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Publicações por HumanISE


Assessing the success behind the use of education management information systems in higher education

Martins, J; Branco, F; Goncalves, R; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Oliveira, T; Naranjo Zolotov, M; Cruz Jesus, F;


The continuous use of dynamic and disruptive ICT as energizing elements of the educational process is a reality of current days, where millennials are the centre of an education paradigm in which students are much more inclined to use technologies than enrolling in a traditional nondigital course. Considering education management information systems (EMIS) capacities to collect, analyse, process and publish information and data, it is easy to perceive their relevance to both education organizations and students. Nevertheless, and despite EMIS complexity and inherent possibilities, the existing literature does not provide for a detailed characterization on the impact these systems might have on students' success. Thus, this research focuses on understanding the use of EMIS by students and the arising of net benefits; it introduces an EMIS success model which posits that to ensure net benefits for students, education institutions must safeguard that their education management information systems are of high quality, while at the same time students are maintained satisfied with the system and engage in continuous use. To assess the posed model, an empirical study has been performed, involving students from higher education institutions. Findings from the study allow us to perceive that, as information systems (IS) success models state, EMIS use and students' satisfaction are predictors of net benefits. This same model also claims that the available information quality and EMIS inherent service quality are also strong determinants of both continuous EMIS use and student satisfaction.


Accessible software development: a conceptual model proposal

Silva, JSE; Goncalves, R; Branco, F; Pereira, A; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Martins, J;


Equal access to all software and digital content should be a reality in the Digital Era. This argument is something defended both by existing regulations, norms and standards, and also business organizations and governments. Despite this acknowledgement, the reality is still far from the desired equality. For certain groups of disabled or impaired citizens, such as the visually impaired, the existence of e-accessibility compliance represents an opportunity to integrate, in a more simple and straightforward manner, their societies. Despite the existing poor results on e-accessibility compliance, the mentioned citizens insist on using digital devices in their daily lives. Even though, in the last decade, multiple standards and regulations have been published towards indicating how to develop accessible digital user interfaces, there are still two major issues surrounding its implementation: the complexity and disparity of the documents containing the abovementioned norms, and also the lack of e-accessibility know-how by software experts. With this in mind, a proposal for an accessible software development model that encompasses e-accessibility incorporation as one of the development process activities has been presented. This model might represent a very interesting support tool for software development organizations and a novel resource for learning and training institutions to be able to improve their computer science and informatics students' skills on e-accessibility.


Blockchain in Collaborative Economy business models A comparative case study

Belezas, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Branco, F; Goncalves, R;


In the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of a new socioeconomic paradigm related to Internet-based virtual communities that promote practices of sharing the use or consumption of products and services: the collaborative economy. Despite growing research on the most diverse areas of the collaborative economy, research on the integration of blockchain systems into collaborative economy organizations is still rather limited. By the present investigation, purely explanatory and based on a comparative and interpretive case study, we intend to verify the susceptibility of the blockchain systems to foster the emergence of new business models. Due to the small number of organizations in the collaborative economy currently operating with blockchain-based business models, it will be important in future investigations to identify and study the influence of these systems on the business models of other organizations, in particular whether their adoption represents a source of competitive advantage.


Flow Monitoring System for IoT Networks

Santos, L; Rabadão, C; Gonçalves, R;

New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 2, World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2019, Galicia, Spain, 16-19 April

The big number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the lack of interoperability and the low accessibility of many of them in a vast heterogenous landscape will make it very hard to design specific monitor, manage and security measures and apply specific mechanism to IoT networks. Administration tasks like reporting, performance analysis, and anomaly detection also depend on monitoring for decision making. For that purpose, a solution used in IoT networks must be scalable and interoperable. In this work, we are concerned with the design of a real time monitoring system for IoT networks. To do this, after studying the various traditional network monitoring solutions, we concluded that there are still several developments to be made to this type of mechanism. The design proposed will consider the specific architecture of an IoT network, the scalability and heterogeneity of this type of environment, and the minimization of the use of resources. To do so, we considered the various network monitoring methods available and select a flow monitoring solution in an IoT network. After the presentation of a workflow for flow monitoring on IoT networks, the workflow was tested. By doing analysis of flows, rather than packets, we concluded that this type of solution could be more scalable and interoperable than traditional packet-based network monitoring, make it suitable in an IoT environment. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


CoAP flow signatures for the Internet of Things

Canuto, L; Santos, L; Vieira, L; Goncalves, R; Rabadao, C;


The development of technology brought an exponential evolution of IoT networks, and with a number of different devices connected to the Internet, meaning, more IP addresses, traffic and devices susceptible to attacks. These types of networks are characterized by their interoperability and low resources, making it a complex ecosystem and making it difficult to implement management and monitoring measures, leading to a lack of security. Considering the impact that IoT networks have on the market, their protection is essential and, is now one of the themes in constant evolution. With the focus on security, this work aims to characterize a CoAP and CoAPS signatures, through the analysis of a flow in a test scenario and recognize the types of messages of the signature and what is their impact on the network and later creating rules that could help an IDS, in order to save resources and time. When analyzing the flows, it was concluded that it is possible to identify some characteristics of a signature, such as identifying Confirmable and Non-Confirmable messages.


MQTT flow signatures for the Internet of Things

Leal, R; Santos, L; Vieira, L; Goncalves, R; Rabadao, C;


The number of IoT devices and the volume of network traffic has grown continuously during the past years. IoT devices are smart devices designed with simple functions in mind, like collecting the temperature or opening a door. However, IoT devices lack a good security layer due to lack of resources: small memory, processor and/or battery. Consequently, new potential attacks and security problems have arisen. In order to detect and mitigate these security problems Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) can be used, However, abnormal traffic must be distinguished from normal IoT patterns. In this article, a study was done on characterization of traffic signatures of two typical IoT application protocols - MQTT and MQTTS - with the objective of generating and collecting IP flows of said traffic. An IoT application scenario was simulated and using the traffic collected, an analysis of MQTT and MQTTS flows were elaborated to identify flow-based signatures that could be used to identify the network traffic of IoT application protocols.

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