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Publicações por HumanISE


A Study of the Critical Chain Project Management Method Applied to a Multiproject System

Cooper Ordonez, REC; Vanhoucke, M; Coelho, J; Anholon, R; Novaski, O;


In 1997, Eliyahu Goldratt proposed a method called critical chain project management (CCPM) to minimize the inefficiencies identified in traditional project management. The project management community accepted the proposed method as a viable alternative. However, to allow its implementation with a multiproject system, more research was necessary. Seeking to identify the key factors that influence the performance of the multiproject system applying the CCPM method, we performed a case study. Logistic regression analysis showed that applying the CCPM method in a multiproject system allows for better time estimation of activities and facilitates the allocation of critical resources.


Resource-constrained project scheduling with activity splitting and setup times

Vanhoucke, M; Coelho, J;


This paper presents a new solution algorithm to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with activity splitting and setup times. The option of splitting activities, known as activity preemption, has been studied in literature from various angles, and an overview of the main contributions will be given. The solution algorithm makes use of a meta-heuristic search for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) using network transformations to split activities in subparts. More precisely, the project network is split up such that all possible preemptive parts are incorporated into an extended network as so-called activity segments, and setup times are incorporated between the different activity segments. Due to the inherent complexity to solve the problem for such huge project networks, a solution approach is proposed that selects the appropriate activity segments and ignores the remaining segments using a boolean satisfiability problem solver, and afterwards schedules these projects to near-optimality with the renewable resource constraints. The algorithm has been tested using a large computational experiment with five types of setup times. Moreover, an extension to the problem with overlaps between preemptive parts of activities has been proposed and it is shown that our algorithm can easily cope with this extension without changing it. Computational experiments show that activity preemption sometimes leads to makespan reductions without requiring a lot of splits in the activities. Moreover, is shown that the degree of these makespan reductions depends on the network and resource indicators of the project instance.


Clash and dance Yourself

Canossa, H; Coelho, J; Paulino, F;

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

The main goal of the conference is to promote the interest in the current digital culture and its intersection with art and technology as an important research field, and also to create a common space for discussion and exchange of new experiences. It seeks to foster greater understanding about digital arts and culture across a wide spectrum of cultural, disciplinary, and professional practices. To this end, many scholars, teachers, researchers, artists, comput-er professionals, and others who are working within the broadly defined areas of digital arts, culture and education across the world, submitted their innovative work to the conference. © 2019 ACM.


The impact of the winery's wastewater treatment system on the winery water footprint

Saraiva, A; Rodrigues, G; Mamede, H; Silvestre, J; Dias, I; Feliciano, M; Silva, POE; Oliveira, M;


In the Mediterranean region, water scarcity has already prompted concern in the wine sector due to the strong impact it has on vineyard productivity and wine quality. Water footprint is an indicator that takes account of all the water involved in the creation of a product and may help producers to identify hotspots, and reduce water consumption and the corresponding production costs. In recent years several studies have been reported on wine water footprint determination, but mostly focused on the viticulture phase or assuming no grey water footprint at the winery since it has a treatment system. In the framework of the WineWaterFootprint project a medium-size winery was monitored, with direct measurements, regarding determination of the blue and grey components of water footprint. The determined winery water footprint ranged from 9.6 to 12.7 L of water per wine bottle of 0.75 L, the wastewater produced being responsible for about 98%, which means that the grey component cannot be disregarded. The developed scenarios show that a potential reduction of 87% in winery water footprint can be obtained with almost no investment. The challenge of reducing the grey footprint is not in technology development, but rather in the proper maintenance and monitoring of treatment systems.


Viable system architecture applied to maintenance 4.0

Câmara, RA; Mamede, HS; Dos Santos, VD;

Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2019 - Proceedings of the International Conferences on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2019 and Theory and Practice in Modern Computing 2019

Disruptive requirements that currently drive the so-called Industry 4.0 (I4.0) are increasingly present in today's industries, where factories are forced to innovate in search of improvement in the quality of manufacturing of products aligned with the reductions of: manufacturing time, environmental and cost impacts with the manufacturing process. For this, an Information Systems (IS) architecture is proposed to reduce the negative impacts on an industrial operation caused by manual configuration failures in manufacturing systems, machines that are worn out in the production process and unstable integrations between industrial subsystems. The suggested SI model uses the Viable Systems Model adapted to Maintenance 4.0 technologies (Cyber-physical Systems (CPS), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Data Mining and Digital Manufacturing concepts/technologies) with the goal to create an automatic purchase flow to replace parts by mitigating impending failures in industrial equipment through data mining and predictive analysis.


Predictive Industrial Maintenance with a Viable Systems Model and Maintenance 4.0 [Mantenimiento industrial predictivo con un modelo de sistemas viables y mantenimiento 4.0]

Camara, RA; Mamede, HS; Santos, VDD;

2019 8th International Conference on Software Process Improvement, CIMPS 2019 - Applications in Software Engineering

In face of the continuously growing process of the fourth industrial revolution, the industries are forced to innovate their industrial manufacturing process to remain competitive and active in the market, perfecting the manufacturing process through new interconnected and autonomous technologies. Since time reduction, quality enhancement and cost reduction for manufacturing of industrial products are the major catalysts of a successful company for the current Era called Maintenance 4.0, this paper proposes to illustrate an Information Systems Architecture where, using the Viable Systems Model, it is possible to perform automatic adjustments in the subsystems related to Cyber-Physical Systems and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) within the Digital Manufacturing model and, in addition, to mitigate machine failures through predictive analyzes of massive volumes of data using algorithms with intelligent functions and Data Mining (DM) in order to automatically stabilize the entire system chain quickly and efficiently. © 2019 IEEE.

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