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Publicações por HumanISE


Reap-SoS: A Requirement Engineering Approach for System of Systems

Duarte, FL; Félix de Castro, A; Gadelha Queiroz, PG;

Computer Science & Information Technology



A study of the publications of educational robotics: A systematic review of literature

Bezerra J.; De Lima R.; Queiroz P.;

IEEE Latin America Transactions

Educational Robotics has been presented as a great pedagogical tool because it demonstrates an attractive way of working the theoretical knowledge put into practice. Thus, several educational technologies have emerged with different approaches, with the purpose of applying robotics in the educational area in a more attractive and playful way. This article presents the conduction of a Systematic Review of Literature (SRL), whose objective is to identify the teaching approaches used with educational robotics. With this, we present experiences reports, and at the same time show the skills and competencies that are explored through robotics and education. This review uses scientific papers published in the period from 2011 to 2016.


Cooperative Key Generation For Data Dissemination in Cyber-Physical Systems

Li, K; Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Tovar, E;


Securing wireless communication is significant for privacy and confidentiality of sensing data in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). However, due to broadcast nature of radio channels, disseminating sensory data is vulnerable to eavesdropping and message modification. Generating secret keys by extracting the shared randomness in a wireless fading channel is a promising way to improve the communication security. In this poster, we present a novel secret key generation protocol for securing real-time data dissemination in CPS, where the sensor nodes cooperatively generate a shared key by estimating the quantized fading channel randomness. A 2-hop wireless sensor network testbed is built and preliminary experimental results show that the quantization intervals and distance between the nodes lead to a secret bit mismatch.


Wireless Communication Technologies for Safe Cooperative Cyber Physical Systems

Balador, A; Kouba, A; Cassioli, D; Foukalas, F; Severino, R; Stepanova, D; Agosta, G; Xie, J; Pomante, L; Mongelli, M; Pierini, P; Petersen, S; Sukuvaara, T;


Cooperative Cyber-Physical Systems (Co-CPSs) can be enabled using wireless communication technologies, which in principle should address reliability and safety challenges. Safety for Co-CPS enabled by wireless communication technologies is a crucial aspect and requires new dedicated design approaches. In this paper, we provide an overview of five Co-CPS use cases, as introduced in our SafeCOP EU project, and analyze their safety design requirements. Next, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the main existing wireless communication technologies giving details about the protocols developed within particular standardization bodies. We also investigate to what extent they address the non-functional requirements in terms of safety, security and real time, in the different application domains of each use case. Finally, we discuss general recommendations about the use of different wireless communication technologies showing their potentials in the selected real-world use cases. The discussion is provided under consideration in the 5G standardization process within 3GPP, whose current efforts are inline to current gaps in wireless communications protocols for Co-CPSs including many future use cases.


Poster Abstract: An Efficient Approach to Multisuperframe Tuning for DSME Networks

Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Koubaa, A; Tovar, E;

Proceedings - 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2018

Deterministic Synchronous Multichannel Extension (DSME) is a prominent MAC behavior first introduced in IEEE 802.15.4e that supports deterministic guarantees using its multisuperframe structure. DSME also facilitates techniques like multi-channel and CAP reduction that help to increase the number of available guaranteed timeslots in a network. However, no tuning of these functionalities in dynamic scenarios is supported in the standard. In this paper, we present an effective multisuperframe tuning technique that also helps to utilize CAP reduction in an effective manner improving flexibility and scalability, while guaranteeing bounded delay. © 2018 IEEE.


IEEE 802.15.4e in a Nutshell: Survey and Performance Evaluation

Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Koubaa, A; Tovar, E;


The advancements in information and communication technology in the past decades have been converging into a new communication paradigm in which everything is expected to be interconnected. The Internet of Things, more than a buzzword, is becoming a reality, and is finding its way into the industrial domain, enabling what is now dubbed as the Industry 4.0. Among several standards that help in enabling Industry 4.0, the IEEE 802.15.4e standard addresses requirements such as increased robustness and reliability. Although the standard seems promising, the technology is still immature and rather unproven. Also, there has been no thorough survey of the standard with emphasis on the understanding of the performance improvement in regards to the legacy protocol IEEE 802.15.4. In this survey, we aim at filling this gap by carrying out a performance analysis and thorough discussions of the main features and enhancements of IEEE 802.15.4e. We also provide a literature survey concerning the already proposed add-ons and available tools. We believe this work will help to identify the merits of IEEE 802.15.4e and to contribute towards a faster adoption of this technology as a supporting communication infrastructure for future industrial scenarios.

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