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Publicações por HumanISE


Managing millennials as outsourced information technology professionals: A systematic review

França, TJF; Mamede, HS; Dos Santos, VD;

Proceedings of the 13th IADIS International Conference ICT, Society and Human Beings 2020, ICT 2020 and Proceedings of the 6th IADIS International Conference Connected Smart Cities 2020, CSC 2020 and Proceedings of the 17th IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities and Social Media 2020, WBC 2020 - Part of the 14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2020

The Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) model has been a trend in recent decades, becoming the dominant trend in contemporary outsourcing scenario. Millennials will soon, globally, be the majority of the workforce, having a particular way of relating to organizations and to work itself as no previous generation did. Information technologies continue to employ more and more human resources, having an increasing demand and a shortage of competent resources. It is therefore important to rethink current Human Resources Management (HRM) models and design a new strategic and appropriate model to accommodate and anticipate the needs of managers and monitor the development of this generation as Information Technology (IT) professionals. The intersection and analysis of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), millennials, Human Resource Management, outsourcing and organizations is the objective of this study, to identify the most relevant articles regarding millennials as outsourced IT professionals.


Simplified methodology for the practice of business architecture in smes [Metodologia Simplificada para a Prática de Arquitetura Empresarial em PME]

Mamede, HS; Correia, J;

Atas da Conferencia da Associacao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informacao

The current context of organizations has meant that their business models have been continually evolving, creating opportunities for technological innovations. Business strategies become a significant challenge, mainly if organizations are small or medium-sized, with all the constraints typically associated with them. The most used digital transformation frameworks are centered on large organizations and those that until now have been proposed for application in smaller organizations present some questions. In this article, a new methodology proposal, SimpliSMEEA, is presented and its application to a specific company is described and evaluated. © Atas da Conferencia da Associacao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informacao 2020.


The Structure of Climate Variability Across Scales

Franzke, CLE; Barbosa, S; Blender, R; Fredriksen, HB; Laepple, T; Lambert, F; Nilsen, T; Rypdal, K; Rypdal, M; Scotto, MG; Vannitsem, S; Watkins, NW; Yang, LC; Yuan, NM;


One of the most intriguing facets of the climate system is that it exhibits variability across all temporal and spatial scales; pronounced examples are temperature and precipitation. The structure of this variability, however, is not arbitrary. Over certain spatial and temporal ranges, it can be described by scaling relationships in the form of power laws in probability density distributions and autocorrelation functions. These scaling relationships can be quantified by scaling exponents which measure how the variability changes across scales and how the intensity changes with frequency of occurrence. Scaling determines the relative magnitudes and persistence of natural climate fluctuations. Here, we review various scaling mechanisms and their relevance for the climate system. We show observational evidence of scaling and discuss the application of scaling properties and methods in trend detection, climate sensitivity analyses, and climate prediction.


Ambient radioactivity and atmospheric electric field: A joint study in an urban environment

Barbosa, S;


Ambient radioactivity and atmospheric electricity are inextricably linked phenomena. In order to assess the role of ambient radioactivity in the local variability of the atmospheric electric field at an urban site, simultaneous measurements of radon concentration, gamma radiation, and atmospheric electric field are carried out in the city of Porto, Portugal. Both radon and gamma radiation display an average daily cycle peaking before sunrise, but with considerable variability from day to day, particularly in amplitude. The atmospheric electric field displays a daily cycle with a minimum at dawn and maximum in the early afternoon, as well as a secondary peak in the early morning. The temporal variation of the daily patterns is analysed by means of an empirical orthogonal function analysis, and related to local meteorological parameters. The variability of the local atmospheric electric field is mainly determined by aerosol transport and accumulation close to the surface associated with local meteorological conditions and atmospheric stability rather than by conductivity variations associated with ambient radioactivity.


Morphological controls and statistical modelling of boulder transport by extreme storms

Oliveira, MA; Scotto, MG; Barbosa, S; de Andrade, CF; Freitas, MD;


The study of coastal boulder accumulations generated by extreme marine events, and of the energy and frequency involved in boulder transport, is of paramount importance in understanding the risk associated with extreme marine inundations. One of the frequently asked questions is whether the deposits are storm or tsunami-related, both events being characterized by different return periods. Boulder transport by storms was monitored on the west coast of Portugal. Significant changes were detected in boulders' position as a result of extreme inundation by the 2013/2014 winter storms. Results presented in this work indicate that the wave power associated with the "Christina" and "Nadja" storms occur once every three years. However, this interval is not supported by field observations of boulder displacement, which suggests that wave power over-predicts boulder movement in the study area. Furthermore, wave parameters from the "Christina" and "Nadja" storms were very similar, but have generated different impacts in the boulder accumulation described herein. Differences include the magnitude and direction of boulder movement, and are most likely associated with distinct tidal levels during the events. Higher tide levels generated an increase in the sea surface level and thus in the reach of waves, which generated displacement of larger boulders and consequent cross-shore contribution in boulder transport. Regardless, the combination of monitoring campaigns, wave data, and statistical modelling of extreme values indicate that boulder transport by storms is more frequent than initially expected. Based on recorded boulder movements, we present a conceptual model for boulder ridge formation and development and identify significant control of incoming flow by local geomorphological/topographical features. Storm events, not less frequent tsunamis, are identified as the events responsible for modulating this rocky coastline. These results question a direct attribution of coastal boulder deposits to tsunamis in coastal regions with a high risk of tsunami inundation.


Vertical land motion in the Iberian Atlantic coast and its implications for sea level change evaluation

Mendes, VB; Barbosa, SM; Carinhas, D;


In this study, we estimate vertical land motion for 35 stations primarily located along the coastline of Portugal and Spain, using GPS time series with at least eight years of observations. Based on this set of GPS stations, our results show that vertical land motion along the Iberian coastline is characterized, in general, by a low to moderate subsidence, ranging from -2.2 mm yr(-1) to 0.4 mm yr(-1), partially explained by the glacial isostatic adjustment geophysical signal. The estimates of vertical land motion are subsequently applied in the analysis of tide gauge records and compared with geocentric estimates of sea level change. Geocentric sea level for the Iberian Atlantic coast determined from satellite altimetry for the last three decades has a mean of 2.5 +/- 0.6 mm yr(-1), with a significant range, as seen for a subset of grid points located in the vicinity of tide gauge stations, which present trends varying from 1.5 mm yr(-1) to 3.2 mm yr(-1). Relative sea level determined from tide gauges for this region shows a high degree of spatial variability, that can be partially explained not only by the difference in length and quality of the time series, but also for possible undocumented datum shifts, turning some trends unreliable. In general, tide gauges corrected for vertical land motion produce smaller trends than satellite altimetry. Tide gauge trends for the last three decades not corrected for vertical land motion range from 0.3 mm yr(-1) to 5.0 mm yr(-1) with a mean of 2.6 +/- 1.4 mm yr(-1), similar to that obtained from satellite altimetry. When corrected for vertical land motion, we observe a reduction of the mean to E1.9 +/- 1.4 mm yr(-1). Actions to improve our knowledge of vertical land motion using space geodesy, such as establishing stations in co-location with tide gauges, will contribute to better evaluate sea level change and its impacts on coastal regions.

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