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Publicações por HumanISE


The Role of Urban Living Labs in Entrepreneurship, Energy, and Governance of Smart Cities

Pego, A; Matos Bernardo, MdR;

Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Marketing for Global Reach in the Digital Economy - Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Urban living labs (ULL) are a new concept which involves users in innovation and development and are regarded as a way of meeting the innovation challenges faced by information and communication technology (ICT) service providers. The chapter focuses on the role of urban living labs in entrepreneurship, energy and governance of smart cities, where it is performed the relationship between innovations, governance, and renewable energy. The methodology proposed will focus on content analysis and on the exploration of some European examples of implemented ULL, namely Amsterdam, Helsinki, Stockholm and Copenhagen. The contributions of the present research should be the consolidation of knowledge about the impact of ULL on innovation and development of smart cities regarding the concepts of renewable energy, smart governance and entrepreneurship.


Smart Governance in european smart cities [Smart Governance em cidades inteligentes europeias]

Bernardo, MDRM;

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

Smart Governence as its roots in e-government, in the principles of good governance, and in the assumptions of citizens' participation and involvement in public decision-making and is considered one of the six main characteristics of smart cities. The present investigation was intended to answer the question: 'What smart governance practices are being implemented in European smart cities' through an extensive literature review and content analysis of the websites of six European smart cities: Amsterdam; Barcelona; Copenhagen; Lisbon; Manchester and Stockholm. The objective was to identify the presence of factors related with eparticipation; e-services; and the functioning of local public administration on the city's websites. It was concluded that all the smart cities analyzed presented some factors related with smart governance, but with different levels of development and application. © 2019 AISTI.


Mineração de dados auxiliando na descoberta das causas da evasão escolar: Um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura

Torres Marques, L; Félix De Castro, A; Torres Marques, B; Carvalho Pereira Silva, J; Gabriel Gadelha Queiroz, P;


Este trabalho apresenta um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre evasão escolar, em que se buscou identificar tecnologias de mineração de dados e fatores indutores para evasão escolar, que vem sendo exploradas para desvendar as possíveis causas da evasão escolar. As buscas foram realizadas em quatro bases de dados científicas, com o objetivo de responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: “Quais ferramentas, técnicas e fatores indutores vem sendo utilizados para desvendar possíveis causas da evasão escolar?”. Observou-se que a ferramenta Weka é a mais utilizada para auxiliar a desvendar as causas da evasão escolar. Entre as técnicas, destaca-se a utilização da classificação. Por fim, o mapeamento identificou que os principais trabalhos da área se concentram em estudar fatores relacionados às características individuais do aluno.


Conceptual Modeling for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Systematic Literature Review

de Sousa Santos O.; de Alencar Silva P.; Bukhsh F.; Queiroz P.;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Enterprises have been challenged to adopt practices of sustainability to benefit shareholders and society with goods standing much beyond monetary profit or required by law. In combination with environmental and economic concerns, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an option to leverage businesses with good reputation and to attract sustainability-aware market segments. In line with such a demand, this paper presents a systematic literature review of conceptual modeling studies referring explicitly to certifications, laws or norms of CSR. The more specific research goal of this work is to discover ontologies for representing CSR best practices, design patterns or policies. In total, 921 peer-reviewed papers were analyzed, from which only 17 were considered relevant for data extraction. The main result of this work is the identification of a research gap in explicit knowledge representation of CSR practices for Information Systems design, which ought to be filled to complement the (dominant) economic perspective on sustainability.


DynaMO - Dynamic Multisuperframe Tuning for Adaptive IEEE 802.15.4e DSME Networks

Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Koubaa, A; Tovar, E;

IEEE Access



COPADRIVe - A Realistic Simulation Framework for Cooperative Autonomous Driving Applications

Vieira, B; Severino, R; Vasconcelos, E; Koubaa, A; Tovar, E;


Safety-critical cooperative vehicle applications such as platooning, require extensive testing, however, the complexity and cost involved in this process, increasingly demands for realistic simulation tools to ease the validation of such technologies, helping to bridge the gap between development and real-word deployment. In this paper we propose a realistic co-simulation framework for cooperative vehicles, that integrates Gazebo, an advanced robotics simulator, with the OMNeT++ network simulator, over the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework, supporting the simulation of advanced cooperative applications such as platooning, in realistic scenarios.

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