videogames’ own terms. © 2020 BY-NC-ND.

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