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Publicações por HumanISE


Complex Optimization and Simulation in Power Systems

Soares, J; Lezama, F; Pinto, T; Morais, H;




Clustering-based negotiation profiles definition for local energy transactions

Pinto A.; Pinto T.; Praca I.; Vale Z.; Faria P.;

2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, SmartGridComm 2018

Electricity markets are complex and dynamic environments, mostly due to the large scale integration of renewable energy sources in the system. Negotiation in these markets is a significant challenge, especially when considering negotiations at the local level (e.g., between buildings and distributed energy resources). It is essential for a negotiator to be able to identify the negotiation profile of the players with whom he is negotiating. If a negotiator knows these profiles, it is possible to adapt the negotiation strategy and get better results in a negotiation. In order to identify and define such negotiation profiles, a clustering process is proposed in this paper. The clustering process is performed using the kml-k-means algorithm, in which several negotiation approaches are evaluated in order to identify and define players' negotiation profiles. A case study is presented, using as input data, information from proposals made during a set of negotiations. Results show that the proposed approach is able to identify players' negotiation profiles used in bilateral negotiations in electricity markets.


Case-based reasoning using expert systems to determine electricity reduction in residential buildings

Faia R.; Pinto T.; Vale Z.; Corchado J.;

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

Case-based reasoning enables solving new problems using past experience, by reusing solutions for past problems. The simplicity of this technique has made it very popular in several domains. However, the use of this type of approach to support decisions in the power and energy domain is still rather unexplored, especially regarding the flexibility of consumption in buildings in response to recent environmental concerns and consequent governmental policies that envisage the increase of energy efficiency. In order to determine the amount of consumption reduction that should be applied in a building, this article proposes a methodology that adapts the past results of similar cases in order to achieve a decision for the new case. A clustering methodology is used to identify the most similar previous cases, and an expert system is developed to refine the final solution after the combination of the similar cases results. The proposed CBR methodology is evaluated using a set of real data from a residential building. Results prove the advantages of the proposed methodology, demonstrating its applicability to enhance house energy management systems by determining the amount of reduction that should be applied in each moment, thus allowing such systems to carry out the reduction through the different loads of the building.


Automated combination of bilateral energy contracts negotiation tactics

Pinto A.; Pinto T.; Silva F.; Praca I.; Vale Z.; Corchado J.;

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

This paper addresses the theme automated bilateral negotiation of energy contracts. In this work, the automatic combination between different negotiation tactics is proposed. This combination is done dynamically throughout the negotiation process, as result from the online assessment that is performed after each proposal and counter-proposal. The proposed method is integrated in a decision support system for bilateral negotiations, called Decision Support for Energy Contracts Negotiations (DECON), which in turn is integrated with the Multi-Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets (MASCEM). This integration enables testing and validating the proposed methodology in a realistic market negotiation environment. A case study is presented, demonstrating the advantages of the proposed approach.


Energy flexibility management in power distribution systems: Decentralized approach

Gazafroudi A.S.; Prieto-Castrillo F.; Pinto T.; Corchado J.M.;

2018 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, SEST 2018 - Proceedings

Increasing penetration of distributed energy resources in power distribution systems and appearing the flexible behavior of end-users based on demand response programs make the distribution layer of the power systems more active. In this way, energy transaction management through a decentralized manner could be an appropriate solution to improve the efficiency of energy trading in the distribution power networks. This paper proposes a decentralized method to manage energy flexibility by consumers based on a bottom-up approach in distributed power systems. Also, a 33-bus distribution network is considered to assess the performance of our proposed decentralized energy flexibility management model based on impacts of flexible behaviors of end-user and uncertainty of distribution lines to flow energy in the power network.


TOOCC: Enabling heterogeneous systems interoperability in the study of energy systems

Teixeira B.; Silva F.; Pinto T.; Santos G.; Praca I.; Vale Z.;

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

The environmental impact and the scarcity of limited fossil fuels led to the need of investment in energy based on renewable sources. This has driven Europe to implement several policies that changed the energy market's paradigm, namely the incentive to microgeneration. The penetration of energy sources from intermittent nature has increased the unpredictability of the system, which makes simulation and analysis tools essential in order to provide decision support to entities in this sector. This paper presents the Tools Control Center (TOOCC) as a solution to increase the interoperability between heterogeneous agent-based systems, in the energy field. The proposed approach acts as a facilitator in the interaction between different systems through the usage of ontologies, allowing them to communicate in the same language. To understand the real applicability of this tool, a case study is presented concerning the interaction between several systems, with the purpose of enabling the energy resource scheduling of a microgrid, and the reaction of a house managed by a house management system.

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