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Publicações por HumanISE


A projeção mural multimédia como formação cultural e democrática no espaço público

Fernandes-Marcos, A; Perez, P; Fernandes-Marcos, A;

Texto Digital

A projeção mural multimédia é hoje comumente utilizada para fins puramente publicitários ou lúdicos, de entretinimento, no âmbito de eventos que convoquem grandes aglomerados de públicos, sendo menos usual os fins culturais e educacionais. Neste artigo vamos apresentar, analisar e discutir o recurso à projeção mural multimédia em espaços públicos, com objetivos educacionais, formação cultural e de interpelação artística, tomando como tema do conteúdo projetado a própria arte contemporânea e o pensamento crítico que lhe está associado. O artigo toma como base de reflexão os cenários de arte experimental do projeto "+ PROJECTION AC - Projeção da arte contemporânea no espaço público” e suas múltiplas instanciações em diversos locais onde a projeção mural multimédia foi colocada em prática.


Turning social news curation into microtask crowdsourcing: a vision and research agenda

Schneider, D; Correia, A; Chaves, R; Pimentel, AP; Antelio, M; Lucas, EM; de Almeida, MA; Oliveira, L; de Souza, JM;


Over the past decade, online crowdsourcing has established itself as an emerging paradigm that industry and government have been using to harness the cognitive abilities of a multitude of users distributed around the world. In this context, microtask crowdsourcing has become the method of choice for addressing a wide range of diverse problems. Microtasks typically require a minimum of time and cognitive effort, but combined individual efforts have made it possible to accomplish great achievements. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the ongoing effort of understanding whether the same success that microtask crowdsourcing has achieved in other domains can be obtained in the field of social news curation. In particular, we ask whether it is possible to turn online news curation, typically a social and collaborative activity on the Web, into a model in which curatorial activities are mapped into microtasks to be performed by a crowd of online users.


Development of an AlphaBot2 Simulator for RPi Camera and Infrared Sensors

Rafael, A; Santos, C; Duque, D; Fernandes, S; Sousa, A; Reis, LP;


In recent years robots have been used as a tool for teaching purposes, motivating the development of fully virtual environments for combined real/simulated robotics teaching. The AlphaBot2 Raspberry Pi (RPi), a robot used for education, has no currently available simulator. A Gazebo simulator was produced and a ROS framework was implemented for hardware abstraction and control of low-level modules facilitating students control of the robot's physical behaviours in the real and simulated robot, simultaneously. For the demonstration of the basic model operation, an algorithm for detection of obstacles and lines was implemented for the IR sensors, however, some discrepancies in a line track timed test were detected justifying the need for further work in modelling and performance assessment. Despite that, the implemented ROS structure was verified to be functional in the simulation and the real AlphaBot2 for its motion control, through the input sensors and camera.


Knowledge Discovery from ISAD, Digital Archive Data, into ArchOnto, a CIDOC-CRM based Linked Model

Melo, D; Rodrigues, IP; Koch, I;

Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K 2020, Volume 2: KEOD, Budapest, Hungary, November 2-4, 2020.

This paper presents an automatic semantic migration prototype based on Knowledge Discovery from Digital Archive Data for ontology population in the domain of Archives metadata, ISAD(G). Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are used for language processing and Semantic Web techniques for querying and updating the Ontology ArchOnto, a CIDOC-CRM (Conceptual Reference Model) extension. This work is done in the context of project EPISA (Entity and Property Inference for Semantic Archives) where the Portuguese National Archives, Torre do Tombo (ANTT) is one of the partners. The data model and description vocabularies we adopted are built upon the CIDOC-CRM standard, an ontology, developed for museums by the International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). A detailed example of a baptism document metadata migration is presented to highlight the challenges on the natural language interpretation and the ontology representation. Copyright


An empirical study on visual programming docker compose configurations

Piedade, B; Dias, JP; Correia, FF;

MODELS '20: ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Virtual Event, Canada, 18-23 October, 2020, Companion Proceedings

Infrastructure-as-Code tools, such as Docker and Docker Compose, play a crucial role in the development and orchestration of cloud-native and at-scale software. However, as IaC relies mostly on the development of text-only specifications, these are prone to misconfigurations and hard to debug. Several works suggest the use of models as a way to abstract their complexity, and some point to the use of visual metaphors. Yet, few empirical studies exist in this domain. We propose a visual programming notation and environment for specifying Docker Compose configurations and proceed to empirically validate its merits when compared with the standard text-only specification. The goal of this work is to produce evidence of the impact that visual approaches may have on the development of IaC. We observe that the use of our solution reduced the development time and error proneness, primarily for configurations definition activities. We also observed a preference for the approach in terms of ease of use, a positive sentiment of its usefulness and intention to use. © 2020 ACM.


A Review of Pattern Languages for Software Documentation

Santos, J; Correia, FF;

EuroPLoP '20: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020, Virtual Event, Germany, 1-4 July, 2020

Software documentation is an important part of the captured knowledge of a software project and documentation patterns have often been used as a systematic way to describe good practices on software documentation. Still, many software teams are challenged by what to document, how to keep the documentation consistent and how to make their consumers aware of the relevant documents. A literature review was done over 14 publications and identified 16 quality attributes and 114 patterns about software documentation. This knowledge was analysed and classified and led to the proposal of new categories and relationships between the existing patterns. These are depicted as a new pattern map that provides a new perspective of documentation patterns and can be used to guide teams in adopting software documentation practices. © 2020 Owner/Author.

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