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Publicações por HumanISE


FEUP at TREC 2017 OpenSearch Track Graph-Based Models for Entity-Oriented

Devezas, JL; Lopes, CT; Nunes, S;

Proceedings of The Twenty-Sixth Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2017, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 15-17, 2017



Generation of Customized Accelerators for Loop Pipelining of Binary Instruction Traces

Paulino, NMC; Ferreira, JC; Cardoso, JMP;


Many embedded applications process large amounts of data using regular computational kernels, amenable to acceleration by specialized hardware coprocessors. To reduce the significant design effort, the dedicated hardware may be automatically generated, usually starting from the application's source or binary code. This paper presents a moduloscheduled loop accelerator capable of executing multiple loops and a supporting toolchain. A generation/scheduling procedure, which fully relies on MicroBlaze instruction traces, produces accelerator instances, customized in terms of functional units and interconnections. The accelerators support integer and single-precision floating-point arithmetic, and exploit instruction-level parallelism, loop pipelining, and memory access parallelism via two read/write ports. A complete implementation of the proposed architecture is evaluated in a Virtex-7 device. Augmenting a MicroBlaze processor with a tailored accelerator achieves a geometric mean speedup, over software-only execution, of 6.61x for 13 floating-point kernels from the Livermore Loops set, and of 4.08x for 11 integer kernels from Texas Instruments' IMGLIB. The proposed customized accelerators are compared with ALU-based ones. The average specialized accelerator requires only 0.47x the number of field-programmable gate array slices of an accelerator with four ALUs. A geometric mean speedup of 1.78x over a four-issue very long instruction word (without floating-point support) was obtained for the integer kernels.


A MATLAB subset to C compiler targeting embedded systems

Bispo, J; Cardoso, JMP;


This paper describes MATISSE, a compiler able to translate a MATLAB subset to C targeting embedded systems. MATISSE uses LARA, an aspect-oriented programming language, to specify additional information and transformations to the input MATLAB code, for example, insertion of code for initialization of variables, and specification of types and shapes of variables. The compiler is being developed bearing in mind flexibility, multitarget and multitoolchain support, allowing for the generation of several implementations in C from the same reference code in MATLAB. In this paper, we also present a number of techniques being employed in MATLAB to C compilation, such as element-wise mapping operations, matrix views, weak types, and intrinsics. We validate these techniques using MATISSE and a set of representative benchmarks. More specifically, we evaluate the compiler with a set of 31 benchmarks using an embedded system board and a desktop computer. The results show speedups up to 1.8x by employing information provided by LARA aspects, when compared with C code generated without additional user information. When compared with the execution time of the original code running on MATLAB, the execution time of the generated C code achieved a geometric mean speedup of 13x. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Expressing and Applying C plus plus Code Transformations for the HDF5 API Through a DSL

Golasowski, M; Bispo, J; Martinovic, J; Slaninova, K; Cardoso, JMP;


Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) is a popular binary storage solution in high performance computing (HPC) and other scientific fields. It has bindings for many popular programming languages, including C++, which is widely used in the HPC field. Its C++ API requires mapping of the native C++ data types to types native to the HDF5 API. This task can be error prone, especially when working with complex data structures, which are usually stored using HDF5 compound data types. Due to the lack of a comprehensive reflection mechanism in C++, the mapping code for data manipulation has to be hand-written for each compound type separately. This approach is vulnerable to bugs and mistakes, which can be eliminated by using an automated code generation phase. In this paper we present an approach implemented in the LARA language and supported by the tool Clava, which allows us to automate the generation of the HDF5 data access code for complex data structures in C++.


Toward a Token-Based Approach to Concern Detection in MATLAB Sources

Monteiro, MP; Marques, NC; Silva, B; Palma, B; Cardoso, J;


Matrix and data manipulation programming languages are an essential tool for data analysts. However, these languages are often unstructured and lack modularity mechanisms. This paper presents a business intelligence approach for studying the manifestations of lack of modularity support in that kind of languages. The study is focused on MATLAB as a well established representative of those languages. We present a technique for the automatic detection and quantification of concerns in MATLAB, as well as their exploration in a code base. Ubiquitous Self Organizing Map (UbiSOM) is used based on direct usage of indicators representing different sets of tokens in the code. UbiSOM is quite effective to detect patterns of co-occurrence between multiple concerns. To illustrate, a repository comprising over 35, 000 MATLAB files is analyzed using the technique and relevant conclusions are drawn.


Compiler Techniques for Efficient MATLAB to OpenCL Code Generation

Reis, L; Bispo, J; Cardoso, JMP;

Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on OpenCL, IWOCL 2017, Toronto, Canada, May 16-18, 2017

MATLAB is a high-level language used in various scientific and engineering fields. Deployment of well-Tested MATLAB code to production would be highly desirable, but in practice a number of obstacles prevent this, notably performance and portability. Although MATLAB-To-C compilers exist, the performance of the generated C code may not be sufficient and thus it is important to research alternatives, such as CPU parallelism, GPGPU computing and FPGAS. OpenCL is an API and programming language that allows targeting these devices, hence the motivation for MATLAB-To-OpenCL compilation. In this paper, we describe our recent efforts on offloading code to OpenCL devices in the context of our MATLAB to C/OpenCL compiler. © 2017 ACM.

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