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Publicações por HumanISE


Enabling Ada and OpenMP runtimes interoperability through template-based execution

Royuela, S; Pinho, LM; Quinones, E;


The growing trend to support parallel computation to enable the performance gains of the recent hardware architectures is increasingly present in more conservative domains, such as safety-critical systems. Applications such as autonomous driving require levels of performance only achievable by fully leveraging the potential parallelism in these architectures. To address this requirement, the Ada language, designed for safety and robustness, is considering to support parallel features in the next revision of the standard (Ada 202X). Recent works have motivated the use of OpenMP, a de facto standard in high-performance computing, to enable parallelism in Ada, showing the compatibility of the two models, and proposing static analysis to enhance reliability. This paper summarizes these previous efforts towards the integration of OpenMP into Ada to exploit its benefits in terms of portability, programmability and performance, while providing the safety benefits of Ada in terms of correctness. The paper extends those works proposing and evaluating an application transformation that enables the OpenMP and the Ada runtimes to operate (under certain restrictions) as they were integrated. The objective is to allow Ada programmers to (naturally) experiment and evaluate the benefits of parallelizing concurrent Ada tasks with OpenMP while ensuring the compliance with both specifications.


Non-functional requirements in the ELASTIC architecture

Nogueira, L; Barros, A; Zubia, C; Faura, D; Gracia Pérez, D; Miguel Pinho, L;

ACM SIGAda Ada Letters

The new generation of smart systems require processing a vast amount of information from distributed data sources, while fulfilling non-functional properties related to real-time, energy-efficiency, communication quality and security. The ELASTIC software architecture is being developed to tackle this challenge, considering the complete continuum from the edge to the cloud. This paper provides a brief analysis of the smart application considered in the project, and the requirements emanating from their non-functional properties. The paper then identifies some of the technical constrains imposed to the ELASTIC software architecture to allow guaranteeing the non-functional requirements of the systems.


Blood Inventory Management System: Reducing Wastage and Shortage

do Carmo B.B.T.; de Souza D.F.L.; Queiroz P.G.G.; de Souza A.A.; de Lira I.L.B.;

Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering

Blood banks face inventory management problems associated to demand uncertainty and high inventory levels. An efficient blood inventory management is related to the use of simple, transparent and easy-to-understand procedures by blood banks’ employees. However, the literature about good practices in blood bank inventory management is scarce, reinforcing new developments need on this subject to ensure a good availability of blood products and reducing wastage. This research presents a blood inventory management system implemented in software, DOAR, able to meet demand while minimizing blood bags wastage. DOAR is simple, user-friendly and able to optimize blood inventory and donations. The purpose of the software is to provide a link between the demand by blood components and collected blood bags.


Tightening Up Security In Low Power Deterministic Networks

Tiberti, W; Vieira, B; Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Tovar, E;

16th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems, WFCS 2020, Porto, Portugal, April 27-29, 2020

The unprecedented pervasiveness of IoT systems is pushing this technology into increasingly stringent domains. Such application scenarios become even more challenging due to the demand for encompassing the interplay between safety and security. The IEEE 802.15.4 DSME MAC behavior aims at addressing such systems by providing additional deterministic, synchronous multi-channel access support. However, despite the several improvements over the previous versions of the protocol, the standard lacks a complete solution to secure communications. In this front, we propose the integration of TAKS, an hybrid cryptography scheme, over a standard DSME network. In this paper, we describe the system architecture for integrating TAKS into DSME with minimum impact to the standard, and we venture into analysing the overhead of having such security solution over application delay and throughput. After a performance analysis, we learn that it is possible to achieve a minor impact of 1% to 14% on top of the expected network delay, depending on the platform used, while still guaranteeing strong security support over the DSME network. © 2020 IEEE.


WiCAR - Simulating Towards the Wireless Car

Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Filho, EV; Tovar, E;

Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2020 Workshops - DECSoS 2020, DepDevOps 2020, USDAI 2020, and WAISE 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, September 15, 2020, Proceedings

Advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) pose stringent requirements to a system’s control and communications, in terms of timeliness and reliability, hence, wireless communications have not been seriously considered a potential candidate for such deployments. However, recent developments in these technologies are supporting unprecedented levels of reliability and predictability. This can enable a new generation of ADAS systems with increased flexibility and the possibility of retrofitting older vehicles. However, to effectively test and validate these systems, there is a need for tools that can support the simulation of these complex communication infrastructures from the control and the networking perspective. This paper introduces a co-simulation framework that enables the simulation of an ADAS application scenario in these two fronts, analyzing the relationship between different vehicle dynamics and the delay required for the system to operate safely, exploring the performance limits of different wireless network configurations. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Design and Implementation of Secret Key Agreement for Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-physical Systems

Li, K; Ni, W; Emami, Y; Shen, Y; Severino, R; Pereira, D; Tovar, E;


In a platoon-based vehicular cyber-physical system (PVCPS), a lead vehicle that is responsible for managing the platoon's moving directions and velocity periodically disseminates control messages to the vehicles that follow. Securing wireless transmissions of the messages between the vehicles is critical for privacy and confidentiality of the platoon's driving pattern. However, due to the broadcast nature of radio channels, the transmissions are vulnerable to eavesdropping. In this article, we propose a cooperative secret key agreement (CoopKey) scheme for encrypting/decrypting the control messages, where the vehicles in PVCPS generate a unified secret key based on the quantized fading channel randomness. Channel quantization intervals are optimized by dynamic programming to minimize the mismatch of keys. A platooning testbed is built with autonomous robotic vehicles, where a TelosB wireless node is used for onboard data processing and multi-hop dissemination. Extensive real-world experiments demonstrate that CoopKey achieves significantly low secret bit mismatch rate in a variety of settings. Moreover, the standard NIST test suite is employed to verify randomness of the generated keys, where the p-values of our CoopKey pass all the randomness tests. We also evaluate CoopKey with an extended platoon size via simulations to investigate the effect of system scalability on performance.

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