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Publicações por HumanISE


DIGA OLA: An Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Mobile Application for People with Language and Speech Impairments

Rocha, T; Silva, P; Barreira, M; Barroso, J;


In this paper an augmentative and alternative communication mobile application for people with language and speech impairments, called Diga Ola, is presented. With this mobile application, we aimed to assist people with speech and language impairment in their communication process, by presenting an alternative mobile solution in Portuguese language. The main results achieved on a preliminary user assessment were: first-rate performance, higher satisfaction and total autonomy in their interaction with the solution presented.


Low-Cost Smart Surveillance System for Smart Cities

Pereira, R; Correia, D; Mendes, L; Rabadao, C; Barroso, J; Pereira, A;


The safety of people and spaces is of paramount importance for societies. With time, the implementation of safety measures is rapidly changing from a need to a priority. Video surveillance systems play a key role in the surveillance of crucial and critical areas as these systems help the authorities keep places safer. With the rapid growth of technology and the implementation of the smart city concept, it is becoming possible to develop and deploy wide area surveillance systems. The ease with which these systems can be installed in private and public spaces (e.g., homes, streets and parks) allow for the creation of ubiquitous monitored environments. Rapid intervention responses to any abnormal situation or the use of recorded video as evidence are some advantages of the use of this type of surveillance systems. Although ubiquitous video surveillance systems are relevant for present modern societies, their cost is still high. To solve or, at least to mitigate this problem, a low-cost smart surveillance system was developed, which is presented and described in this paper. The developed surveillance system, based on available low-cost technology, can help keep critical spaces under surveillance 24/7. The proposed solution was found to have a minimal cost, a low bandwidth, and to be scalable and adaptable to every client’s needs. Thus, the solution can be used by anybody (private and public) and applied in different contexts (e.g., residential, industrial). The system can provide still images, captured from surveillance video cameras, real time video and real time video processing, which can be used for motion detection. When this happens, the user is warned via an e-mail containing the identification of the respective surveillance camera. Only the relevant video events are sent, recorded and maintained in the cloud platform system, consequently reducing the amount of storage space required to maintain all the historical video events. The results of the tests carried out show that it is possible to stream a video from the surveillance cameras with an insignificant delay and that motion detection can be attained through real time video processing. The system presented potentiates a low-cost solution for a smart city in the surveillance field. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.


A Proposal for a Remote Interactive Class System with Sign Language Interpretation

Martins, M; Borges, J; Justino, E; Rocha, T; Barroso, J; Reis, A;


Portugal, as part of the European Union, has general legislation regarding accessibility and inclusion for general purposes, particularly for education. There are several international and national initiatives, including some projects. However, disabled and non-disabled people still do not share equal opportunities. In this project a proposal for a remote class system is presented, which includes sign language interpretation, targeted at those students who cannot be physically present in the classroom and/or need sign language interpretation. The system is based on audio and video communication between the classroom, the student and an interpreter, so that the student can access and understand the content of the class in real-time, as well as be able to interact with the professor and classmates. A prototype is being developed in conjunction with the Portugal Telecom Foundation, which should be a step forward to a new full-featured service targeted at educational institutions and disabled students. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.


Security Monitoring in a Low Cost Smart Home for the Elderly

Ferreira, G; Penicheiro, P; Bernardo, R; Neves, A; Mendes, L; Barroso, J; Pereira, A;


The general increase in life expectancy and the consequent ageing of the general population impose major challenges to modern societies. Most elderly people experience the typical problems related to old age, such as chronic health problems, as well as sensory and cognitive impairments. In addition, in today’s modern societies, where families have less and less time to look after their older relatives, the isolation of the elderly is a real concern and a highly recurrent problem, which is enhanced when they live alone. To solve, or at least minimize, these problems, a smart home monitoring system was developed, as presented and described in this paper. This solution is implemented based on a sensory network which detects anomalous behaviors, immediately triggering a warning to the caregiver or family. A strong concern when developing a project of this kind is the physical security of the elderly. Houses tend to have hazardous objects and characteristics that may inflict serious injuries to their occupants or, in extrema, even death. As time goes by, the elderly start losing muscle mass and osteoporosis may appear, as well as vision and hearing impairments, which increase the likelihood of falling. Several other serious accidents may also occur, such as gas leaks, floods and fire outbreaks. Therefore, this population would strongly benefit from a solution which helps predict and even prevent accidents before they happen. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.


Supporting Palliative Care Services - An IS System to Monitor the Patients and Manage the Mobile Support Team

Reis, A; da Guia, EB; Rodrigues, V; Barroso, J;

Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 19-21, 2018.

The health centers group (ACES) “Douro Sul II” is creating a Community Support Team for Palliative Care (ECSCP) in order to provide palliative care services for the ACES’s population of 73,713 registered users. The team comes as a follow-up from a strategic plan, recently issued by the health ministry, in order to serve the patients in their own homes, providing the necessary support to them, to their families, and their caregivers. This approach has several benefits for the patients and their families, as well as for the healthcare system itself. To further promote the effectiveness of the ECSCP team, it was planned to develop an information system (IS), comprising several application modules, with the main objective to monitor the patients in their homes and deliver information to support the planning and execution of the ECSCP team activities. The system is based on an electronic services platform and several mobile and web applications, to be used by the patients, team’s staff and coordination. This way, we expect to overcome the geographic issues of the ACES territory, as well as the team’s human resources constraints, while remotely monitoring the patients and providing the necessary support, if and when needed, contributing to maintaining the conditions for the patients to live with dignity and quality in the comfort of their own homes. Copyright


Integration of Technologies in Higher Education: Teachers’ Needs and Expectations at UTAD

Maia, A; Borges, J; Reis, A; Martins, P; Barroso, J;

Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education


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