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Publicações por HumanISE


L'Oréal and its innovative differentiated positioning process in the beauty industry

Santos, R; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Branco, F;

Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE

In an increasingly globalized world, companies face the challenge of expanding into foreign markets. In the internationalization process there are cultural, governmental, geographic and economic issues that can affect the success of the company in its implementation process overseas. Marketing strategies and the standardization or adaptation levels of each element of the marketing mix can be seen as critical success factors that directly affect business success in the new market. Companies must decide between adapting their marketing strategy to local markets or rather standardizing them globally. Some companies use as a competitive advantage the adaptation of their strategy (partially or totally) through knowledge of the culture of the country to which they are internationalized. Adaptation has been the key to success for a number of brands, and L'Oréal is one of them. This study intends to focus on the internationalization strategy and knowledge of the culture of the countries to which they are internationalized, applied to cultural differences. It also aims to highlight the importance of product innovation in consumer markets at present, and to analyse beauty satisfaction and tendencies amongst millennials.


Innovation Management in Portuguese and Russian Agricultural Companies

Kopeykin, M; Cardim, S; Aleshchenko, V; Branco, F;

Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management - Knowledge, Innovation and Sustainable Development in Organizations



Implementation of balanced ScoreCard: Simplify strategic thinking development in Portuguese SMEs

Cardim, S; Nunes, A; Fernandes, PO; Branco, F;

Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE

The Portuguese business structure is essentially composed of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which, despite their size, generate employment and contribute to the increase of national income. In many of these companies, some of them having less than ten employees, management and operational functions are often carried out by the entrepreneur. In addition, the entrepreneur does not always have technical knowledge in management, nor do they have the available time (since they have various responsibilities within the company) to develop and implement a management strategy that allows the enterprise to remain in the market while adopting a more conscious, consistent and sustained orientation. Within the scope of the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization - Portugal 2020, the Balanced ScoreCard (BSC) strategic management instrument was developed and implemented in several companies and sectors of the Portuguese economy. This instrument was crucial in initiating a process of strategic thinking which, quite possibly, would not have happened in such a short time horizon. This research work analyses through an essentially qualitative research the way the BSC instrument was developed and implemented. Another objective is to understand the main advantages of its use and its main application constraints. The data was gathered through a semi-structured interview developed for the owners of four Portuguese SMEs in the northern region Portugal, targeted under the abovementioned programme framework. The results demonstrate the instrument was essential for the development of a structured strategic thinking, as well as for a better performance and, consequently, to the improvement of the competitiveness of the targeted companies. The results also show the instrument had to be adapted and simplified and its implementation has to involve all the employees of the enterprises.


Satisfaction with e-participation: A model from the Citizen’s perspective, expectations, and affective ties to the place

Zolotov, MN; Oliveira, T; Cruz Jesus, F; Martins, J;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

The diffusion and adoption of e-participation contributes to better democracy and more participative societies. Nevertheless, despite the potential benefits of e-participation, the level of citizen satisfaction regarding the use of e-participation and its effects on the continued intention to use have not been widely assessed yet in the literature. This article proposes a conceptual model that integrates the DeLone & McLean success model, that assesses the citizen satisfaction regarding the perception of the e-participation system quality; the expectation-confirmation model for the continued intention to use, which evaluates satisfaction based on the confirmation of ex-post experience on e-participation use and the perceived usefulness; and the dimensions of sense of place, which play a moderator role between the citizen satisfaction and the e-participation use. © 2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.


SClinico: Usability Study

Pavão, J; Bastardo, R; Covêlo, M; Pereira, LT; Oliveira, P; Pedrosa, C; Silva, AG; Costa, V; Martins, AI; Queirós, A; da Rocha, NP;

Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 19-21, 2018.

The use of electronic health records (EHR) to support clinical practices is widespread worldwide, due to the need to optimize health care delivery. Therefore, the usability assessment of EHR systems is crucial. The objective of this study was to perform a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the usability of SClinico, the most used EHR system within the Portuguese National Health Service. This observational study to assess SClinico usability took place in several clinical services of the Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. The results show that SClinico has some usability issues that influence the clinical practice and, therefore, need to be improved. Copyright


The Design for All Paradigm in the Development of Applications to Support Older Adults: A Review

Bastardo, R; Pavao, J; Martins, AI; Queiros, A; Rocha, NP;


Objectives - This study reported in this article aimed to identify: i) the concerns of the actual research related to the application of the Design for All paradigm in the development of information technology applications to support older adults? ii) the types of applications based on information technology that are being developed according to the Design for All paradigm to support older adults; and iii) the maturity level of these applications. Methods - A systematic review was performed based on a search of the literature. Results - A total of 31 proof-of-concepts prototypes were identified targeting the following application areas: special purpose machines, virtual assistants, social networking, messaging services, intelligent environments, information services and healthcare. Conclusion - Although the studies included in this systematic review present positive impact of the application of the Design of All paradigm, there is a lack of robust trials with strong experimental evidence.

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